It should be. I had the same problem a little over a month ago and that
fixed it for me. Been running fine since.
On Mon, 2020-07-06 at 00:39 +1000, Andrew McGlashan via Dng wrote:
> Hi,
> Okay, not fully fixed after reboot... apparmor gave problems as
> previously discussed on the list.
Okay, not fully fixed after reboot... apparmor gave problems as previously
discussed on the list.
Also needed to adjust:
Added a line:
/var/lib/named/** rw,
Then restarted apparmor service:
service apparmor reload
And then bind would sta
I just upgraded fron Devuan ascii to beowulf with the server running bind9 in a
chroot environment and bind would not start.
_This was the relevant error in /var/log/daemon.log_
Jul 5 23:36:43 bind9-server-name named[6476]: *could not configure root
hints from '/usr/share/dns/root.hi