
I just upgraded fron Devuan ascii to beowulf with the server running bind9 in a 
chroot environment and bind would not start.

_This was the relevant error in /var/log/daemon.log_

    Jul  5 23:36:43 bind9-server-name named[6476]: *could not configure root 
hints from '/usr/share/dns/root.hints': file not found*
    Jul  5 23:36:43 bind9-server-name named[6476]: *loading configuration: file 
not found*
    Jul  5 23:36:43 bind9-server-name named[6476]: *exiting (due to fatal 

_Fixed as follows:_

    # mkdir -p /var/lib/named/usr/share/dns
    # cp -pv /usr/share/dns/* /var/lib/named/usr/share/dns/

_NB: No upgrade changes were made to any config file including the 
/etc/default/bind9 file below._

# cat /etc/default/bind9

    # Set RESOLVCONF=no to not run resolvconf

    # startup options for the server
    #OPTIONS="-u bind"

    # Added -t ... for running of bind9 in a chroot environment
    #OPTIONS="-u bind -t /var/lib/named"
    # Added -4 to foce IPV4 lookups only
    OPTIONS="-u bind -4 -t /var/lib/named"

    ### NB: This symbolic link is needed for the chroot environment too
    #    (without needing to change /etc/init.d/bind9 file)
    # cd /run/named
    # ln -s /var/lib/named/run/named/named.pid .

Kind Regards

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