Passing parameters to SOAP Zeep client

2017-11-28 Thread giuseppe ricci
I'm using Zeep library to query a SOAP webservice wrote in Java. My piece of the wsdl file is: 11223344 prova CCIAA_MI 2 1 3 2 1 T

Re: Passing parameters to SOAP Zeep client

2017-11-28 Thread giuseppe ricci
ilizzazione':'TA'}}) print('variabile: ', var) print(type(var)) call=client.service.creaCarrello(var) in this manner I have a list variable: var. But I receive the error: Missing element utenteApplicativo (creaCarrello.GestioneCarrelliRequest) It is not the correct m

Link to download a file

2017-08-31 Thread giuseppe ricci
Hi guys, I need some help to insert a link to download a file. In a view I read data from a csv file and I show them in a table in a template. Under the table I need to insert, when there are data, a link similar as Download data and when user click it, he download the datafile, previously I wr

Re: Link to download a file

2017-09-06 Thread giuseppe ricci
ml', file_path+'dati.csv') and the download.html is a simple page with a write Download file ok.. But in this manner I receive the error TemplateDoesNotExist at /download/ static/tmp/dati.csv Can you help me? Thanks. Il giorno giovedì 31 agosto 2017 17:58:27 UTC+2, giuseppe ricci h

Re: Link to download a file

2017-09-07 Thread giuseppe ricci
resp = HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/x-download') resp['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=dati.csv' return resp it works! Il giorno giovedì 31 agosto 2017 17:58:27 UTC+2, giuseppe ricci ha scritto: > > Hi guys, I need some help to insert a

Jquery datepicker in a django form

2017-09-11 Thread giuseppe ricci
Hi guys, I need to insert 2 datapicker in a django form. I have not a file. My related to the datepicker: class DatePicker(forms.DateInput): template_name = 'dkey.html' class Media: js = ( 'js/jquery.min.js', 'js/jquery-ui.min.js', ) css = { 'all': ( 'css/jquery-ui.css', ) } cl