I'm using Zeep library to query a SOAP webservice wrote in Java.
My piece of the wsdl file is:


and I create a SOAP client in this manner:

def soapclient(request):

     session = Session()
     session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'password', 
     client = Client('my_url_of_wsdl_file.wsdl')

     itemCarrelloDtoList=('prova', 'Datatest', 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 'TA')
     carrelloDto=(idCarrelloSorgente, itemCarrelloDtoList)
     var=(utenteApplicativo, carrelloDto)
     var=(utenteApplicativo, carrelloDto) 

     print('variabile del client: ', var)


but I receive the error: 

ValidationError at /soapclient/
Missing element utenteApplicativo (creaCarrello.GestioneCarrelliRequest)
The problem it seems the manner of passing the parameters. With this other 

call=client.service.creaCarrello(XXXX', {11223344, {'causale':'prova', 
'codiceEnte':'CCIAA_MI', \
'importo':2, 'importoImposta':1, 'importoTotale':3, 'importoUnitario':2, 
'quantitaItem':1, 'tipoContabilizzazione':'TA'}, },)

I receive the error: unhashable type: 'dict'.

Can you help me to understand what is the correct manner to pass these 
parameters to the zeep client? There are a set of parameters inside another 
set..Is it supported by zeep?

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