most probably, yes.
are all django's apps/modules
and that is probably what was running
surprisingly I don't see in core, db etc.
those tests must live elsewhere.
there are tests for some of the contrib apps
also don't name a templatetag the same name as
perhaps when you create-save the models (Providers, Customers etc.) it adds
that User to the appropriate group.
but I'm not sure I would use groups. That would make the most sense if
there were people with overlapping roles. somebody who is Agent + Provider
you could use the permissions system.
the easiest way is to pass in the context to the template tag :
def edit_link_tag(context,obj,name=None):
"""returns a link to edit the model if you have permission to do so
user = context['user']
and so on
look at RequestFactory:
which would mean not calling post, but calling the view directly
I've written a custom Unit test class just for views that's proving quite
useful, but it doesn't yet do this reque
at the very bottom of :
from local_settings import *
this overwrites just the imported keys/values
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:55 PM, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I know a form of this question has been asked before on this group but
> I can't for
its gets the domain value from the Site object. I'm guessing that you have
that domain set to "localhost"
the view that actually does the relocation is at
django.contrib.contenttypes.views shortcut
site = Site.objects.all()[0]
site.domain = ""
yes, it should work fine.
use the admin of the forms just as for any single table model
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 7:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to use mutli-table inheritance
> with model forms or some other way of creatin
django stack and all of your apps avail to you)
or import the settings and the most minimal amount of django that you'll
or if you are really lazy, just write a view that processes the mails and
set a cron to fetch the page every once in a while ( just wget or curl it )
python libraries are in general much much better than php libraries.
besides django itself, there's a wealth of usable and well maintained
I've been working with gdata, and its very nice:
_youtubeGDataHost = ''
_youtubeFeedBase = '/feeds/api/'
import gdata
see also this:
for a tumblelog I have been actually fetching queries for each item type,
concatenating them as lists, then sorting by date.
that's much simpler since its usually mostly display.
I mostly use model inheritance in situations where I need
this is not a django issue, but a browser issue.
you can solve it only with javascript.
either clear the browser history (so that there is no back)
or put something on the page(s) that checks for the auth cookie either
whenever the page is loaded/fronted or checks it periodically.
if the auth co
this is not the issue previously posted by somebody else.
I think I found a bug with Manager get_or_create and foreign key
fields when specifying with foreigntable__id
class ObjectPermission(models.Model):
permission = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=20)
user = models.ForeignK
its called Python Django Templates but actually its an HTML mode
look under the HTML alphabetically
and thanks to whoever made this ! very useful.
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 11:11 PM, Adam Nelson wrote:
> Does anybody have this working in TextMate?
> "Python Django Templates.tmbundle"
you can put it directly in your http-vhosts.conf file
DocumentRoot /home/crucial/crucial-stack/crucialwww
... etc...
Alias /favicon.ico "/home/crucial/crucial-stack/crucialwww/favicon.ico"
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/crucial/crucial-stac
oh for that you will need to use Fusebox
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 7:41 PM, wrote:
> Hi, I wanna know wich of the well known frameworks is the best choice
> for myspace-clone community website.
> CakePHP ? Zend Framework? Symfony?
> Django :)?
> RubyOnRails?
> or maybe
just a thought:
you might consider allowing multiple front page objects and having a way to
select the current one.
this could come in handy to switch what is currently the front page (or to
audition the new front page).
otherwise : create one using initial_data so that your application
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 2:29 PM, James PIC wrote:
> On 12/17/08, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> >
> > A better solution would be to come up with a name munging scheme that
> > guaranteed to give unique permission names that will always fit into
> > the available space. 50 characters is pl
here's the exact ticket you are looking for:
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 2:19 PM, felix wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 2:29 PM, James PIC wrote:
>> On 12/17/08, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
>> >
I don't have the answer to the cache question, but ...
you can of course use SomeModel.objects.values('value')
or get the db to sum(value) it (most efficient)
On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 6:42 PM, garyrob wrote:
> I
I'm running 3 sites on a shared db right now.
I would say your option 2
I keep most of the functionality in the apps (shared),
each of those apps have views, so the views are certainly shared / not
in my case each site is quite distinct and has specific models and views on
top of the
this was for me also a slight trick to learn. I got more from blog posts
than the docs
(and I love the django docs)
the trick is that your PYTHONPATH (and don't forget the python path of your
deployment server)
should point to the dir above your project dir and the dir above your apps
I ha
On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 7:45 PM, mguthrie wrote:
> Revision Control: How do you layout your development repository? I'm
> using Subversion for my setup but would be interested in hearing what
> else others are using (Mercurial, Bazaar, Git, etc)
I have django and third party apps checked ou
page of these positions you can fetch them directlly
AuthorNewspaper.objects.all() an.newspaper
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Asif wrote:
> I've created a few models that have m2m relationships with
> intermediar
This should be dirt simple, but isn't working:
main :
(r'^comments/(.*)', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')), :
urlpatterns = patterns('django.contrib.comments.views',
url(r'^post/$', 'comments.post_comment',
class Contact(models.Model):
content_type =
def save(self):
if(not self.content_type):
self.content_type =
def as_leaf_class(self):
this also means that the contrib comments app cannot work at all,
because any of its methods that use reverse fail.
On Sep 7, 3:18 pm, felix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This should be dirt simple, but isn't working:
On Sep 8, 7:23 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, 2008-09-07 at 06:18 -0700, felix wrote:
> > This should be dirt simple, but isn't working:
> > main :
> > (r'^comments/(.*)', include('django.contrib.comme
now this will hit the database for each item in the select, to go
fetch the language object to get the language name.
so for extra credit, where do we add a select_related() for the
widget ?
On Sep 12, 7:43 pm, TiNo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably more like:
> def __unicode__(self):
I wrote up this big problem to ask you kind folx for help, and in the
course of that I figured it out.
But I'm still going to post it just to share the experience.
I have an apache config problem, maybe someone can help.
I am setting up the production version on my site :
apache conf
could better explain this, but
> when I pushed that in the past others felt it was clear enough
> already. Despite that, people still have problems, that or people
> don't actually read the documentation. :-)
> Graham
> On Sep 29, 10:39 am, felix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
is it actually called or ?
maybe you don't have the urls file in there that you are assuming you
try inserting an egregious syntax error in there just to see if its
even being loaded.
On Sep 27, 8:21 pm, Chuck Bai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my, I define the root
since you can't add fields to User, you should add it to Company
employees = models.ManyToManyField(User,editable=False)
# a user can actually be in several companies
this is because the Company model is allowed to contribute to the User
syncdb fails on my deployment server (mysql 5.0.67 on ubuntu) with :
File "./", line 11, in
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1059, "Identifier name
is too long")
the same codeba
it might be easiest to write a custom tag there
{% vendor_of_product product forloop.counter %}
is product an array ?
On Sep 30, 2:31 am, SnappyDjangoUser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> How can I use a forloop counter to index into a query set as in the
> example below?
> (I know
I'm trying to fix some urls in my templates
these are urls linking to the admins site that cannot use the {% url
%} tag or reverse.
these urls are "absolute" in that they don't use reverse (which is
preferable, god bless django)
but the admin urls are not addressable by name, so I link to them
are you actually getting a runtime error or an error when trying to
syncdb ?
On Sep 30, 10:52 am, chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Just starting to use django, so forgive me if this has been answered
> before (a quick search at djanog-search did not turn up something
> useful).
ah right, WSGI requests won't have this django_root environ var.
so its the completely non-intuitive SCRIPT_NAME
(I know, its the server that refers to it as this)
this works :
{% django_root %}
def django_root(parser,token):
return DjangoRootNode()
class DjangoRootNode(tem
d you probably don't want people to edit a Person on a form anyway
and select from a long list.
it would be an "add" or something, right ?
On Sep 30, 1:31 pm, chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 30, 8:07 pm, felix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ar
and related to this:
if your django site needs to be running at someplace besides '/' (say
for a beta installation or a subsite)
then permalinks and reverse will work correctly,
but user.get_absolute_url() will not
it will return
rather than
def _us
malcom is suggesting this:
def view(request):
blah blah blah
zipped = []
for p in products:
v = find the vendor for this product
zipped.append( ( p, v) ) # add them as a tuple
# or more pythonically if its easy to find your vendor:
zipped = [ (p, vendor for
whoops, you are right. those weren't the same tables.
two with the exact same tables are posted in the ticket:
On Sep 30, 3:23 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Please open a new ticket about this. Looks like there is an assumption
formset.forms ]
> context = { 'products': zipped }
> {% for form, product in products %}
> {{product.vendor}} {{product.model_name}} {{product.model_num}}
> {{form}}
> {% endfor %
> Any suggestions?
> On Sep 30, 9:45 am, felix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
1, 2:18 pm, chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Felix,
> Thanks for following up on this. I put the traceback up
> here:
> I will try to follow your advice to work around the error and define
> the tables differently, since you are r
did you look through this:
which is similar
> Now this is where I lose the plot:
> a. How to get it to validate. (clean and co.)
when you select the desired whatever it should put it into the form's
hidden field as an id
or text field
so that's what
yes, I get this all the time.
the input that I type isn't echoed to the screen/output but it does
its really annoying.
has anyone figured out why or if there's a cure ?
otherwise I love using pdb, its invaluable.
On Aug 22, 9:33 pm, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> importpdb;
bug?: get_%s_display on CharField with choices (select field)
I think I found a bug.
I'm using a select input type widget by passing in 'choices' to a
class ReleaseFeedback(models.Model):
RATINGS = ( (1,'*'),(2,'**'),(3,'***'),(4,''),(5,'*') )
rating = models
On Oct 10, 3:08 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I think I found a bug.
> You have, but it's in your code, not Django. :-)
brilliant :) yeah I wasn't entirely sure. it smelled like a bug.
> If you look at ReleaseFeedback.get_rating_display at the
> interactive prompt, yo
thanks too for this.
rather than alter the table manually of course, it should have been
created correctly the first time.
mysql will create new tables with the character encoding of the
you can set that this way:
alter database cruxxial_md CHARACTER SET = utf8;
now tables created
well this is interesting and curious what you are trying to do.
why are you trying to do this None ?
what is the real world purpose ? can you give a non abstract
example ?
in any case since Bar is a subclass of Foo there are two database
you set Bar id to None,
but the object
s None, Django does an Insert, I want an
> insert to happen all the time. (Sort of like trying to get
> FullHistory, wherein I can roll back my object to a previous state. I
> can do save(force_insert = True), but that also gives me an
> Exception.)
> On Oct 12, 6:32 pm, felix
another way is to use the javascript Bookmarklet. go to Documentation
> Bookmarklets
also the debug footer
is very useful,
I just added in the code erik allik posted:
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
view_func, args, kwa
i'm looking at this problem too.
1. either the flash player can send a javascript/ajax ping to a url
where it can be logged
2. or the songfile can be a django served url which logs and then
redirects to the actual static URL.
probably the second is easiest.
On Oct 10, 9:28 pm, M Godshall <[
you are doing it correctly for normal django.
its something to do with the Poll model that you are getting from
google app engine
sorry I can't help more than that.
jseleuco wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just started today with the Python, Django and Google app engine and
> h
For either RSS and Atom feeds, I want to return html in the feed
item's description:
but the content including the CDATA tag is escaped:
Re: Custom template tag problem: "No module named models"
this gets me every time.
the error is yes because the template tag is called
and its inside a module called
rename it to ...
and now
DELETE THE DAMNED OLD bookmarks.pyc file !
python is still finding the old compiled file.
its happened to me
> Like I said before, when I take out the import line (from
> bookmarks.models import Bookmark) the library loads (even when called
> and only hits an error when it tries to access
> Bookmark.objects.all().
> On Oct 15, 6:22 pm, felix <[EMA
possibly it may be on YOUR pythonpath but it won't be on apache's
here is my /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
+ sys.path"
is your app like this
etc. ?
ie. its not one folder deeper
and did you restart apache ?
here's what I'm using:
from django.core import management
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
# don't delete these tables
# note that I'm also keeping auth_user
tables =
rto Silvio Busico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Wanderful!
> This was exactly what I needed!
> There is any documentation about "call_command" and the other commnds you
> used?
> Thanks alot.
> Mirto
> felix ha scritto:
> here
I've also enjoyed blueprint for its clarity and speed.
ideally I would love to assign more semantic .classes and #ids and then use
a style sheet that assigns to styles to styles (yo dawg ... )
.detail {
{% blueprint 'span-8' %}
{% blueprint 'box' %}
border: 1px solid {{ui.bordercolor}};
it didn't work ? you got the (remote) server correctly specified etc. ?
I haven't tried that myself.
I used to do this all the time with my old dev environment (a php
its very nice to run the dev code using the remote production db just to
On T
look in auth_permission
I would just rename them by hand or by sql
On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Benjamin Buch wrote:
> Hi,
> during development, I messed around with an app name.
> First it was called 'body copies' (no native speaker!), then I renamed
> it
there is some hashing function or combination of URL encoding that can do
this :
given some parameters :
'music' 'artist' 32L 2L 100 100
( artist id 32, 2nd picture, dimensions 100 x 100 )
I wish to generate a fake filename eg:
and then be able to r
no problem uploading using the dev server
no idea. you didn't leave a pdb in your code, did you ?
what is the output if any in the shell ?
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Akhmat Safrudin
> dear list,
> i am a noob,
> i just starting a project, then create app and add some models,
encoded number which is ugly
> enough for non-developers :D
> you are free to choose encoding, and can nest them in multiple algos to
> make the thing more complex
> greetings,
> Puneet
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:48 PM, felix wrote:
>> the
re hanging.
or do you mean : how do you do that when the code is the admin ?
only if you have edited anything in django code base itself .
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Akhmat Safrudin
> felix wrote:
> > no problem uploading using the dev server
> >
> > no id
ld db ids.
there would have to then be a part of the structure that resolved foreign
key ids by a lookup in the host environment where the structure is being
installed (eg looking up the content ids)
the other use for this system would be federating data from site to site.
felix :cr
of course
some restrictions apply
your mileage may vary
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 1:12 AM, xankya wrote:
> hi,
> anybody know free djang
roach this ? is it the
SessionMiddleware that should be replaced ?
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"Django users" group.
To post to this gro
# and if you are using that in the admin then add it to the admin too:
class OrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = OrderModelForm
and register it
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Alfonso wrote:
> I'm full of queries today!...This
> # and if you are using that in the admin then add it to the admin too:
> class OrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> form = OrderModelForm
> and register it
> felix
> On Mon, Feb 2
m import default_storage path, file)
you can upload to "tempUploads/" and then search for files whose
names are still in tempUploads and thus not yet processed
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:26 PM, timc3
y have any experience with large uploads ?
any wisdom to share ?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send e
assigning a new
look at django.core.files.move
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 8:24 PM, azimix79 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the same problem as above.
> I'm sure your solution works Felix, but it is important for me to
> avoid resaving the
is there a known difference or reason why this should not work ?
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"Django users" group.
To post to thi
moral: if it seems illogical it probably is something else
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:38 AM, felix wrote:
> adict = {
> 'DATABASE_PASSWORD' : "something"
> }
> in :
> locs = vars()
> for key,value in adict:
and btw. if you have any wisdom regarding uploading really large files then
please share !
I posted another thread on that.
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 8:50 PM, felix wrote:
> oh if its already where you want it (as long as its in the MEDIA ROOT)
> then just set the file field with t
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:48 AM, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> So if you're thinking that
> those are the bottlenecks, rather than the network,
actually I assumed the network *was* the primary bottleneck.
I was just inquiring if anybody had experiences to share with uploading
large files,
and if
its also on my to do list
right now I have an ajax auto-complete for filling out the addresses, but I
would prefer the one line google-geo-code version
I like the way they did it here:
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Ales Zoulek wrote:
> I need the same.
> Please
that was easy
that's A join B,C
if it was A join B join C
(my example)
class Release
fk Artist
class Artist
fk Label
class Label
note selecting the C class via
try deseb
Its ... magic (good and bad. mostly good in this case)
I simply run:
./ evolvedb
and the SQL to be run is shown to me with the option to run it
and then the option to save it as a schema evolution.
the idea is that you would run it on you
, registration etc.
things from here are used on every site I work on
3 would be the best choice I think.
for capitalizing the labels on fields you should try just doing css
On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:35 AM, zinckiwi wrote:
> Hi folks,
comments ? prior art that I didn't find ?
easier solutions ?
naming advice ?
I'll happily write up a ticket and patch
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G
self.cleaned_data['street'] = self.cleaned_data['city']
self.instance.state = self.cleaned_data['state'] = self.cleaned_data['country']
self.instance.postal_code = self.cleaned_data['postcode
do you have large initial_data fixtures ?
tables get flushed and initial_data is added each time.
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Andrea Reginato
> Hei guys, I've a question related to some tests I've make.
> When I run
the admin class wasn't calling super() in save_model
once again an hour of being stuck, then solved the problem minutes after
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:57 PM, felix wrote:
> I have fields in the model that do not appear in the form.
> Those fields are
use Firefox with Firebug installed if you aren't already.
you can then see if you get any 404s and if any of the included files failed
with syntax errors
or if something happened during javascript runtime to kill it
also, I like django-compress quite a bit for css and js
felix :cr
> > I don't see what to do next. What is strange also is that my
> > background-body images are loaded on safari (no pb) and not on
> > firefox...
> > Any solution?
> > thx
> >
> > On 13 fév, 18:19, felix wrote:
> >
> > > use Firefox
there a way to tell that we are running as a
test ?
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 9:33 PM, stryderjzw wrote:
> > from settings import *
> >
> > #CSRFMiddleware breaks authtests
if you don't have extensive pre-existing php (legacy) code I would say do it
all in django.
even if you wrote some already in php you will save more time by throwing it
away and reimplementing in django then you will trying to make them co-exist
or by trying to use a legacy db schema.
if you have
I'm getting a failure on my deployed server and I can't figure out what
might cause it.
I've gotten it a few times.
something to do with markdown
going to the URL myself (its fetching the RSS feed) doesn't trigger the
error !
from the stack trace I have no way of knowing what went in
can anybod
possible side effect:
I wrote some class that runs during and customizes settings
it logs when doing that, and so I've noticed that settings gets parsed 4
times !
loading ENVIRONMENT: local_set
x27; not found.
I always use named urls {% url default_rss %}
That its searching for 'crucial.default_rss' is some kind of clue.
Any help or direction of where to investigate much appreciated.
I've posted a working first draft for many-to-many and foreign-key lookups
using jQuery.
Works for any form including in the admin
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to
use two underscores to address the other table/model
django querysets rock !
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Jesse wrote:
> I tried that option and received this error:
> Cannot resolve keyword 'institution_institution' into field
not show, so the form is broken due
to missing parts.
When debug is on the TabularInline is there and the form can be edited and
Does anybody have any insight as to why ?
You received this message because you are subscribed
class ContactAdmin(Admin):
form = EditContactForm
EditContactForm has a save method that is never called by the Admin
but its clean() function does get called
60 def clean(self):
61 import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
my confusion is that due to the snakey admin code the fo
I use an EmailBackend for auth, found on django snippets
(though the one pkenjora posted looks the same but slightly better.)
and a generate_username to create a clean unique username when creating
also found on django snippets
I have the next models:
class Place(models.Model):
currency = models.CharField(_('currency'), max_length=128,
blank=True, null=True)
language = models.CharField(_('official language'),
max_length=128, blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
abstract = True
class Country(Place):
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