Just for the record. This issue was not solved; appears to be
happening on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Does not happen on an
Ubuntu server (which I have switched to). There might be some issue
with the particular version of Python that was installed on it.
On 13 January 2011 13:44, Derek
from the others).
Any ideas or insights appreciated.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
Yes, I think this is a great idea.
Ideally, the charge-rate would be "per lines of code" (excluding
blanks, of course!). Hours are just, too, "amorphous" in this
particular case.
On Jan 25, 11:42 am, Venkatraman S wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering whether there any freelancers/companies who offe
Have a look at:
On Jan 24, 9:22 pm, arlen nascimento
> Hi all,
> i'm trying to do a simple thing, but it seems not so simple in django.
> I have the following models
> class Monit
The same question was asked on stackoverflow:
Its a good explanation - I liked the bit at the end:
"The similarities are that they both generate sets of form inputs
using widgets, and both validate data sent by the bro
I suspect I am not the only one really hoping for An Official Way to
be developed at some time...
In the meantime, also look at:
I think this is quite detailed and has some good comments as well.
On Feb 1, 7:07 pm, shack
n to:
def root(request):
return render_to_response('admin/login.html', None)
This causes a loop condition i.e. displays the page OK, but trying to login
just redisplays the page... any ideas how to make this work as intended?
You received this message because you are s
Thanks - that is a neat idea... but I only need it for that one page.
I want the rest of the (protected) admin pages to work as normal.
On Feb 2, 2:02 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 5:24 AM, Derek wrote:
> > I need to handle a call to the root url f
> > return render_to_response('admin/login.html', None)
> > This causes a loop condition i.e. displays the page OK, but trying to login
> > just redisplays the page... any ideas how to make this work as intended?
> > Thanks
> > Derek
There are a number of posts discussing this issue - one of them may
give you some pointers:
not sure how else to describe this... what is not clear?
On 2 February 2011 16:20, Tom Evans wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Derek wrote:
> > Tracey
> >
> > Thanks - that is a neat idea... but I only need it for that one page.
> > I want the rest of the
011 16:51, Tom Evans wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Derek wrote:
> > Tom
> > Restated thusly:
> > 1. I want the "/" to display the login form (and not append 'admin/' to
> the
> > visible URL)
> > 2. I want the login form (which
Python is amazingly good at many things... but mind reading is not one
of them yet ;)
On Feb 3, 3:08 pm, Bobby Roberts wrote:
> nevermind... it was a case issue... you know if python knows there's
> an error with case it would just say "hey check the case here"
> On Feb 3, 12:31 am, Karl Bowde
This is core material in terms of learning Django... you need to have
(at least) worked through the tutorials. Assuming you have done that,
you'll be in a position to attempt to write the code for this. If
that code is not working, post it here - along with the error traces
and expected output -
Your requirements sound slightly contradictory " display a new
screen ... while still keeping the existing screen". I assume you
want something like a pop-dialog box that you would get typically in a
desktop app. For this, you will need to use javascript. A javascript
library, such a jQuery, wil
I am behind a firewall and have no problem downloading; maybe your
company has blocked access to github?
On Feb 14, 4:07 pm, Andre Terra wrote:
> Is it just me or there aren't any downloads available for these projects?
> I'm behind a firewall and can't really try cloning from git.
> Thanks in
Fortunately, other clever coders have written up on this:
On Feb 14, 4:56 pm, hank23 wrote:
> Are there any exampels of how to code Progress bars or the handlers
> which support them somewhere in the djang
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Tony wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Is there any way to have a chrome extension with a backend in Django,
> > like for storing data server side and using its views? Or is this not
> > possible?
> > thanks
A similar question:
On Feb 16, 7:22 pm, Alec wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if there are any add-ons that show a list of children
> and give the ability to click through to parent or children records.
> I'm aware of the InlineAdmin feature, but I'm thinking of a non-
> editable list of children for all relations that
On Feb 17, 10:52 pm, Phlip wrote:
> Djangoists:
> I have a database table like this...
> red, 1
> red, 2
> red, 15
> blue, 18
> blue, 20
> ...and I want to read it into an array like this:
> [ ['red', [1,2,15]], ['blue', [18,20]], ]
> Of course I can use values_list('color',
On Feb 21, 4:22 am, Andre Terra wrote:
> I'd also like some input on this, as I'm reaching a point of my project
> where I'll have to deal with a similar issue. I was planning on using ajax,
> which actually means keeping it simple IMHO, but I would really like to
> follow best practice.
> Shoul
On Feb 27, 1:46 am, Alexander Bolotnov wrote:
> I actually removed this topic from -developers and posted a new one in
> -users - I guess you picked it sometime in between. I initially posted in
> -developers and then thought it's not very relevant and re-created in
> -users.
> sorry for the con
On Feb 28, 1:55 pm, bigfudge wrote:
> How do I limit the number of rows displayed by default in a
> change_list?
> Many thanks,
In the admin.py file, under the class whose number of rows you want to
display - use "list_per_page"
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_per_page = 10
On Mar 7, 10:43 pm, Ariel wrote:
> Could you give some idea ???
> I am sorry about the previous message I had not finished.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Regards.
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Ariel wrote:
> > Hi everybody:
> > I would want to know in the django template tags
ot *that* much
tweaking required in Django to filter data, and the approach of
writing a completely new interface is a lot more work. But we had
that approach "built-in" from the start; you need to consider your
situation and see how many extra changes are needed. In our situation
there is
On Mar 11, 12:40 am, gbl wrote:
> The admin interface is perfect for the site I'm working on. Automatic
> pagination, customizable search fields, filter via boolean or date
> fields in a sidebar, clickable sorting on column headings. Easy to
> modify
> Is there really no way to use all this
On Mar 22, 12:31 pm, Andre Lopes wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to Django and I have some doubts about the Database Design. I
> design Databases two years from now but I'm not accustomed to design
> databases without composite keys.
> I have read that Django does not support composite keys. True?
On Mar 26, 12:53 pm, Antonio Sánchez wrote:
> Yeah sure, i should have used "recommended" word instead of correct.
> The difference between link i wrote and b-list is that the last one
> uses a foreign-key, while first uses one-to-one, and this is the way
> is recommended in doc, so... I think i
On Mar 25, 10:42 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Andre Terra wrote:
> > Overwrite the model's save method and add the date automatically on save.
> > That is the best way to do most things "auto" in your models.
> But if you do this, you are past the point where you
On Apr 11, 12:39 pm, Xavier Ordoquy wrote:
> Le 11 avr. 2011 à 12:21, nai a écrit :>
> > This is the give example from Matplotlib for Django:
> > def simple(request):
> > import random
> > from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as
> > FigureCanvas
> > from matp
On Apr 12, 11:33 am, Daniel Gerzo wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering how do you generate the navigation menu in your web
> sites, with a possibility to mark up the "active" page?
> My searching revealed some solutions, most of them based on implementing
> a custom template tag and then pars
On Apr 11, 3:50 pm, Peter Herndon wrote:
> Thanks very much for the advice, all! I greatly appreciate it.
> ---Peter
> On Apr 4, 2011, at 9:25 AM, Peter Herndon wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm tasked to build an internal project hosting site similar to Github
> > or Bitbucket for my
I have a situation which is puzzling.
I have a web page that, when generated embeds links that look like:
To view this discussion on the web visit
On Sunday, 18 January 2015 16:05:45 UTC+2, mitesh_django wrote:
> Hi Derek,
> I face same issue few months ago, what I did is I destroyed plot object
> completely everytime the view is called and regenerated new plot everytime.
> You can try that. There is an iss
The same article you refer to says"
"A frequent characteristic of a smoke test is that it runs quickly, often
in the order of a few minutes and thus provides much quicker feedback and
faster turnaround than the running of full test suites which can take hours
or even days."
I would think that
I think https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-autocomplete-light is good,
quick and stable. It has "heritage" (been around and battle-tested) and
provides the features that are key. (And supports Django 1.7, Python3).
On Tuesday, 17 February 2015 01:03:05 UTC+2, Jani Kajala wrote:
> Hi all,
I recently came across this article:
May be of interest as it deals with versions and revisions to track
conflict between changes...
On Saturday, 21 February 2015 16:45:40 UTC+2, Blazor wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was asked t
I am not quite sure what you are trying to achieve (without seeing sample
code), but here is some very basic code showing how a proxy could work:
class MainModel(Model):
"""mother of models"""
class MainModelProxy(MainModel):
objects = MainModelProxyManager()
Good point Andrew - its certainly true for us. Another point is that if
you work for yourself (e.g. doing contract work), then you need to pick a
tool that you can be productive in, as this is usually more important to
most smaller clients than using Tool A or Tool B.
On Thursday, 5 March 201
, using Django conventions (such as an auto-increment
primary key, with "unique_together" constraints) and then import the
existing data. This has the added benefit of allowing you to validate the
existing data and ensure that you start with a 'clean' data set.
You could look at using a tool like Skulpt which allows you to run scripts
with interaction in a browser window:
E.g. from their example:
Python 2.6(ish) (skulpt, Wed Mar 25 2015 17:52:34)
[Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Ubuntu Chrom
I am a satisfied user of django-suit. Right now there is beta-testing
going on of the upgrade from Bootstrap 2 to 3...
On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 15:45:36 UTC+2, bobhaugen wrote:
> On Monday, April 13, 2015 at 5:16:40 PM UTC-5, Patrick Lemiuex wrote:
>> It's about time, the django admin to
Any help with this would be appreciated, as I am not a regular Windows or
Anaconda user.
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"Django users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
of course, but the data in it could be
changed dynamically (e.g. adding more categories and aliases) without
affecting the logic of your app.
[Hey - this could even make a cool app on its own!]
Hope these ideas help my project is a just a boring menu-driven one.
On Tuesday, 28 Apr
As usual, StackOverflow to the rescue ...
On Wednesday, 29 April 2015 12:11:51 UTC+2, lars van Gemerden wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there a simple programmatic way to drop all tables in the database
> (e.g. for testin
Hi Thomas
I do not I understand your question; I made a suggestion previously for
what fields you might need in this 'metadata' model, and you can add or
change as needed. I do not know what your project looks like, so I cannot
comment on what the rest of your database should conta
I realise this is probably overkill for your needs; but django-suit allows
for a ton of customisation options for the admin, one of which is the
ability to supply "units" as part of the data entry forms - see:
Your other opt
Could you not add them as multiple Leaflet layers; each layer pointing to a
view for the model in question. There is a simple overview here:
There is much more detail on the django-leaflet site
(e.g. ht
I have not had this use case; but I assume you have looked at:
Perhaps one there is close to what you need; and you could extend/enhance
it to match exact requirements. They range from really simple to
full-fledged EDMS such as Mayan.
Yes; Django says pretty much this same thing "on the tin":
"A view function, or *view* for short, is simply a Python function that
takes a Web request and returns a Web response." (
(I think there *is* magic in Django; but its in the i
I doubt this is possible with plain admin, which is designed for CRUD
Trying looking into form wizards:
or, if that cannot handle your logic, then write an action:
You can also look at http://djangosuit.com/ - works very well. Free for
non-commercial projects. In the middle of an upgrade to Bootstrap 3.
On Saturday, 18 July 2015 11:18:49 UTC+2, xliiv wrote:
> Thanks for clarification, I'll check both: django-admin2 and
> django-xadmin.
> On Sat, Ju
dard) iPad.
On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 06:46:02 UTC+2, Ezequiel wrote:
> On Monday, July 20, 2015 at 3:58:31 AM UTC-3, Derek wrote:
>> You can also look at http://djangosuit.com/ - works very well. Free for
>> non-commercial projects. In the middle of an upgrade t
Ignore the home page (its just for the company I think). Rather work with
github and readthedocs. Also see the many comments here:
On Tuesday, 21 July 2015 18:56:33 UTC+2, Lee Hinde wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 12:25 AM, Stuart Longlan
There is not really enough information about your use case (which is maybe
why people seem to be misunderstanding your question).
Its not really clear to me what you mean by "pass a parameter", as you have
not given any indication where or how this parameter needs to be set.
One way I have
Hard to tell without code; but what happens when you test without the form
override? Also, unless you can reproduce the errors they get, then you
will struggle to debug. Have you tried adding in log statements at key
points to try & see where things go haywire?
On Saturday, 12 July 2014
01:05:00 UTC+2, Timothy W. Cook wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Derek. This post was just a stab to see if anyone
> had seen this before and I just missed the post.
> I guess it is time to roll up my sleeves and take a formal approach at
> debugging. This one of VERY fe
It can work any way you need it to. It really depends on what aspects he
needs to handle and which are yours.
If, for example, you create the back-end with the DB and models, then he
can communicate from the front-end, using JSON data via GET/PUT requests.
One way for you to handle this on th
That looks like a database error - check in your database as to which
tables have been created.
On Thursday, 28 August 2014 18:05:01 UTC+2, Jason G wrote:
> Ok - here is where I am stuck now. Any thoughts?
> If I try to render {{ vessel.CurrentBrew }} in a view, I get something
> like this:
names through out my database? (which is a fair amount of rework).
On Saturday, 14 June 2014 18:44:52 UTC+2, Derek wrote:
> I have recently discovered that Django admin is generating errors when
> trying to sort a table on certain fields: in particular, those fields that
Well, this is an "internal" project ... but a "translation" of some of the
fields of some of the models would look something those below (NB this is a
subset with just a few models - and any 'grammatical' errors are from
the "translation" - the originals work perfectly in every respect except
Sorry Colin, I have no idea what you mean. Where in the django admin
settings would I specify this? AFAIK, the column names / labels / IDs are
auto-generated by the admin and it attempts the sort when you click on the
column heading.
On 4 September 2014 21:19, Collin Anderson wrote:
> try so
;s a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
On Sunday, 7 September 2014 09:26:13 UTC+2, Eddilbert Macharia wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been to post like this
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/django-users/Ykppb4uELJ4 and
Maybe a long shot... but if the project was designed to run in a
virtualenv, then there may be a requirements.txt file which will describe
what is needed to run it, including the Django version.
On Saturday, 6 September 2014 22:30:35 UTC+2, Abdulla Al-Khenji wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been
On 5 September 2014 19:26, Collin Anderson wrote:
> It guess it's pretty complicated, but it's possible to specify it kind of
> like this:
> class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
> fields = ['name', 'theplace']
On Monday, 29 September 2014 15:41:23 UTC+2, Erik Cederstrand wrote:
> Den 29/09/2014 kl. 15.04 skrev Thomas Güttler >:
> > Hi,
> >
> > of course we separate data from code:
> >
> > - code belongs into version control (git)
> > - data belongs into a database (postgres)
> >
> > But wher
On Sunday, 30 November 2014 18:23:22 UTC+2, Masklinn wrote:
> On 2014-11-30, at 12:30 , ThomasTheDjangoFan <
> stefan.eich...@googlemail.com > wrote:
> Hi guys,
> coming from php I am wondering if there is a way to do something like this
> in Python/Django:
> if variable = get_a_value_fr
Yes, I found some guidance on how to construct a dashboard page; but mine
is for creating summary of some of the key data, not so much for
user-related info (although I may still need to do this in future).
On 3 January 2015 at 14:00, Aaron Reabow wrote:
> Did you ever find anything like this?
a the pop-up route.
On Tuesday, 19 November 2013 20:42:25 UTC+2, Derek wrote:
> Hi
> I am using Django 1.5.5. This error happens while running the dev
> server. If I click on the "+" button so I can use the pop-up form to add a
> new entry to a drop-down list (i.e. FK to
There is a tutorial here that seems comprehensive:
Assuming you have something basic going, then its best to ask very specific
questions - "I tried X (here is my code) and I get this error Y - how to
On Wednesday, 11 December 20
Have a look at this SO Q&A:
You should be able to easily write a server-side function in Django that
can check for the existence of the file...
On Sunday, 5 January 2014 15:27:13 UTC+2, fabricio wrote:
> But my process is
A common function that can get called from multiple places may be the way
to go. For example (please adapt!):
#view file
# try allocate some stock to product
instance.stock = get_stock(availability="Available", product=product):
pass # do somet
Your use case is not very clear; but it sounds more like you need a CMS,
even a simple one. There you can design templates that will hold all your
page content in a layout of your choice. There are many Django-based CMS
e.g. https://pythonhosted.org/django-page-cms/
(PS Your
Maybe have a look at these ideas:
On Sunday, 6 April 2014 12:33:30 UTC+2, TinyJaguar wrote:
> I've been using bot
Off the top of my head (as in "do not use directly"!), it seems to me that:
1. You need a boolean field for 'serial' and also one for 'countable' for a
Product. One or both must be checked (use clean() to check) when Product
is created.
2. Each Product also needs a 'status' field: one of '
s, and the more closely it follows actual code, the better
your chance of getting a valid answer.
On 28 May 2014 20:43, Wojtas wrote:
> Thank you Derek for your response.
> What are you writing makes sense, and actually I have it implemented
> already. My question is a bit di
Hi Enrique
Apart from the mailing list, a good place to keep up with Python and Django
in general is the http://www.pythonweekly.com/ newsletter. Its not long,
is well-structured and will help give some idea of the current "buzz" ...
(PS Not everyone is convinced that Rails is "faster" -
You have not given enough details on your reporting setup; so my guess
would be to save the details into a new table. This would include data
such as:
* id (for the record)
* user_id
* report_id
* date_time
* parameters
The "parameters" are a text field; with the criteria/parameters which
It might be worth comparing the SQL that Django generates versus what you
would write (or want to write) by hand:
On Tuesday, 10 June 2014 23:17:30 UTC+2, John Rambo wrote:
> This better illustrates what I mean:
> Example.objects.order_by('a','
this error:
OperationalError at /admin/myapp/mytable/
(1060, "Duplicate column name 'name'")
A full stack trace is shown below. I am working with MySQL 5.5 and Django
Has anyone else encountered this error? Is this a known bug and/or is
there a workaround?
Yes, you will need to use a third-party app such as django-selectable
On Wednesday, 25 June 2014 07:43:16 UTC+2, Aeh. ABID wrote:
> Is there a way to display a field value other than id in the textbox
> On Wednesday, June 25, 201
On Friday, 20 October 2017 13:04:41 UTC+2, rajeev yadla wrote:
> hi have a form which have two fields. one field has a foreignkey from
> model A(in ima
You can look at the guide in the docs:
But as everyone will tell you; you need to have done a basic tutorial
first (official or otherwise*), otherwise all the jargon will be confusing.
After that, you can also look at areas such as
Its likely though, that you might need to work through some of the other
material so you can understand how and where forms fit into the overall
Django approach.
Hope this helps
On Friday, 3 November 2017 18:08:58 UTC+2, Rizal M
>From what you have said, this is not too hard.
You need a basic view to handle the upload, which is in turn will make a
call to the specialised method for processing of the file (and zip
creation) before returning the result to the user.
A quick Google shows some relevant examples:
Bear in mind that unless you are running Django's built-in dev server, you
will need to restart your production server for changes to propagate.
On Sunday, 19 November 2017 17:21:28 UTC+2, yingi keme wrote:
> All of a sudden and out of the blue, it just worked. I had the re-run my
> server
I am not aware of such a way; I think HttpResponse does a single thing.
But you could create a page which embeds a link to the results file and
redirect the user to that (I often find that having an "outcomes" page
with some explanation is attached is helpful to the user). Like many
Try reportlab:
The actual data generation will of course be specific to your database and
Guides that have helped me:
A bit older:
Its not clear exactly what you want to do (or why) but here is a good
article on different ways of working with PDF forms via Python:
(Also see: https://code-industry.net/free-pdf-editor/ if you have the
option to
You may not need Django for this. You could just use Flask e.g.
but, as with all web frameworks, you need to look at the fundamentals of
how Fl
If this is your first Django app, I would try and use the built-in Django
Admin as far as possible - there are numerous ways to customise and extend
it (and it creates all the "grids" - by which I assume you mean table-views
- and forms for you).After that you will have a better idea of how
If you plan to use PDF in your solution, then this may help you:
On Saturday, 3 February 2018 07:21:50 UTC+2, Rakhee Menon wrote:
> Oops!!I am sorry !! I got your question wrong.Yes I do have some knowledge
Mike Dewhirst wrote:
*I also have a "common" app to contain bits and pieces like utilities ...*
I don't keep these under apps; my project-wide utility-type code (code
without Django Models) sits under a "utils" module (with further namespaces
as needed), at the same level as "apps" This means
I think the second case is more manageable; I'd actually have a second
table that has an exact duplicate structure of the first. Then you can save
your newly changed copy into that -- and delete the record just afterward,
or even much later, if you need to.
I cannot imagine a scenario in wh
Maybe you need to show what your urls.py looks like as well?
On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 05:57:55 UTC+2, Carl Brubaker wrote:
> I'm probably missing something simple, but I can't get my info to display
> from my database.
> I have 2 abstract models to make 1 normal model.
> My url views aren't
The dev branch of Django Suit (custome admin style) is using Bootstrap 4:
On Sunday, 25 March 2018 19:49:21 UTC+2, Tundebabzy wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> I'm not sure what you mean by "compatible".
> If you are askin
You can use "smart selects":
Works for both normal forms and in the admin.
On Wednesday, 28 March 2018 23:02:36 UTC+2, James Farris wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to populate a 'vaccine' dropdown based on a 'species' of a
> pet. For example, if a
How is github "security" going to help you keep your passwords safe and why
is this better than ENV variables (which most of use without any problems).?
On Friday, 30 March 2018 16:50:03 UTC+2, Bill Torcaso wrote:
> I have a concern about using environment variables to hold secret
> informat
Interesting to hear of this.
Unfortunately we are currently committed to Django 1.11 as it is an LTS,
but if you're planning on keeping this in-sync with all 2.x releases, then
that opens up the option to look at using this from 2.2 onwards (that's the
next LTS).
On Tuesday, 10 April 2018 17:5
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