Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-28 Thread dave b
On 28 August 2010 22:46, Graham Dumpleton wrote: > > > On Aug 28, 7:58 pm, "david b." wrote: >> Ok so I was looking through the code and I saw this (in >> django/core/files/ : >> >> FileUploadHandler >> ... >> >>    def new_file(self, field_name, file_name, content_type, >> conte

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-28 Thread dave b
On 28 August 2010 23:09, dave b wrote: > On 28 August 2010 22:46, Graham Dumpleton wrote: >> >> >> On Aug 28, 7:58 pm, "david b." wrote: >>> Ok so I was looking through the code and I saw this (in >>> django/core/files/ :

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-28 Thread dave b
On 28 August 2010 23:21, dave b wrote: > On 28 August 2010 23:09, dave b wrote: >> On 28 August 2010 22:46, Graham Dumpleton wrote: >>> >>> >>> On Aug 28, 7:58 pm, "david b." wrote: >>>> Ok so I was looking through the code

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-28 Thread dave b
On 29 August 2010 08:28, Steve Holden wrote: > On 8/28/2010 6:10 PM, Graham Dumpleton wrote: >> On Aug 28, 11:21 pm, dave b wrote: >>>>>> So obviously my proposed attack is to simply say "content length is >>>>>> tiny" and "this file i

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-28 Thread dave b
On 29 August 2010 13:17, dave b wrote: > On 29 August 2010 08:28, Steve Holden wrote: >> On 8/28/2010 6:10 PM, Graham Dumpleton wrote: >>> On Aug 28, 11:21 pm, dave b wrote: >>>>>>> So obviously my proposed attack is to simply say "content length is &

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-28 Thread dave b
On 29 August 2010 13:33, Graham Dumpleton wrote: > > > On Aug 29, 1:17 pm, dave b wrote: >> On 29 August 2010 08:28, Steve Holden wrote: >> >> > On 8/28/2010 6:10 PM, Graham Dumpleton wrote: >> >> On Aug 28, 11:21 pm, dave b wrote: >> >>

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-29 Thread dave b
> OK, so you don't believe the advice you are getting, which is that of > the many issues a Django sit will face this is a relatively low > probability attack. That's fair enough - a vulnerability is a > vulnerability, after all, no matter how improbable, and not everyone > will set up their produc

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-29 Thread dave b
> An attacker could also assemble a powerful explosive device and detonate > it near enough your hosting service to take your site down. What > counter-measures are you going to take against that? Good question. I have two cats and they like to lick people ^^ They are a bit friendly I guess. Do yo

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-29 Thread dave b
> Anyway, since you have done your civic duty there's a good chance that a > fix will find its way into some future version. Thanks for being a good > citizen. Django is an awesome project and. However, a bug is a bug. I don't care if it is a security bug or not, a bug *should* get fixed. FYI: I

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-29 Thread dave b
On 30 August 2010 11:04, Russell Keith-Magee wrote: > On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 8:26 PM, dave b wrote: >  1) An actual problem where you can clearly describe the circumstances > or sequence of events that would allow an attack to occur, and >  2) Something that is actually Django

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-30 Thread dave b
/me rolls eyes. You have a valid point re /tmp, sorry I am used to mounting /tmp as /tmpfs - my mistake :) Ok lets be *really* clear the security problem still exists. An attack can in the limits set on the maximum post by the httpd / module in use upload a large file. > I don't actually use Djan

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-30 Thread dave b
>> Secure by default please! > > That's an easy epithet to throw around, but I disagree that it is > appropriate here. "Security" doesn't mean "stops the user from making > mistakes". Look like wsgi, apache2 and django all on ubuntu PLACE no size limits at all by default. Isn't that neat? I think

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-30 Thread dave b
> > From my testing (granted this was run against something pre-1.2 so things > may have changed since then), as soon as you initiate the first file upload, > you're monopolizing the devserver process, preventing further attempts to do > the following 9 uploads until the first has completed (succes

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-30 Thread dave b
> And, for the record, the fact that Ubuntu or Debian have chosen these > defaults doesn't make Apache insecure either. System defaults exist to > make it easy and obvious to get something started. A responsible > sysadmin for a public-facing webserver shouldn't be using *any* > OS-provided default

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-30 Thread dave b
On 31 August 2010 12:04, Russell Keith-Magee wrote: >> On 8/30/2010 9:09 PM, dave b wrote: >>> Do not pass go do not collect profit! > ... >>> Put your hands up in the air like you just don't care! > ... >>> blahblahblalbha sssh listen. > ... &g

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-08-30 Thread dave b
> His response is to say he will escalate this to some other security > forum. We can only assume that this is a threat that he will raise > merry hell until we do what he says. Right first: Yes I am sorry for the 9 or so posts :) I am only human. Right. Um no that's not a threat. That's being re

Re: potential issue re in memory django file uploading.

2010-09-03 Thread dave b
Ok no movement :) Lighttpd has a default limit of 2gb, cherokee seems to have the same. Pin it on the httpd all you like - but the default apache has no limit (0 - unlimited :) ). -- The better part of valor is discretion. -

Re: How to insert a csrf_token when entering datas through a bot ?

2011-04-13 Thread dave b
On 12 April 2011 22:09, JustinMarsan wrote: > Hello, > > What would be the best way to allow some bots to POST some content to > a website. Without crsf_token, the bot will get a 403, and I would > prefer not to remove this behavior but rather find a way to make the > bot send a token. How could I

Re: South - when to start?

2011-02-18 Thread dave b
On 18 February 2011 21:24, Piotr Zalewa wrote: > Where is the best moment to start with south? > > 1. The very beginning, as the first app added to the project? > 2. At the moment when more devs will be involved? > 3. When real data will start to show? > now! (just start using it!) -- You recei

Just going to point this out ...

2011-02-18 Thread dave b
Hi I cannot see where in the django documentation it states that you shouldn't do something like this: ** (as an example of a potential attribute injection vector[0] - where you are not using a URLField or failure to call full_clean (on a URLField) ). That is I cannot see where django states that

Re: Just going to point this out ...

2011-02-18 Thread dave b
On 19 February 2011 00:57, Shawn Milochik wrote: > I also didn't see the part where they state that you shouldn't put your > database login information in a template. That's probably because Django is > designed to allow Web developers to do their jobs more easily, not allow > people who don't kn

Re: Just going to point this out ...

2011-02-18 Thread dave b
On 19 February 2011 01:19, Shawn Milochik wrote: > Don't take my comment as a personal attack. I was just pointing out that > injection attacks are one of those things we're all responsible for being > aware of and not opening ourselves up to. > > To the extent that Django protects us from such

Re: Just going to point this out ...

2011-02-18 Thread dave b
On 19 February 2011 01:29, Shawn Milochik wrote: > By the way -- I realized what happened. You CC'd me on the e-mail to the > list. So when I replied it went directly to you. Ah sorry about the mix up then! Yeah :P My view on this is that documentation can always be improved ! -- You received

Re: Just going to point this out ...

2011-02-18 Thread dave b
On 19 February 2011 01:36, Masklinn wrote: > On 2011-02-18, at 15:31 , dave b wrote: >> On 19 February 2011 01:29, Shawn Milochik wrote: >>> By the way -- I realized what happened. You CC'd me on the e-mail to the >>> list. So when I replied it went directly to y

Re: Just going to point this out ...

2011-02-18 Thread dave b
> Which of course it can't - it is properly escaped. > > Cheers > > Tom > Yes. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to dj

Re: Just going to point this out ...

2011-02-18 Thread dave b
> > is this what you're looking for? > > > > Mike Hi Mike. Well in this case the page would be but yes that link is a good starting point. I should c

Re: Just going to point this out ...

2011-02-19 Thread dave b
It would be interesting to perhaps extend something like django-lint to pick up on what could be mistakes in templates. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubs

Re: Cool and useful development commands :-)

2011-02-23 Thread dave b
On 24 February 2011 00:29, Simone Federici wrote: > Maybe you could write a filter "urlsafe" to use into templates so that > variable does not contains javascript. > And you could create a command that scan templates and raise an alert every > variable inside an href attribute that is not "urlsafe

Re: Advice: project hosting apps

2011-04-12 Thread dave b
There is also - it is ROR, but it is agpl. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to django-users+unsu

DRF structure query

2019-06-11 Thread Dave B
Hi, Being fairly new to DRF, I'm just wondering on the best ways of going about stucturing an api which has man endpoints. Basically is there a good reason not to put different categories of endpoints together in different apps, like the ones for user data, ones for app data etc. And then how