On 19 February 2011 01:19, Shawn Milochik <sh...@milochik.com> wrote:
> Don't take my comment as a personal attack. I was just pointing out that 
> injection attacks are one of those things we're all responsible for being 
> aware of and not opening ourselves up to.
> To the extent that Django protects us from such things, it's generally to 
> ensure that the boilerplate Django saves us from writing (by baking it in) is 
> safe.
> My point is that using Django doesnt relieve us of the responsibility of 
> knowing what we're doing.
> Shawn

Oh how nice you sent this to me off the list?

Ok great. How about you get off your damn high horse and settle with
us mortals ?

Wait a second when I read your email it sounds like you accept the
fact that people "should know what they are doing" ... but you didn't
answer my question or _suggest_ that some minor note be added to the
template documentation.

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