{%block%} inside {%if%} ?

2008-11-14 Thread akonsu
hello, i noticed that if i put {%block%} tag inside {%if%} tag in my template, the contents of the block gets rendered even when the {%if%} test fails. is this a bug? thanks konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to t

Re: {%block%} inside {%if%} ?

2008-11-14 Thread akonsu
%} {{ block.super }} {% if my_list %} <script src="{{media_url}}js/prototype.js" type="text/ javascript"> {% endif %} {% endblock %} On Nov 14, 11:57 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Fri, 2008-11-14 at 20:45 -0800, akonsu wrote: > > hel

filter(field=value) or filter(field__exact=value) ?

2008-08-19 Thread akonsu
hello, what is the difference between MyModel.objects.filter(field=value) and MyModel.objects.filter(field__exact=value) ? i could not find an explanation in the docs. thanks konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed

another problem with M2M through intermediary

2008-08-19 Thread akonsu
hello, consider the code below. it has two print statements at the end. their output should be identical, but it is not. i think there is a bug. thanks konstantin class X(models.Model) : name = models.SlugField() def __str__(self) : return self.name class Y(models.Model) : name = m

attach existing file to models.FileField

2008-09-03 Thread akonsu
hello, i need to attach an existing file stored in the right location to a FileField of my model. can this be done without copying the file? thanks konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django

Template.render and custom tags

2008-09-12 Thread akonsu
hello, is there a way to make my custom tags and filters available to a template that i create from a string like this: template = Template(string) template.render(context) i know that i can use the "load" tag in the template, but suppose that the strings that i create templates from do not hav

manage.py reset auth fails

2008-09-15 Thread akonsu
hello, on pgsql 'reset auth' fails with an error saying that it cannot drop one of the tables (i do not remember which though) because other objects depend on it. on sqlite it works fine. i did not try it on mysql. here is my apps: INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.cont

Re: Recommendations for local web dev on Mac OS X 10.5 vs. developing against WebFaction Linux box

2008-09-15 Thread akonsu
hello, one more reason to develop locally is because doing it on a remote machine is very slow. the way i do it, is i set up an svn repository on webfaction and checked out files in to my django application subtree. i also check it out to my dev machine, where i change files and when i am ready

Re: restart apache every time I make a modification?

2008-09-15 Thread akonsu
hello, would django dev server be a useful alternative for you? it picks up most changes without a restart. konstantin On Sep 15, 11:27 pm, Cequiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all. > > I installed Django with Apache in my Windows. It was a little > complicated but finally it is working fine

Re: render failed on utf-8 column ??

2008-09-15 Thread akonsu
hello, try to save your file in utf8 encoding and load data again. may be it will help. konstantin On Sep 15, 10:57 pm, JoeJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 1- Data loaded in DB > from:http://leathergallery.com/module/data/sql/products/Products.sql-- > includes the phrase "Thinsulate®" > > 2- Djan

Re: restart apache every time I make a modification?

2008-09-16 Thread akonsu
restarting apache after every single change :) konstantin On Sep 16, 8:17 am, Cequiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi akonsu. > > I wasn't sure about the django dev server. I thought that the django > dev server was created only to follow the tutorials and for making > you

Re: Problem with url tag (Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse ...)

2008-09-16 Thread akonsu
hello, you could try named url patterns. > I am also seeing strange things if I change the order of the URLs in > my URL patterns list. please define "strange things" :) in general, the order of urls matters because django starts rverse lookup from the top of the list and stops at the first mat

seeking design advice

2008-09-17 Thread akonsu
hello, i am looking for an advice from people who know django internals well. to simplify, i have a template that currently uses a custom tag. the tag emits the needed markup. suppose the template includes several instances of the tag to generate different pieces of the page. so in other words

Re: change file upload destination "on the fly" for tests

2008-09-17 Thread akonsu
hello, upload_to can take a callable, which can be used to change your files' location. konstantin On Sep 17, 2:42 pm, Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I wrote some unit tests for file upload. since I didn't want the files in > the unit tests to be uploaded to the "official lo

Re: change file upload destination "on the fly" for tests

2008-09-17 Thread akonsu
hm, i never used a callable for uplod_to and what you are saying might be true, but if it is, how this behaviour would interact with the possibility to use file storage for uploaded files where MEDIA_ROOT would make little sense? konstantin On Sep 17, 11:00 pm, Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> w

Re: change file upload destination "on the fly" for tests

2008-09-17 Thread akonsu
ok :) so then your solution would be to set up your own file storage with location that you need. konstantin On Sep 17, 11:45 pm, Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > [This message has also been posted.] > > On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 20:14:54 -0700 (PDT), akonsu <[EMAIL PROTECT

Re: using variable as dictionary key in templates

2008-09-18 Thread akonsu
hello, to my knowlege, you would need a custom tag or filter for that. konstantin On Sep 18, 1:06 pm, Xiong Chiamiov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Is it possible? > > If in the templates I call section.foo (with section being a > dictionary), then it's the equivalent of section['foo'].  Is there a

Re: Basic template inheritance question

2008-09-18 Thread akonsu
wow, my thread has been hijacked :) thanks to those who replied to my original question. konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-

Re: external app authentication?

2008-09-18 Thread akonsu
hello, i would start with tracing the request that is sent from your python script and making sure it is similar to the one sent from the login form by the browser. konstantin On Sep 18, 5:50 pm, Carol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > HI, > > I'm writing a Django app that allows access to pages eit

links in RSS feeds

2008-09-19 Thread akonsu
hello, syndication feeds have links for each item as well as for the feed. right now i hard code urls and they are the same as the urls i have in my urlpatterns. i want to follow django's DRY principle so i am looking for a way to generate these urls in my feeds class in a way similar to {% url %

Re: webfaction django installation

2008-09-20 Thread akonsu
hello, what problems are you having? btw, did you try the webfaction forum? konstantin On Sep 20, 5:28 pm, Bobby Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hi. > > I'm setting up a small django project on webfaction and i'm havnig > some issues getting my settings.py file correct in regards to media

Re: strategy for deploying to production server

2008-09-23 Thread akonsu
hello, i set up an SVN repository and checked out the files on to my dev machine as well as in to the directory where the web server can find them. i do not have setting.py in my repository, and i have different versions of settings.py on my dev machine and on the server. so al the differences a

Re: denormalized data in single field

2008-09-23 Thread akonsu
hello, you can override the model's save() method. konstantin On Sep 23, 3:05 pm, "Владимир Сидоренко" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hi > > i need to process a set of denormalized data in single model field. > for example, > > class Place(Model): >     location = LocationField() > > it's rendere

Re: Many-To-Many with extra fields

2008-09-23 Thread akonsu
hello, how about for m in Membership.objects.filter(person=ringo) : print m.date_joined konstantin On Sep 23, 4:58 pm, Nate Thelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > So if I have a Person object "ringo" and I want to get info about the > Groups he is a member of, I would do this: > > for group in ri

Re: Many-To-Many with extra fields

2008-09-23 Thread akonsu
would work, too.  I was thinking more like if you got the > ringo like this: > > ringo = Person.objects.select_related(depth=2).get(name='ringo') > > how could you get the data without having to make another DB call. > > Ideas? > > Thanks, > Nate > >

Re: Recursively rendering in template

2008-09-24 Thread akonsu
hello, i do not see a way to do it without a custom tag. i myself do a similar thing using my own tag. konstantin On Sep 24, 2:17 pm, David Koblas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm not sure if this is possible to do without writing a templatetag > (ok, that's my theory). > > Basic idea is that I

portable date_trunc?

2009-10-02 Thread akonsu
hello, this works with sqlite: AppModel.objects.extra(select={'year':"django_date_trunc('year', \"date \")"}).values('year').order_by().annotate(total = Count('id')) i assume that for postgresql i would have to use date_trunc function. is there a portable way to do this? thanks konstantin --~

name of the database column for a field?

2009-10-02 Thread akonsu
hello, i have found an (undocumented?) way to get the db table name from a model: Model._meta..db_table. is there a way to get the name of the db column for a field? thanks konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to t

DatabaseOperations() problem (was: portable date_trunc?)

2009-10-02 Thread akonsu
r", "mymodel"."date") ) AS "year", COUNT("mymodel"."id") AS "total" FROM "mymodel" GROUP BY django_d ate_trunc("year", "mymodel"."date")'}] in sqlite a string in double quotes i not

Re: Populating an ImageField

2009-10-02 Thread akonsu
hello, try setting the logo.url property. i do it with FileFields all the time and it works. konstantin On Oct 2, 4:12 pm, ringemup wrote: > Say I have an image file on disk and a model that uses an ImageField. > If I want to create a model instance with that image file in the image > field wi

Re: Populating an ImageField

2009-10-02 Thread akonsu
did you try company.logo = relative_path ? On Oct 2, 4:45 pm, Nan wrote: > OK, this seemed to work: > > def create_a_company(name, logo_path): >     company = Company() >     company.name = name >     relative_path = path_relative_to_media_root(logo_path) >     company.logo.name = relative_pat

field mapping to multiple columns?

2009-10-07 Thread akonsu
hello, i need a datetime field with an associated precision value. the precision shows which parts of the datatime field are used. in other words, my datatime field can contain just a year, or a year and a month, etc. similar to postgres' DATE_TRUNC function. i know i can just throw in two fields

Re: How to create a 3rd-party database driver

2009-10-09 Thread akonsu
hello, django.db.backends.dummy is a good starting point. i have used it to implement a workaround for a problem in the sqlite3 backend and yu can find it here: http://code.konstantin.co.uk/mysite/sqlite3_fixed/ hope this helps konstantin On Oct 9, 6:29 pm, Daniel Rhoden wrote: > Can you direc

Re: Problem - sometimes I get blank pages

2009-10-11 Thread akonsu
hello, is there anything in the web server logs? konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe fro

Re: 500.html does not load

2009-10-21 Thread akonsu
hello, there is a setting in settings.py that controls where django searches for templates. konstantin On Oct 21, 2:50 pm, NoviceSortOf wrote: > Although I have 500.html in my > site-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates folder 500.html does not > appear when it should, below see my errors (

order_by date_trunc ?

2009-10-21 Thread akonsu
hello, i have a datetime field in my model. is there a way to order a query set by this field truncated to the given precision? even worse. i have another field in the model that specifies the precision ('year', 'day', etc), i need to order the query set by the datetime field truncated using the

Re: Preview model before saving it

2009-10-21 Thread akonsu
hello, anything is possible. you just need to decide how you are going to store your changes before the model gets "really" saved so that the preview functionality works. where would preview get the values from? i propose a "published" boolean field in the model. konstantin On Oct 21, 3:41 pm,

Re: Write debug error to file

2009-11-26 Thread akonsu
hello, if you set the admin email address and the necessary email parameters in your config file then django will send an email with all the details to the admin when an exception is thrown. would this be sufficient? konstantin On Nov 26, 11:15 am, Gabriel Rossetti wrote: > Hello everyone, > >

"dynamically" setting ModelAdmin properties?

2010-04-28 Thread akonsu
hello, in my custom admin class that inherits ModelAdmin i need to set ModelAdmin.exclude, ModelAdmin.list_display, etc based on whether the logged in user is a superuser or not. is this possible? thanks konstantin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "

Re: Saving Child Records via ForeignKeyField

2010-04-28 Thread akonsu
hello, it would be easier to help if you provided your modes. are you missing this: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/relations/#ref-models-relations for example: >>> b = Blog.objects.get(id=1) >>> e = b.entry_set.create( ... headline='Hello', ... body_text='Hi', ... p

multiple ModelAdmins for the same model?

2010-04-30 Thread akonsu
hello, my model is flexible enough to represent different and unrelated entities in the database. for example it can represent an advertisement or a blog entry. i would like to provide separate admin interfaces for creation of different entities (adverts, blog entries, etc) each of which is repre

Re: Dynamic Model and ModelAdmin based on tables in db

2010-04-30 Thread akonsu
hello, may be this will be useful: http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/DynamicModels On Apr 22, 5:53 am, Massimiliano della Rovere wrote: > An external process creates tables whose names follow the pattern > "collector_XYZ"; all the tables will have the very same structure. > > For each table I n

models as a package

2010-04-30 Thread akonsu
hello, i would like to replace my models.py with a package that has a hierarchical directory structure. in __init__.py i want to define my base models, and the other files would contain models that inherit the base models. in particular i am trying to define proxy models for my models and put the

Re: i need help with this...

2010-05-01 Thread akonsu
hello, i myself cannot parse this. what is the question? On Apr 30, 10:16 pm, kandee wrote: > I just got this new phone, and was trying to download some sound > affects, from a download Page, but an error page came on and said that > I needed to go on my django setting file and change it to false

how to change urls for model in admin?

2010-05-04 Thread akonsu
hello, by default an admin url for a model looks like this: http:///admin///... is there a way to change it? for different models i need to have different url structure. say, i want to replace "/admin/" with something else. ModelAdmin.get_urls()? the documentation is not very helpful for me. i

Re: Django admin saving image file - 500 error

2007-06-26 Thread akonsu
hello, i remember i got this error when i tried to save a file because my database's auto field sequences were not set up correctly. i am using postgresql and i use fixtures to populate the database. so there were a bug in fixtures that did not set sequences in postgresql correctly (i think it mi

django.core.management changes

2007-08-30 Thread akonsu
hello, my script creates a fixture file at FIXTURE_PATH, and then runs the reset command on my application. the relevant code is listed below. now that i synced to the latest trunk, this code no longer runs because the management module has no procedure 'reset'. what is the proper way to do what

Re: django.core.management changes

2007-08-30 Thread akonsu
Alex, thanks for your help. the code that worked is: call_command('reset', 'myapp', interactive = False) call_command('loaddata', FIXTURE_PATH, verbosity = 0) cheers konstantin On Aug 30, 2:51 pm, Alex Koshelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > try this: > > from django.core.management imp

formatting patterns in FileField's upload_to?

2008-04-07 Thread akonsu
hello, currently the upload_to parameter of FileField can contain only strftime formatting patterns. i am looking for a way to extend this and let it contain, say, %s patterns that would be replaced by given strings during object creation. has anyone done this? thanks konstantin --~--~-~

manage.py reset database fails

2007-02-14 Thread akonsu
hello, in my models.py i have two classes related as many-to-many. if i add a ManyToManyField to one of the models, and run manage.py reset or syncdb, and then move the field to the other model (which functionally makes no difference) and run manage.py reset again, it fails to reset the database

error pages ?

2007-02-16 Thread akonsu
hello, the tutorial on djangoproject.com explains how to set up views generating error pages for responses such as 404 or 500. is there a way to use mod_python functionality and make apache serve its own error pages? in case when it is running under mod_python of course. or is it against django d

Re: Django over modpython

2007-02-16 Thread akonsu
hello, you might consider a VPS hosting if you know how to administer an OS yourself. this would allow you to set up anything you want on your server. konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dj

Re: Django over modpython

2007-02-17 Thread akonsu
www.prgmr.com seem to have affordable VPS hosting. but i agree, they still offer less space and bandwidth than shared hosting. konstantin On Feb 17, 8:03 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Yes, most of the hostings have fastCGI, but not flup. > I know the best is to have VPS hosting, but they are ve

ManyToManyField does not allow empty relations

2007-02-17 Thread akonsu
Hello, i have set A that has many-to-many relationship with set B currently admin interface (at least) forces me to select at least one object from B if i add an object to A and the other way around. i do not want that. i want to add an object to A which has no related objects in B. i need to h

Re: ManyToManyField does not allow empty relations

2007-02-18 Thread akonsu
really necessary. or am i wrong? konstantin On Feb 17, 8:15 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sun, 2007-02-18 at 01:09 +0000, akonsu wrote: > > Hello, > > > i have set A that has many-to-many relationship with set B > > > currently admin interface

how to count many-to-many relations?

2007-02-18 Thread akonsu
hello, class A(models.Model): bs = models.ManyToManyField('B') class B(models.Model): how to implement this query: select * from myapp_a inner join (select a_id, count(*) from myapp_a_bs group by a_id) as a on myapp_a.id=a

Re: how to count many-to-many relations?

2007-02-18 Thread akonsu
myapp_a.id, > myapp_a, > ..., > ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myapp_a_bs WHERE a_id = myapp_a.id ) AS "B_count" > FROM > ... > > or you could call > > .b_set.count() on every a object you would get (one query for every > instance !! ) > > there is no cl

Re: Django over modpython

2007-02-18 Thread akonsu
> First of all, modpython is running through cgi. As Nathan said, this > would be a a loss of permormance, but what about security? I have read 1. to me, the phrase "modpython is running through cgi" makes no sense. do you mean to say "python is running through cgi"? 2. what kind of security do

Re: how to count many-to-many relations?

2007-02-18 Thread akonsu
> > You can extract this information from the _meta attribute on a model. > This isn't documented (yet), but it's on the TODO list for things to > document before 1.0. > thanks, i will check out this _meta attribute. it seems to me that ManyToManyField is not a field, it is a table. so if we did

storing templates in database

2007-02-22 Thread akonsu
hello, if i wanted to store my templates in the database so that the users could edit the way the pages look through the admin interface, how would i go about doing that? thanks for any pointers konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because

templateags problem

2007-02-24 Thread akonsu
hello, given a string 's' with a template source, i am trying to render this template in my view: from django.template import Template ... t = Template(s) t.render(context) ... where 'context' is some context. the above code works fine as long as 's' has no custom tags in it. but it fails with

Re: create a view

2007-02-25 Thread akonsu
hello, do you mean like here: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/tutorial3/ konstantin On Feb 25, 3:51 pm, "Mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > How can i create a view that select data from database and then view > it in html template > i really appreciate any help :) > > Thank you in ad

Re: viewing data

2007-02-25 Thread akonsu
Hello, your post is confusing. to start with, when you create models you do not deal with any database tables. django creates tables for you from the models. then, what you said about different titles, and admin is not sufficient for me to understand what you are trying to achieve. konstantin O

Re: viewing data

2007-02-25 Thread akonsu
't know how i can develop this part] > > any help will be appreciated > > Thank you in advance; > Mary Adel > > On Feb 25, 11:06 pm, "akonsu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > Hello, > > > your post is confusing. to start with,

Re: viewing data

2007-02-25 Thread akonsu
;content > > Thank you :) > > On Feb 25, 11:58 pm, "akonsu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > i assume that you have a model called "Article", right? what fields > > does it have? > > > konstanti > > > On Feb 25, 4:3

psycopg2 ?

2007-02-28 Thread akonsu
hello, my host has psycopg2 and does not have psycopg. is there a way to use that? i have django installed as local module in my user directory so i can tweak it if needed. thanks for any help konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because yo

check constraints in models ?

2007-03-03 Thread akonsu
hello, is there any way to set a database-level check constraint on a table? validators do not solve the problem because database can be altered directly. thanks konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: apache vhost /media issue

2007-03-04 Thread akonsu
Hello, i had the same error which went away after i added "Allow" directive in to my httpd.conf. konstantin On Mar 4, 10:23 am, "Greg Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have a local Apache vhost issue. I cannot get the /media files to > work with my admin, so my admin has no CSS. > > My vh

validators and model save

2007-03-04 Thread akonsu
hello, class MyFile(models.Model) : content = models.FileField(upload_to = '.') type = models.IntegerField(editable = False) when a file is submitted through a form post i need to check whether the file format is valid and set the "type" field to indicate the format. i can see two ways

QuerySet's get() method in template?

2007-03-05 Thread akonsu
hello, can a template invoke a method with parameters on a QuerySet object? e.g. get(), filter(), etc. or do i need a custom filter/tag for that? thanks konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

Re: Manually runing daily_cleanup.py

2007-03-06 Thread akonsu
hello, this might help: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/settings/#using-settings-without-the-django-settings-module-environment-variable cheers konstantin On Mar 6, 2:05 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I think I need to clean out old sessions, but when I try to

Re: Manually runing daily_cleanup.py

2007-03-06 Thread akonsu
ng daily_cleanup.py properly. > > Unless I'm totally misunderstanding what you're trying to tell me. > > On Mar 6, 1:09 pm, "akonsu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > hello, > > > this might help: > > >http://www.djangoproject.com/d

Re: Manually runing daily_cleanup.py

2007-03-06 Thread akonsu
apparently you cannot run it from the command line unless you set the environment variable. konstantin On Mar 6, 3:26 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > It appears my thick-headedness is acting up again. How would I go > about adding that from the command line? How DOES one run

fixtures ?

2007-03-06 Thread akonsu
hello, i am using fixtures for site deployment. it would be perfect if i could pull large amounts of data for fields in to my fixtures file from external files. say, for example, my models have text fields that contain html markup. i am pretty sure this cannot be done but i wanted to ask anyways

./manage flush --noinput

2007-03-06 Thread akonsu
hello, is there a way to automate creation of administrator role for django.contrib.admin application? if i run "./manage flush --noinput" it does not create one. thanks konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to th

Re: Django keeps growing, performance keeps dropping

2007-03-07 Thread akonsu
Hello, may be your data model is not optimal? too many relations? relations are too complex? konstantin On Mar 7, 10:26 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > My site just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and the performance has > gotten excruciatingly slow. > > I think the proble

Re: Help with mod_python and apache2 on Edgy Ubuntu with Django 0.95.1

2007-03-07 Thread akonsu
hello, your error output shows that it did find django installation in the egg in site-packages. do you mean that you have a separate installation that you want to use? konstantin On Mar 7, 10:56 am, "Ryan Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I've gotten pretty much everything else done, but

Re: Django keeps growing, performance keeps dropping

2007-03-07 Thread akonsu
i do not know the answer to your question, but it reminded me that there is a decorator like @login_required or something that you could use in stead of checking your self. (if it applies to your case). konstantin On Mar 7, 4:18 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On a more spec

Re: Video uploading and converting - queue system?

2007-03-07 Thread akonsu
hello, but the user will have to wait anyway until the file is processed, no matter what approach you take. i think what you are doing now is fine. it may even be better because this way the wait time might be shorter compared to the cron job that migh ttake a while to get to the file. konstanti

select_related() does not select many-to-many relations?

2007-03-08 Thread akonsu
hello, as the subject says, select_related() does not return many-to-many relations. is this a feature or a bug? thanks konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to t

Re: howto add join table field?

2007-03-08 Thread akonsu
hello, i suspect you cannot do this (but i can be wrong because i myself do not have much experience with django). you could make your own association table manually in stead of using ManyToManyField. of course in this case you won't have FOO_set methods on your models. konstantin On Mar 8, 10

trying to make select_related() work

2007-03-09 Thread akonsu
hello, the code below generates two queries to the database. is there a way to make it get all objects related to object 'aa' and then just look up the right one when get() is called? thanks konstantin class AA(models.Model) : name = models.SlugField() class BB(models.Model) : name = m

Re: trying to make select_related() work

2007-03-09 Thread akonsu
manually: d = dict() for x in AB.objects.select_related().filter(aa__name = 'aa') : y = x.bb d[y.name] = y i was trying to avoid this extra list traversal... konstantin On Mar 9, 11:28 am, Atilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 09/03/07, akonsu <[E

Re: choosing ajax framework (for my projects) :)

2007-03-09 Thread akonsu
hello, this page seems to have useful information: http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/08/05/django-tips-simple-ajax-example-part-2 konstantin On Mar 9, 11:20 am, "Jay Parlar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 3/9/07, ashwoods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > > > > > with so many choices, you

Re: select_related() does not select many-to-many relations?

2007-03-09 Thread akonsu
t; > On Mar 9, 8:29 am, Atilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > On 08/03/07, akonsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > hello, > > > > as the subject says, select_related() does not return many-to-many > > > relations. is this a feature

Re: javascript issue

2007-03-11 Thread akonsu
hello, i have several questions: 1. why do you have s;ash (/) before quotes in some places like > homebutton01up.src = /"media/images/welcome.jpg"; 2. what does "The script doesn't work" mean? i suspect it means the images are not shown. is this correct? 3. "django will not find the ima

Re: VB help!!

2007-03-11 Thread akonsu
i think i am going insane. On Mar 11, 9:19 pm, "Cynthia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello, > > I am very new in developing systems. So I am seeking help on how to > complete my system step-by-step. I am using Visual Basic 6. > Currently, > I have a form. In that form, I will need to input a Par

Re: Chaining ManyToMany Filters Update

2007-03-12 Thread akonsu
Hello, please allow me to disagree. the first two queries in the original post return result sets which overlap. but they combined return the empty set. this is the problem. konstantin On Mar 12, 9:13 am, Atilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 12/03/07, Boris Smus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >

Re: Where art thou ImageField

2007-03-12 Thread akonsu
hello, regarding the last part of your post: i have an unconfirmed suspicion that data validation should not be done in models but in the forms that manipulate data. does anyone know if this is correct? konstantin On Mar 12, 9:56 am, "gorans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to a

Re: dict object is not callable (newforms/forms.py full_clean)

2007-03-12 Thread akonsu
hello, i think render_to_response takes a Context object not a dict as the second parameter. konstantin On Mar 12, 10:56 am, "DvD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I got the same problem in a different context: > > > Exception Type: TypeError > Exception Value:'dict' object is not call

Re: search criteria

2007-03-12 Thread akonsu
hello, yes, there is search functionality called database API: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/db_api/ do you have anything specific in mind? konstantin On Mar 12, 7:09 am, "Mary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > is there any search functionality that has been implemented with > Djang

Re: Where art thou ImageField

2007-03-12 Thread akonsu
mage? > > On Mar 13, 1:04 am, "akonsu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > hello, > > > regarding the last part of your post: i have an unconfirmed suspicion > > that data validation should not be done in models but in the forms > > that manipulat

Re: Starting other processes in a view gives me some weird results.

2007-03-12 Thread akonsu
hello, i do not know what causes this. i am curious what happens if you replace return HttpResponse(stdout or stderr) with return HttpResponse('hello world') this is how i would debug konstantin On Mar 12, 10:03 pm, "Ino Pua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Quick way of reproducing: > >1.

Re: Duplicating model/view structure across several Django apps

2007-03-12 Thread akonsu
hello, but model.py is imported it as any module. what prevents you from just having it on the PYTHONPATH and not necessarily in the application directory? may be i misunderstood the question... konstantin On Mar 12, 9:37 pm, "Mark Engelberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > So I've got several ap

Re: Duplicating model/view structure across several Django apps

2007-03-12 Thread akonsu
or each entry in my INSTALLED_APPS (from > settings.py), it looks in that directory, and expects to find a > models.py there. So I'm looking for an alternative to duplicating the > same models.py file in multiple directories. > > --Mark > > On 3/12/07, akonsu <[EMAIL P

Re: Starting other processes in a view gives me some weird results.

2007-03-13 Thread akonsu
/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/servers/ basehttp.py", line 383, in write assert type(data) is StringType,"write() argument must be string" AssertionError: write() argument must be string On Mar 13, 8:46 am, "Ino Pua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

{% url %} problem

2007-03-13 Thread akonsu
hello, in urls.py: urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^/?$', 'path.to.myview'), (r'^(\w+)/?$', 'path.to.myview')) in views.py: def myview(request, name = 'index') : ... in template: {% url path.to.myview var %} the url tag in the template is rendered as "//?" if i comment out the first item in

Re: {% url %} problem

2007-03-13 Thread akonsu
f course i can always check if my name is the empty string, but using default values for parameters looks cleaner... konstantin On Mar 13, 11:19 am, Ivan Sagalaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > akonsu wrote: > > i think the reason is two entries in the urlpatterns with the sam

Re: sql log

2007-03-13 Thread akonsu
could you explain how to add it to an application exactly? the explanations given with the snippet are not enough for me. thanks konstantin On Mar 13, 8:25 pm, "Ross Poulton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mar 14, 8:54 am, "Greg Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > How can I see the sql Dja

{% url %} bug ?

2007-03-13 Thread akonsu
hello, urlpatterns = patterns(..., (r'^path/?$', 'path.to.view')...) in template: {% url path.to.view %} rendered as /path/? note the trailing '?' which is a part of the regular expression. konstantin --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because

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