
anything is possible. you just need to decide how you are going to
store your changes before the model gets "really" saved so that the
preview functionality works. where would preview get the values from?
i propose a "published" boolean field in the model.


On Oct 21, 3:41 pm, Aaron <aa...@genieknows.com> wrote:
> I'm wanting to set up model previews in the admin. I've been following
> this guide:
> http://latherrinserepeat.org/2008/7/28/stupid-simple-django-admin-pre...
> However, that guide seems to only apply to models that have already
> been saved (how is it different from "View on site"?). I wish to be
> able to make changes to my model, click on "Preview", and see what my
> model page will look like *before* saving it in the admin. Is this
> possible?
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