For instance, I have two objects:
1) Blog
2) Entry with a ForeignKey to Blog, and a Date field titled DateAdded
Now, I want to list all my blogs, ordering by the most recent added
I tried:
But the result was that is a given blog h
t... )
On Dec 4, 9:24 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 19:09 -0800, ryan wrote:
> > For instance, I have two objects:
> > 1) Blog
> > 2) Entry with a ForeignKey to Blog, and a Date field titled DateAdded
> > Now, I w
t... )
On Dec 4, 9:24 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 19:09 -0800, ryan wrote:
> > For instance, I have two objects:
> > 1) Blog
> > 2) Entry with a ForeignKey to Blog, and a Date field titled DateAdded
> > Now, I w
on would expect.
On Dec 4, 10:17 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 20:15 -0800, ryan wrote:
> > thanks for the thorough reply! I now understand how to proceed.
> > However, I'm not convinced that distinct shouldn't do th
hat most users would expect from a distinct() function?
On Dec 4, 10:22 pm, ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's no mind reading required. I have a queryset of Blog objects,
> not entry objects (or SQL rows for that matter). When I call distinct,
> I would expect a "di
Good catch. Thank you
On Aug 3, 10:14 pm, "Pedro Valente" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure if it's your case, but I got the AlreadyRegistered errors
> because before the merge I used the NFA branch and had an admin import
> inside (not needed anymore).
> I had forgotten abo
Is this correct?:
GEOIP_LIBRARY_PATH = '/home/USERNAME/geoip/lib/libGeoIP.a'
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"I do have A feild in my times
model named user"
Is it a ForeignKey to Django's User model?
If so you need to import that at the top of your file
On Oct 17, 3:42 pm, KillaBee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I keep getting this error that says ViewDoesNotEx
no, i just checked yr code. that's not it.
On Oct 17, 5:25 pm, ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "I do have A feild in my times
> model named user"
> Is it a ForeignKey to Django's User model?
> If so you need to import that at the top of your models
class Creative(models.Model):
creative = models.FileField(upload_to='creative')
element = models.ForeignKey(Element)
attachment = request.FILES[attachment_num]
attachment = request.FILES[attachment_num]
Let's say I have a Polygon model
class Polygon(Models.model):
side_length = models.IntegerField()
Depending on the view I'm in, I want to calculate the perimeter of the
polygons as a square, or as a triangle (or anything other polygon).
What I'd like to do is somehow create a subclass of po
In the following code, the second loop of "for row in csv_reader:" is
empty when dealing with an InMemoryUploadedFile object. Setting
FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE equal to zero forces the use of a
TemporaryUploadedFile object and solves the problem. It seems that
seek(0) doesn't work with an InMe
answering my own question, i think this has something to do with an
exhausted iterator
On Jul 20, 12:39 pm, ryan wrote:
> In the following code, the second loop of "for row in csv_reader:" is
> empty when dealing with an InMemoryUploadedFile object. Setting
Ryan Mark
847 691 8271
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When I edit a User in the admin, the sales_team and user_class
dropdowns are empty.
If anyone can point out my error or point me to the django core code
that ignores the choices, I would greatly appreciate it.
SALES_TEAM_CHOICES = enumerate(('CLS','CCS','TPS'))
user_class = models.IntegerField(choices=USER_CLASS_CHOICES)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=40)
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
This behavior is not mentioned as a caveat in
On Jun 2, 11:22 am
Thank you sir. I got this from "Python Web Dev. w/ Django".
An unforseen side effect.
On Jun 2, 12:05 pm, Daniel Roseman
> On Jun 2, 4:53 pm, ryan wrote:
> > This additional model, which uses the same choices is emptying the
> > choices dropd
= models.ManyToManyField(Station, blank=True, null=True)
>>> from myapp.models import Station, Order
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> u = User.objects.get(username__exact='ryan')
>>> user_stations = u.get_profile().station.all().values_list('p
answering my own question, seems like:
Order.objects.filter(Q(station=1), Q(station=2), Q(station=3))
On Jun 4, 2:29 pm, ryan wrote:
> class Station(models.Model):
> station_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
> class Order(models.Model)
terrestrial_active_orders = all_terrestrial_active_orders.exclude
On Jun 4, 3:05 pm, ryan wrote:
> answering my own question, seems like:
> Order.objects.filter(Q(station=1), Q(station=2), Q(station=3))
> -ryan
I had an IntegrityError come up on transaction commit (using postgres)
today on a production site -- trying to insert an invalid foreign key
value (an admin deleted something she shouldn't have). The problem
was that instead of emailing me the exception like usual, django
logged the exception to m
I'm trying to change the extra value based on a related object's
The relevant bit of code starts with: ## begin alterations
This way of doing it works, but should I be calling super() at the
end? if so, why?
I've been reading up on super a lot.
would this be preferable?
class HDChannelInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = HDChannel
extra = 0
template = 'admin/edit_inline/tabular.html'
def get_form
If you simplify things down to something like the snippets below, does
the alert display 'Said it was NOT ajax' for you? It shouldn't (and
doesn't for me).
Also, do you have the Tamper Data Firefox add-on installed to validate
the headers being sent in? That could help narrow things down.
I noticed this first in the Django Admin. If you have 100 rows in
Table A, and 5 of those have a foreign key entry pointing to a
nonexistent item in Table B, rather than throwing an error, the admin
displays 95. This happens if you set
list_select_related = True, or if one of the list_display fiel
At a client site, I have occasionally had her customers complain that
they get cookie errors when they try to log in, even though they have
cookies enabled and they are able to log in to other sites. Clearing
out their cookies doesn't seem to help. Most (95-99%) users can log
in fine. The affect
Solved my own problem. User's clocks were set ahead so the Internet
Explorer (pinnacle of stupid design) expired the cookie instantly.
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How do I go about caching an item so it doesn't timeout if I don't
want to set the default timeout to zero?
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backend setting enables a thin wrapper around Django’s
memcached (or locmem) cache class that allows cache times of “0”,
which memcached interprets as “forever” and locmem is patched to see
as forever."
On Nov 24, 2:02 am, Ryan wrote:
> I found this thread about how a timeout of 0 (= infi
In django/contrib/contenttypes/ (get_for_model), I noticed
that for a proxy model object, the contenttype being returned is of
the base concrete class since it sets opts to the _meta of
proxy_for_model . If one uses a generic relation in the admin app,
you can set the generic contenttype
aving wrapped the ContentType get_by_natural_key call). I'm
wondering what other implications there are if I continue to use the
get_by_natural_key as a way to get the proxy content type.
On Feb 16, 10:05 pm, Ryan wrote:
> In django/contrib/contenttypes/ (get_for_model), I noticed
I am interested in this as well. I've searched for a way to organize
models in the admin panel but I haven't found anything. It seems
illogical to create multiple apps simply for the fact to separate them
in the admin panel.
You received this
I like this setup. I will use this as a basis for my own upcoming
On Jul 25, 11:12 am, Sebastian Macias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks a lot for the feedback everyone.
> I have come up a perfect setup and folder structure (at least
> perfect for my needs) that will a
Use initial when calling your form class.
formClass = forms.form_for_model(Person)
form = formClass(initial={'gender': 'm'})
On Sep 6, 4:31 pm, Mark Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is my model:
> class Person(models.Model):
> ( 'm', 'Male' )
I live in Canberra, Australia and I'm putting together a web start-up,
hopefully using the Django framework. Does anyone know of any
competent Django developers, or at least Python coders, in my neck of
the woods?
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blem with SQL's between syntax or if it's
Django? If it helps, the values are floats (decimal 5,2).
Could anyone please help me?
Thanks in advance,
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templates directory at this level.
Does any one have any input on this?
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"Django users" group.
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That is not a bad idea as everything that is project specific, but not app
specific, would live in one place.
On Sunday, 4 November 2012 15:14:43 UTC, Xavier Ordoquy wrote:
> Hi,
> One thing I've seen - and adopted - is to have one application that
> conta
I'm needing to translate several Django sites/apps into arabic (a
Right-To-Left language) and I'm having difficulty editing the .po
files when the message to translate contains Left-To-Right variables
or HTML markup.
Whether I'm using TextMate, TextWrangler or poedit, if I'm editing a
Are there any Django developers in Johannesburg, South Africa? If so,
who can I get in touch with? Thanks.
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this more dynamic so the same code
could be used for most (if not all) forms?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
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Can you post your model code please?
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Could you not change the queryset of the ModelChoiceField in the view? That
way you will have access to the current user from request.user.
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This will show you how to achieve this in the django admin:
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plugin in order to allow the user to add or remove more forms
Hope this helps,
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"Django users" group.
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Just make sure you set editable=False in your model definition for manager
in the Task model.
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"Django users" group.
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If all you want to do is store additional information about your users, the
recommended way to do this is to use a user profile:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
e required queryset when you create the form instance
in your view.
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I can confirm that I get the same error. I wonder if it is anything to do
with the two different forms auth uses for user creation and change?
On a side note, how did you get your code so nicely formatted?
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That code is supposed to go in the models admin definition like so:
class AuditAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
obj.user = request.user
You received this message
obj.updated_by = request.user
obj.created_by = request.user
class Entity1Admin(AuditAdmin):
pass, Entity1Admin)
Hope that helps,
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That bit is the easy bit :p
Just change request.user to request.user.username
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"Django users" group.
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blank = True means that a django form will not require a value, but the
database still does so it's expected that you provide a value elsewhere. In
order to allow a null entry into the database, you will need to add null = True
to that definition aswell
Hope this helps,
You rec
No problem.
One final piece of advice would be to move the readonly_fields out of
Entity1Admin and into AuditAdmin. That way you only have to define it once and
inherit from it as with all the other options rather than re-defining it for
each new model.
You received this message
are trying to span a relationship. So these two should
actually be question__id and assessment__id. However the line above that
with question = question and assessment = assessment should work fine when
you have a question that is actually in the database.
Hope that helps you,
This is possible, but I'm not sure if you could do it via limit_choices_to.
The admin docs shows how to accomplish this here:
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Do you know how their python is provided? mod_python? mod_wsgi? fgci?
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I have used django in the past, but not for some time. So the changes
surrounding the user models are new to me. I downloaded v1.7b2 and
proceeded to start a new development I am planning. However I came across
a problem when trying to run migrate after generating the migrations on an
app th
> Le lundi 28 avril 2014 04:54:32 UTC-4, Ryan a écrit :
>> I have used django in the past, but not for some time. So the changes
>> surrounding the user models are new to me. I downloaded v1.7b2 and
>> proceeded to start a new development I am planning. H
- Ryan
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:13:25AM -0800, Kurczak wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've got this unusual problem - I've got few django sites, and I need
> to synchronize Users and profiles between them. (it
On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 11:21:14AM -0800, russellneufeld wrote:
> The one thing left that I'd like to do is set up Django to run
> continuously, even when there are no http requests. My application
> runs a bunch of periodic background tasks in addition to serving up
> web content, and it seems
Does this help? It would let you dynamically add elements and handlers
to the form that django is aware of, thus you get all the benefits of
using the form framework. Let me know if this is a bit thick and I'll
be happy to explain it and perhaps blog a more coherent example.
Does this help? It would let you dynamically add elements and handlers
to the form that django is aware of, thus you get all the benefits of
using the form framework. Let me know if this is a bit thick and I'll
be happy to explain it and perhaps blog a more coherent example.
as "daemonic" so they're cleaned up automatically when Django
Ryan Kelly | This message is digitally signed. Please visit| for details
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
the User class, but figured there must be a better
way :-)
So, is there a way to have a model subclass avoid the creation of a
new database table,and just take its data straight out of the table for
its superclass?
Ryan Kelly | This message is digi
k and see if I can help out on
the ticket at all.
Ryan Kelly | This message is digitally signed. Please visit| for details
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
27;t add
any fields will get pure-python inheritance by default. In the
meantime, I hope some other people might find this trick useful.
Ryan Kelly | This message is digitally signed. Please visit|
class that still lived in its own (manually
created) database table.
My current patch uses "virtual", so I can do the following:
def MyUser(auth.models.User):
class Meta:
virtual = True
def an_extra_method(self):
print "hooray!"
dn't let that hold things up. I'll think about it and come
> up with a name later on, unless a better option appears beforehand.
Originally I named it "use_superclass_table" but decided that was just
too ugly to deal with. "interface_only"? Glad not to b
Thanks again for your feedback on this Malcolm, I've created the
following ticket in Trac:
Proxy models: subclass a model without creating a new table
Ryan Kelly | This message is digi
prehensive than for Windmill -
probably because the latter is a younger project.
In the end I went with Windmill because it seemed to fit my
development/thinking style better than Selenium - so of course your
mileage may vary.
Ryan Kelly | This message
"html_name" --
in the case outlined above, both fields have html_name's of
Is this a bug?
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"Django users" gro
u from the database to create the XHTML, what
is the best method to cache this resulting XHTML.
Are there any applications that already exist that extend flatpages to
include one level deep sub navigation?
any help is greatly appreciated!
Ryan Kaskel
Lets say I retrieve from my database an object foo and foo's model has
a ForeignKey field, baz, with null and blank set to True. Will a
simple test like if foo.baz ... test whether the field is set to NULL
or not?
You rec
quicker than disk access? Do I even need to do this considering
Django has a cache system? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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this problem?
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def run(self):
def build_menu_from_link_mod(...
def build_menu_from_menu_mod(..
I hope this better specifies the issue. Should I import these in the
run method for each Thread subclass?
On Jul 8, 4:47 pm, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Ryan K wrote:
I'm getting a very strange error:
TypeError at /admin/
object.__new__() takes no parameters
I've isolated the problematic code to my middleware for an application
I built called staticpages. It uses the same mechanism and so the same
middleware as flatpages. This is the code:
from django.http
Please ignore this. I'm an idiot and placed the reference to the
middleware in the template_context_processros settings. And so strange
errors resulted. Please delete if possible.
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Is there any reason you can't create your own signal and put it in the
rounds save() method and then just call the parents save?
On Jul 9, 6:12 am, Eugene Mirotin wrote:
> Hello!
d in my code:
Menu 2
Cool Sites 222";>Google Inc";>Microsoft";>Ryan
Kaskel";>Yahoo Homepage
If I don't change anything in the menu, eventually it gets
I modified the above _cached_menu method to just create a new object
every time (shown below). It only seems to get the links right, a
ManyToMay field, after I save it _twice_? I get the updated
many2many table?
def _cache_menu(self, menu, xhtml):
Stores xhtml into
al is installed?
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Can anyone help with this behavior?
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Are you returning render_to_response in the view?
On Jul 14, 6:12 am, alecs wrote:
> Hi all :) Can u help me with .views._CheckLogin.__call__ didn't return
> an HttpResponse object . I'm trying from my view 'jump' to another
> view by calling mail_to_user(request,username,dummy) The
To be a little more explicit, perhaps your view code contains:
as opposed to
return render_to_response(...)
You received this message because you are sub
adding print statements to your
> save methods or handlers and running the dev server from terminal).
> The reason is that when you initially create the object, related
> objects have to link to the existing object, so the parent object is
> saved before them.
> On Jul 13, 9:
create a non view function that handles mail.
On Jul 14, 6:33 am, alecs wrote:
> Ok, a simple question:
> Are there any possibilities to call from current view another view.
> For instance you have a large view and in the middle of it you need to
> perform THE SAME actions
I'm not sure but try {{ original }} is the code:
context = {
860 'title': _('Change %s') % force_unicode
861 'adminform': adminForm,
I use signals to generate an XHTML
menu and cache it in my database. I do this in a thread. Someone said
don't use threads. What is the consensus on that?
On Jul 14, 10:43 am, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
390. (this post
if for anyone searching the topic)
On Jul 11, 1:57 am, Ryan K wrote:
> I modified the above _cached_menu method to just create a new object
> every time (shown below). It only seems to get the links right, a
> ManyToMay field, after I save it _twice_? I get the
I'm starting to see that I too need to participate in Django sprints
to help incorperate the features I want in Django and I think we all
should and perhaps you do which is great. This is great software there
is still a lot of work to be done.
Ryan Kaskel
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> (r'^someurl/', login_required(direct_to_template), { 'template':
> 'template.html', }),
> )
What exactly are your models? If you are using a ManyToMany fields you
could do it Rating.objects.get(user=request.user) and see if that
returns anything.
On Jul 19, 10:06 am, The Danny Bos wrote:
> Hey there, this should be easy, but my code just won't play along.
I have experienced this same issue, and that link didn't really help.
I am trying to hook into a legacy database using "inspectdb", and I
can't index the tables.
class Character(models.Model):
guid = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
name = models.CharField()
Python Version: 2.6.2
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This is where it says the problem is in the template:
Template error
In template /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/
admin/templates/admin/base.html, error at line 30
Caught an exception while rendering: unsupported operand type(s) for
+=: 'function' and 'list'
State in admin rendering process when error occurred:
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/template/ in
74. e.source = node.source
75. raise
76. except Exception, e:
77. from sys import exc_info
78. wrapped = TemplateSyntaxError(u'Caught an exception while
Thanks Karen you've been helping me out recently with debugging a few
things and have been a really great asset.
Ryan Kaskel
On Aug 26, 7:19 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Ryan K wrote:
> > This is where it says the problem i
and django-paypal has saved me a *heap* of mucking around.
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