I'll answer my own question:  The way to do this is probably to write
your own cache backend that is a wrapper around the django versions so
that timeout values of 0 are handled the way you'd like.  Johnny Cache
does this:


"The custom backend setting enables a thin wrapper around Django’s
memcached (or locmem) cache class that allows cache times of “0”,
which memcached interprets as “forever” and locmem is patched to see
as forever."


On Nov 24, 2:02 am, Ryan <rfug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found this thread about how a timeout of 0 (= infinite) isn't passed
> to memcached properly:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread...
> The thread is from July, but the issue still exists in svn, and I
> couldn't find a ticket for this issue.
> How do I go about caching an item so it doesn't timeout if I don't
> want to set the default timeout to zero?
> Thanks,
> Ryan

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