Re: Using mod in if in template

2008-03-24 Thread Michael Wieher
Can you simulate it with an incremental variable? 2008/3/24, Tim Sawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > Hi Folks, > > I want to do this: > > > > {% for image in Images %} > > {{ }} > {{ image.comment }} > > {% if forloop.counter % 4 %} > >

Re: Using mod in if in template

2008-03-24 Thread Michael Wieher
: > > > > > > > > > I saw that, but I couldn't work out how to conditionally output html > based on > > its value. {% if forloop.counter|divisibleby: "4" %} doesn't work. > > >

Re: Where do I put the code to fetch data not coming from a DB

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Wieher
good question.. I don't honestly know if you can configure django's models to reference plain-text, or whatever this library-of-data is. most likely you'll just have to disable database use and write your own access routines. On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Rishabh Manocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr

Re: some database error?: not sure...

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Wieher
I got this error when I added a field to my models, ran sycndb. I believe I got this error because syncdb failed to actually add the correct column to the database to reflect the changes I had made to my models. I believe this is a bug in syncdb, but maybe someone more experienced can show me wha

Re: some database error?: not sure...

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Wieher
I guess by "bug" I meant that synchronizing, by its nature involves making two disparate things congruent. syncdb does not do that. but ok, thanks for the reply, I'm glad its a documented "feature" at least... On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:37 AM, bavel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > That's what I

Re: some database error?: not sure...

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Wieher
I don't mean to be overly critical, its not a bad application, but if its marketed to 'perfectionists' then I guess you have to expect people to be demanding =) On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Evert Rol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I guess by "bug" I meant that > > > > synchronizing, by its

Re: Problems with Apache + mod_python

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Wieher
Look. If your python interpreter can't import django, you installed it wrong. C'est tres facil. the django module should be installed to the system and should be importable from anywhere. Setting your PYTHON_PATH is, at best, a hack, and at worst, will cause massive problems (as hacks do) when an

Re: Problems with Apache + mod_python

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Wieher
but this is the error message. >ImportError: No module named django shouldn't that mean that python can't find the django module? regardless of if he has further issues, modules within modules or anything, if python can't find the initial django module that means a bad install? --~--~-

Re: 台中模特兒一夜情

2008-03-27 Thread Michael Wieher
I doubt it 2008/3/27 辣妹 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > 台中縣市兼職小姐外送 > > 女大學生 專櫃小姐 幼教師 護士 模特兒 會計各行各業兼職皆有 > > 精挑細選.年紀都約在18~23歲 (但未成年的是不做的喔!) > > 由於都是兼職的台灣小姐.所以大都不能太晚.所以想找的朋友請先約好 > > 台中縣市各賓館或汽車旅館皆可送達 > > 價格優惠~安全實在 > > 錢小姐 0987-630-487 > > > --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You receiv

Re: compiling files when installing to a web server

2008-03-29 Thread Michael Wieher
Well, if you could describe the error in detail, hopefully with copy/paste, traceback etc. it would be easier to determine if it was due to memory issues or misconfiguration... On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 1:10 PM, andy baxter < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > andy baxter wrote: > > andy baxter wrote: >

Re: compiling files when installing to a web server

2008-03-29 Thread Michael Wieher
I had an intermittent error when using just apache/mod_python, but haven't had it happen since i started w/django On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 1:18 PM, andy baxter < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Michael Wieher wrote: > > Well, if you could describe the error in detail, hopefu

Re: templatetags

2008-03-29 Thread Michael Wieher
so... use the view to select (10items) from news items where canidate=john-doe order by date then do whatever On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 10:40 PM, ameriblog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > i have a site that lists candidates for mayor, on the page i have > biographical information, also i want to i

Basic Configuration Issue?

2008-03-31 Thread Michael Wieher
Can someone glance at this and tell me what is wrong? Request Method: GET Request URL: Using the URLconf defined in web.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order: 1. ^/datatab/$ 2. ^/datatab/login/$ 3. ^/datatab/load-dataset/$ 4. ^/da

Re: Has anyone made an MS excel exporter in a django site yet?

2008-04-09 Thread Michael Wieher
yeah but the thing is XLS spreadsheets have a lot more meta-data than CVS can handle On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Steve M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > It it's just one table, you can write an HTML table and name the file > with the .xls extension. Excel will open it just fine. Something li

Re: Images

2008-04-15 Thread Michael Wieher
in views: get the username set a variable named media-root to be an absolute url, not relative (where static media lives, not django-processed stuff) send username to a function that returns a list of image-paths relative to the media-root concatenate the media-root variable to this list of paths

Re: Distributed databases

2008-04-16 Thread Michael Wieher
You could probably do it by having mutliple sites and thus multiple files and somehow integrating them all together yourself but that seems like a tangled up mess On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 8:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hello everyone, > > This is my first p

Re: python runserver

2008-04-16 Thread Michael Wieher
Yeah I was gonna say, isn't there a few more lines in the traceback? Usually tracebacks take the form Originatinig-Module -Mod-that-called-it --mod-that-called-it ...etc until there's usually something you personally wrote and it ends with SomeError, line X (of your code) etc.etc. On Wed, Apr 16

Re: mod_python error

2008-04-18 Thread Michael Wieher
i guess the relative path is the question i assume ws-python is the directory your main urls file is in and the recs directly lives in it, with an file ? On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 12:15 PM, bcurtu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi, > > I have set up my apache with mod_python. When I

Re: Stability of using SVN versus 0.96 or 0.96.1

2008-05-01 Thread Michael Wieher
I never use bleeding edge software, I let someone else be that level of bug-testing/beta-testing support. On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 2:01 PM, blis102 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hello All! > > I am currently working on a CMS using Django and I am ready to make a > switch to the SVN version bec

Re: Deploying a Django App

2008-05-30 Thread Michael Wieher
It requires a familiarity with whatever web-server you run, usually Apache, for the sake of argument, I'll assume Apache. So, the tutorial discusses customizing your httpd.conf file tags quite a bit. Its up to you to bridge that gap between these parameters that Django's tutorial describes, an

Re: Deploying a Django App

2008-05-30 Thread Michael Wieher
gt;> >> Would I simply add the "/path/to/djangoproject" to PYTHONPATH and drop >> this into httpd.conf? >> >> >>SetHandler python-program >> PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython >>SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE djangoprojec

Re: How nicely does django play in a distributed environment?

2008-06-02 Thread Michael Wieher
I'd imagine like anything else, the tools exist to do it right, but its up to the work man to put the round pegs in the square hole, er or vice-versa? The issues you'll have when you discuss distributed loads rarely fall onto the appserver itself, rather, they come into play regarding cache

Re: Navigation components

2008-06-02 Thread Michael Wieher
I like to nest {blocks} using django's cool {block content} feature to have a "base page" and all my subsequent pages inherit from it... that, and some intelligent {{variables}} being passed pretty much handles things for me, but my site isn't terribly complex. On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Wi

Re: forms - WTF

2008-06-05 Thread Michael Wieher
> .MS ASP programmer who is switching over to python. I can't decide to be happy for you or to run screaming from the taint. But OK. I did some ASP work for a very, very brief moment. Unpleasant. > ... can't... figure out how to make it all work together in a land of joy and > >joyness (i

Re: Can Someone Do something about ALL THIS SPAM

2008-06-05 Thread Michael Wieher
I agree, there's a lot of annoying and ridiculous emails that come through this list. I'm on several that are all worthwhile to read, but this is the only one with this kind of problem. Maybe ask the helpful folks at gnu how their lists manage to not have the extra trash in their emails. On Thu,

Re: Comments not working on a specific server

2008-06-18 Thread Michael Wieher
did you try fiddling with the backslashes? django is ... clumsy with backslashes and urls. the trailing backslash in particular On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:09 AM, joshuajonah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Tried switching it to a normal object_detail generic view, same issue. > > > --~--~--

Re: Why PostgreSQL?

2008-06-18 Thread Michael Wieher
Generally speaking, MySQL is ideal for small-to-mid range sites, although it will support larger loads. Postgresql is where you'll end up going for performance when you approach larger sites. It can compete with Oracle in situations MySQL cannot. This is off the top of my head, so I don't have a

Re: psycopg2

2008-06-24 Thread Michael Wieher
> Why should we trust psycopg2 to be a high quality piece of software? > You're not asking it to do a whole hell of a lot. No computation. Simply "take A and put it in B" or "get B from A." I don't know why you'd expect this little connection piece to have a large team of support behind it. Th

Re: memchached issue on ubuntu

2008-06-24 Thread Michael Wieher
I don't know how djano uses memcached, but have you like, looks to me as if you need an instance of memcached running locally, listening on its default port. memcached is a program outside of django, and would (usually?) be started independently of anything else. so be sure you actually have an

Re: psycopg2

2008-06-24 Thread Michael Wieher
> In terms of security, perhaps this is the most critical part of the > stack? SQL injection is one of the nastiest security vulnerabilities > IMHO. You don't have time to write 2-3 bad SQL queries and attempt injection? We're talking 5 lines of python, and that includes import statements. I can

Re: memchached issue on ubuntu

2008-06-24 Thread Michael Wieher
now I would just run the same test you ran earlier, try to set data in the cache, now that the cache itself exists On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Amit Upadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 9:19 PM, Michael Wieher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: >

Re: psycopg2

2008-06-24 Thread Michael Wieher
>> You don't have time to write 2-3 bad SQL queries and attempt >> injection? We're talking 5 lines of python, and that includes import >> statements. > It doesn't even sound as if psycopg gets tested before release. > All I'm asking for is some reason to trust the integrity of psycopg, > and a

Re: psycopg2

2008-06-25 Thread Michael Wieher
Well, I disagree. Not with the idea that a decent support site is good for software, but that you, or anyone, has any right whatsoever to expect anything at all from people who are taking their own time out of their lives to build & support pieces of software that they then give away. You make a

Re: Why I can't include external javascript???

2008-06-26 Thread Michael Wieher
Key Reference: You need 2 in your HTTPD configuration file, one for things that will be processed by Django, one for static files. Thus, you need to actually put your static JS files on a /var/www/static-file/ or some web-served thing and

Re: Development environment

2008-06-26 Thread Michael Wieher
I prefer command line, vi its always the same, no matter if you ssh, log on locally, connect via sat-modem On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 7:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I use kubuntu+kate, and I just use a terminal for running code and > such. > > > --~--~-~-

Re: Install of SVN Django on Cygwin fails on sqlite3

2008-06-27 Thread Michael Wieher
not hard to test this, just open up a python shell and type 'import sqlite3' and see what happens Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar 7 2008, 03:41:45) [GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import sqlite3 >>> that is