Hello bro, I hope you’re doing well? I’m a Jerry, a newbie in software
development, I have basic knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and python and
I really need a mentor who can help me through, so I can be very skill at
it. I’ll love if you can be my mentor, I would really appreciate it. Thank
t. In fact "viewing" the file causes an
error (at least on my version winzip 7.0 SR-1). The simple work around
is to create an empty file named __init__.py in "...\Django-1.0.2-final
Now the command "setup.py install" works just fine.
On Dec 31 2008,
Hey Guys:
Wondering if I can get some advice/help.
I'm trying to alter the admin in a simple way so that instead of the
first column (by default) be linked to the change screen I want to
create a callable property and use that as the change screen link.
Here is my code:
class SubmissionAdmin(a
return (getPHash(raw_pass , salt , False) == hash)
def __str__(self):
return self.email
class Meta:
db_table = 'users'
ordering = ['email' , 'username' , 'date_joined']
verbose_name_plural = 'users'
Sorry, nevermind. I finally figured this out right after I posted
On Aug 19, 12:48 pm, Jay wrote:
> First off, I'm using Django 1.1.
> I've been having problems getting my custom authentication backend to
> work, specifically in the "admin" site.
fetch. (values(), only(), .etc.) I cannot find
any material to make it smarter. So I wonder if I missed something or
it is just a Django bug as to_python is not called?
On 9月25日, 上午10时39分, "jay.sh...@gmail.com" wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a question on customize the
In Django template, you can make methed call. So you can pass the
auther object to the template, then
{% for book in auther.books.all %}
{% for section in book.sections.all %}
{% end for %}
{% endfor %}
The ordering is using the definition in the Model Meta class.
Use the aggregation way:
user.report_set.annotate(count = Count('report_set')).filter(count =
On Sep 29, 10:39 pm, luismmontielg wrote:
> yeah, something like that is what I want, but to me, that is not the
> best way of doing it ...
> Maybe there's a simpler way?
> thanks in advance
> On
I do not quite follow your statement. Do you mean redirect
On Sep 30, 10:47 pm, "bax...@gretschpages.com"
> I'm passing through a testcookie function and would like to keep the
> request.GET keys
> so if the original URL is /testcookie/?foo=1&bar=2
> Whe
concepts in Django.
Happy coding!
On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 3:27 PM, codecub wrote:
> that's really unhelpful dude, i read through that and it doesnt even
> help at all thats for software/applications not websites
> --
> You received this message because you are subs
I'm working on a project which for the purposes of this conversation
we could say is about authors writing and sharing books.
My tendency is to want to make an app called "people" and an app
called "books," as these are two different models in my mind. A
person has certain attributes which would
people. (The same could be
> said about the books.)
> Another reason to have 2 apps for these models is overall growth of
> models.py. The more code that's there, the harder it becomes to edit.
> (I'm in the process of parceling out a bunch of models myself. Don
Hi, all. I think I have an uncommon problem here--I've been looking
into it for hours, and it's driving me crazy.
I'm trying to install a custom paginator template tag in Django
revision 7403. I'm getting the error message:
'paginate' is not a valid tag library: Could not load template library
"license" for more information.
>>> from django.template import Template
>>> t = Template('{% load paginate %}')
So I can load it in the shell but not in my template file. Hmm.
On Apr 27, 8:35 pm, Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, all
id Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 28 Apr 2008, at 1:35 am, Jay wrote:
> > And I think that's it. This is really driving me crazy. Is there
> > anything I'm forgetting? Anything obvious? I would be extremely
> > grateful if someone could give this a on
Hi, guys. I'm working with a paginator templatetag, and I'm trying to
apply a custom style to the current page.
In the code below, page.number renders *outside* the forloop, but not
*inside* the forloop.
{{ page.number }} << this one renders, but the next page.number does
{% for page in pa
Thank you-- I meant to include that. The template tag is here,
On Apr 30, 8:41 pm, Lucas Hazel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:21:47 -0700 (PDT)
> Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks! You rock.
On Apr 30, 9:37 pm, Lucas Hazel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:48:54 -0700 (PDT)
> Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thank you-- I meant to include that. The template tag is here,
> > unchanged:
My application has companies and aircraft, where aircraft has a
foreign key to a company. When a user is creating a trip, both a
company and an aircraft can be selected from drop-down lists. I'd like
to modify so that after the company is selected the choices for
aircraft are only those aircraft t
an that yet, so there may be
further problems, but this should give anyone in a similar boat a place
to start.
Getting a database working on the USB stick is next.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G
It's up there now, in the Installing Django section.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups
e would be cool, too,
although people usually have their favorites there. Personally, I'd be
happy with a single bundle that provided everything needed to work with
Django using the built in web server, regardless of which database was
Hi, Love Django! I can't figure out, however, how to upload files.
The only examples I find are post-magic-removal. I'd ask on the irc
channel, but I can't reach it. To make it as basic as possible, I just
made a Supplement class with a foreign key to the logged-in User, and a
FileField. I did
Which will sort the Ingredients in the Admin list, and in any related
select boxes for that model by the field 'name'.
markguy wrote:
> While I'm deep in the midst of this problem, I can't tell from the docs
> how to sort the select box for ingredients and tha
#x27;ll find all sorts of
discussion about the best way to deal with these type of login and
registration systems. What's best for your users is really up to you,
but I strongly advise you to encrypt password information at all costs.
patrickk wrote:
> thanks james ... your answe
Most systems do, if they don't send the password, they send a time
sensitive link (randomly generated and hard to guess) that will take the
user to a password change form where s/he gets to enter a new one.
James Bennett wrote:
> (but please note that's just me personally; the PasswordResetForm
I also agree with documentation in Django. I'm amazed when I began
browsing for help files in the site. I did not expect that the docs
there are massive. It covers a lot of WHY did this happen and HOW to
make it happen. The help for Django has more ham compared to ruby on
rails. I think if you com
Just curious if any long time python / django developers have seen an
increase in the demand/growth/popularity of these skills? I run a dev team
of python/django/aws developers building an ecommerce website and was
curious about what people think the future brings for this stack.
Continued imp
thank you, good info.
On Wednesday, 22 April 2015 05:10:48 UTC-6, mlvora.2010 wrote:
> Hey Jay,
> I am Malhar Vora from India. I may not be a proper person to answer to
> your question as I don't have much experience but since 5-6 years I am
> observing that P
ent in the database". Am I
missing something? I will try to experiment a little more.
On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 9:52:56 AM UTC-4, Matthew Pava wrote:
> Hi Jay,
> Firstly, I would avoid calling a model “Model.” Maybe “Product” would be
> better? It’s only because of Djan
On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 11:00:57 AM UTC-4, Matthew Pava wrote:
> We need to see your view code. I’m assuming now that you don’t have
> category_list in your context variable that you submitted to the template.
ike any other manager.
> *From:* django...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> django...@googlegroups.com ] *On Behalf Of *Jay
> *Sent:* Monday, August 27, 2018 11:05 AM
> *To:* Django users
> *Subject:* Re: Printing model fields organized by category
> model_set is the manager. You need to treat it like any other manager.
> *From:* django...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> django...@googlegroups.com ] *On Behalf Of *Jay
> *Sent:* Monday, August 27, 2018 11:05 AM
> *To:* Django users
> *Sub
What's the best way (or the standard way, or your preferred way) to
organize custom admin views? Assuming we want to leave the built-in Django
Admin in place and create entirely new admin views, would the optimal
organization be:
*A new app?*
Could you post your urls.py file for your blog app? It's very easy to
make a mistake in there that results in confusing time-related errors.
Jay P.
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chive_year', dict(info_dict,
> template_name='blog/list.html')),
>(r'^$','archive_index', dict(info_dict, template_name='blog/
> list.html')),
> )
Sorry, the problem I suspected isn't there, so I'm not sure what's going on
gets used
when pulling it from the db, you could run into issues here. Try
passing allow_future=True in with the other arguments to the dict()
Jay P.
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"Django user
site.register(User, MyUserAdmin)
That works nicely, but I can't find the "right" way to do the
_meta.get_field() stuff in NFA.
Any thoughts?
Jay P.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo
lly well, and fun to
listen to. This is what I use to keep up to date, esp. when I have to
take some time away from Django work.
Jay P.
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"Django users" grou
> foo = Foo.objects.get(pk=1)
> foo.get_dictionary()
> {'barfoo': 1, 'bar': 'bar value'}
There might be a better way, but try taking a look at
foo._meta._fields It does't give you exactly what you need, but the
pieces are there.
Jay P.
hold all my database and media info, then I
just have settings.py import them. The stuff common between
environments lives in settings.py, and the custom stuff only has to
live in one place.
Jay P.
You received this message because you are su
xtend the Manager class?
I'm wondering what people with more experience would do for this situation.
If the above is not clear, please let me know where I need to clarify.
Thank you.
Jay Deiman
You received this message bec
cases to see if those have been resolved...most likely they have.
The example of the "Comparison" Model in the second link is, at first
glance, *exactly* what I am looking to do. I think I'm going to dig in
tomorrow and experiment with this configuration, but it looks like this
gordyt wrote:
> Jay I'm not sure if this would meet your requirements or not, but I
> think you should take a look at this page concerning generic
> relations:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/contenttypes/#id1
Between this and the other link that Tim C
Jay Deiman wrote:
> The example of the "Comparison" Model in the second link is, at first
> glance, *exactly* what I am looking to do. I think I'm going to dig in
> tomorrow and experiment with this configuration, but it looks like this
> will be perfect for my need
Alex Gaynor wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Jay Deiman <mailto:j...@splitstreams.com>> wrote:
> Jay Deiman wrote:
> > The example of the "Comparison" Model in the second link is, at first
> > glance, *exactl
I had
the following Model, I could use something to the effect of
Netblock.objects.filter(inet__cidrct="") and get back a Netblock
entry of "", for example:
class Netblock(BaseModel):
inet = InetField()
Jay Deiman
g these quite extensively within
my current project, I will be able to do code tweaking and testing, as
well as some actual documentation, before submitting these to the Django
upstream for inclusion.
As noted previously, I think there would be a great benefit to allowing
the easy addi
mplish the above with a highly inefficient nested
Template code:
{% for item in list1 %}
{{ item }}:
{% for item2 in list2 %}
{% ifequal forloop.counter0 forloop.parentloop.counter0 %}
{{ item2 }}
{% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
I have an Order model and a Payment model (which FK's to Order as
"payments"). I have a handler for post_delete on Payment which sends
a custom signal which may do some updating on Order. The problem I'm
seeing is that when I delete a Payment, the custom signal handler can
still query for the de
'cc_expire_dt', 'cc_closed_dt', 'cc_frozen_dt', 'cc_card_printed']
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to t
, Jay
On Jan 7, 6:50 pm, wormser17 wrote:
> Hello. First, some quick context about my approach (I am not a
> programmer):
> This is the directory where I installed Django: /Library/Python/2.6/
> site-packages/django
> This is my project directory: /Users/mlooby/Sites/mysite
er site on Webfaction,
and the experience has been pretty great. Their service really is
fantastic (especially their Django forum, which is one of their most
active forums).
Jay P.
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o World')
A view is just a regular Python function, you can do whatever you want.
Jay P.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-us
rd relation between how an Apache
process/thread interacts with popen. I don't use Windows, so I'm not
sure about that.
Jay P.
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"Django users" group.
Generic keys recently, and I guess Ian Holsman hasn't yet updated
Zyons to match.
Jay P.
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Often times SVN has trouble getting through corporate firewalls, could
that be the issue?
Jay P.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email
> )
> django.contrib.flatpages is an installed app.
> I can see it in the admin, and have the URL set to /about/
> There's only one site, so it's selected.
> But when I go to /about/ I 404.
Do you have the domain
t's always because I forgot to change out the default
"example.com" in Sites.
Jay P.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to djang
> I dunno. Never had a problem with them before. Lemme try the subdomain
> thing.
Also, make sure you've got all the correct templates and everything,
as described in the documentation. That's caused issu
> and trying to avoid apache
Unless something changed recently, the built in server is *not*
threaded, meaning you can only service one request at a time. Even if
only 50 people have access to the server, that might start causing
problems for you.
Jay P.
e standard template ... not the template in
> 'cit_list10.html'.
> I doesnt find the problem
> Thanks for help !
Try this:
(r'^10/$', 'django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list',
dict(info_dict , {
o much easier to setup, direct contact on the forums with
the people who run it, it's just fantastic. Get DreamHost if you want
to use all the other features it offers (they have a bunch of
one-click installs), but if Django is your main concern, then go
Jay P.
e it isn't that hard and I'm not the first to implement it.
I think you just want to use sessions:
Jay P.
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this way:
If you want to do it in your django code, here's the Python integration
Cull wrote:
> We're just starting to consider
that it *will* happen, but what I'd like, is a hint on how to avoid
getting duplicate classes added.
It feels like I'm going to have to start tracking state myself,
eliminating some of the benefit of using FormWizard.
Thanks in advance,
Jay P.
t of cache so we don't need to keep
recreating the instances?
Jay P.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.c
t; os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'links',
> 'templates').replace('\\', '/'),
> os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'techniques',
> 'templates').replace('\\', '
rary templates.
Take a look at the django.views.generic.simple.direct_to_template
(which is documented in generic views), this provides a way to do
static HTML pages.
Unfortunately, there's no way to edit those via the Admin.
Jay P.
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sition_id, categories=None):
I would *love* to have the value of 'categories' in 'choose_questions'
be [1,2,3], the value I passed to reverse(). However, this isn't
happening. What, if any, is the proper way to pass extra context to a
view like this?
Jay P
On 5/2/08, Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I must be missing something super obvious here, but I can't figure out
> how to pass data to a new view, from the old one.
> For example, I have the following in a view:
> categories = [1,2,3]
with sessions now, but passing it in the URL seems more RESTful.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.co
atch or
> branch should I use in order to be able to do this via the admin site?
Going into the future, row-level permissions are going to be
implemented by making use of the newforms-admin branch. At least,
that's the last I heard about it.
The RLP branch that e
Is there a programatic way to modify the 'list_display' value for the
User model in django.contrib.auth? I really don't want to patch the
Django sources, but I can't immediately see another way.
Jay P.
You r
at let me do what I needed. Thanks!
Jay P.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group,
ver, that branch isn't really being maintained right
now. I'm using it on one website, and it's working nicely for me.
However, I would recommend that normal end users not be allowed to use
it, just "trusted" admins.
Jay P.
s will not show up in the the ADMIN. I restarted apache 100 time,
> changed the code 100 times to figure out. Tryied everthing. But as soon
> as I do an "import Test" for example the admin wont show it!!!
> On the IRC chann
s "Every X weeks on Y", where X is again a text
field, and Y is an option of one of the seven days.
Can anyone see a reasonable way to do this with the Django admin, or
am I going to have to create a custom form for this?
Jay P.
On 3/6/07, Rubic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jay,
> I would think you'd want to do a custom form for something like this.
> I'll be doing something similar soon for a scheduling system. You're
> familiar with the dateutil module?
> http://labi
. It would be
*much* better to do that compile in the __init__, and store it to a
variable, so you only ever have to do it once.
Jay P.
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"Django users" group.
To p
ns on an efficient way to query the db for all the events in
a given month?
Maybe it would make more sense to skip the database all together, and
store things as iCal files, using one of the Python iCal libraries to
parse through?
Jay P.
s occur in a given month. The
second step would be to figure out all the times those events do
Given all the events that do occur in a given month, the rest of your
steps make sense, but I'm still not sure how I'd find that initial
list of events.
Jay P.
p, I'll need to support custom
repeats, like "Every second Thursday", or "Every 5 months on the
17th". iCal on OS X has a very nice interface for selecting these
custom repeats, I guess I'll try and copy that.
Jay P.
Event model (or whatever you're calling it), you're
essentially storing the keyword arguments to an rrule, depending on
what's necessary for a particular event?
Then whenever you need to render a calendar, you pull in all the
Events from the db, create rrules fo
> > Then whenever you need to render a calendar, you pull in all the
> > Events from the db, create rrules for each using the stored
> > parameters, and just work with the dateutil library to do the rest?
> >
> > Jay P.
> More or less, yes.
a pick list of common schedules to assign to events or
> whatever.
> Again, it's probably overkill for a simple calendar, but damn
> powerful!! Just some ideas to mull over then :)
Ahh, ok, that makes sense now. It might be overkill for what I
ome of the other
kits, but they're slowly adding them. And I *think* it works well with
Dojo, if you need to build fancy visual stuff on top.
Jay P.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
django-dev is not the appropriate group for this, you want
django-users. Django-dev is for discussion on the development of
Django itself, not development "with" Django.
Jay P.
You received this message because you are subscri
On 3/10/07, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Umm ... Jay? He's using django-users already. :-)
Heh, silly me. The first two emails *were* sent to django-dev (and
django-users), so Gmail automatically tagged them as such. All the
subsequent emails showed up in my dja
es are undefined.
> So, how should it be done ?
You want:
done_planned = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
'blank=True' is for the Admin, saying that at a validator level, the
field may be blank. 'null=True' is for the database constraints.
Jay P.
And i can't do anything,
> has anybody any idea how to solve this?
Are you behind a firewall? urllib2 can't get through firewalls unless
you've configured some environment variables.
Jay P.
You received this messag
s are behind
proxies that screw up urllib until you configure things properly.
Jay P.
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@g
(As you're running Tiger, sqlite itself is already installed, you just
need the Python wrappers).
Then install subversion from
Then install Django via svn (the install docum
You may want to check out the 'stockphoto' app. Even if you don't use
it directly, it might give you ideas. It seems to handle thumbnails
quite well.
Jay P.
You receiv
x error message
> File "", line 1
> django-admin.py start-project testsite
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Don't run that command from within the Python interpreter, just do it
from a Terminal command line.
Jay P.
dictionary values. I don't remember if you can use a function for the
'queryset' value, but it definitely works inside of extra_context.
Jay P.
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it hard.
> So I svn checkouted djangoproject.com's source and
> tried to look at the custom query's code,
> but I couldn't find that.
Everything under code.djangoproject.com is powered by Trac, not by
Django, which is why you can't find it.
Jay P.
ly in custom views:
The patch may not even apply anymore, but for someone who really needs
custom upload_to, it's an option.
Jay P.
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e up with a better solution
(after all, my patch is almost a year old), but that doesn't seem to
be the case. Seems like a vital requirement for *any* site where users
will be allowed to upload content.
Jay P.
You received this message becaus
ssing it the value get_current_user(), but that value only ever gets
passed that one time.
If it were "dynamic", then get_current_user() would get called
everytime the FileField is accessed, which is what you wanted, but
that's not the case. Hence Malcolm's comment :)
Jay P
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