I’m currently implementing a finite state machine in my application using
Django FSM[1]. In the Usage section of the README the author said that
“This function may contain side-effects, like updating caches, notifying
users, etc.”
Opposing this statement, the Symfony PHP framework’s aut
I'm trying to document my own webpage's code so I will remember each piece
if I have to touch it later. I added docstrings to several functions
already, and while this is generally enough, I couldn't help but tried
pydoc blog.models.Post
What I got instead of the craved documents was an Im
another solution may be to patch your models in the migration module or
class, like:
import myapp.models
myapp.models.valid_identifier = something_acceptable()
Although it seems a bit ugly, I just tested it, and it works. This way
valid_identifier will live during the migration only.
this pretty much depends on your environment. I, personally, use virtualenv
and pip, so most likely will install such an external app like this:
pip install git://my.favourite.provider/awesome/app.git
If you use your system python, with a system-wide installed django, then
you may either
ed app.
> I mean, after downloading the app via git clone... should I create/edit
> some configuration file to get the contents of the "src/idea" app directory
> into my django project? and how? :-(
> Thanks again!
> On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 4:03:55 PM UTC-6, Gergely
> On Mar 10, 2015, at 3:30 PM, Gergely Polonkai wrote:
> Hello,
> By taking a quick glance on I'm afraid that a GFK subclass is your best
> bet. I was experimenting with a Doctrine DB (based on your description my
> guess was that your old ORM may be that).
By taking a quick glance on I'm afraid that a GFK subclass is your best
bet. I was experimenting with a Doctrine DB (based on your description my
guess was that your old ORM may be that). A little bit of change to GFK
made the query working, although I haven't solved the insert/update probl
I wrote a context processor which makes some global variables of mine
available for templates. I cannot find a good (cough… any) article on how
to test such processors. Could you give me some directions on where to
start with writing one?
Thanks in advance!
You received
] for middleware testing, funny that I didn't think
of this way (especially as I implemented it today), so thanks for pointing
[2] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mock
On 17 Mar 2015 17:59, "Carl Meyer" wrote:
> Hi Gergely,
> On 03/17/2015 10:52 AM, Gergely Polonkai
I just wrote a migration class with RunPython. When I run my tests, my
coverage value drops to to ninety-something percents, because the initial
database created by the test runner is (obviously) empty, thus, my
migration function’s for iteration won’t run.
Is there a way to test such migr
I have a pretty extended test suite for my application, which can run for
about 15 minutes. Now when I introduce an error, I will be notified of it
pretty late, and a one-liner fix needs another 15 minutes to check. Of
course if only one of my tests fail, I can add the name of the test case
On 24 March 2015 at 15:08, Ramiro Morales wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 7:27 AM, Gergely Polonkai
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a pretty extended test suite for my application, which can run for
> > about 15 minutes. Now when I introduce an error, I wil
suite GUI tool, like cricket:
> http://pybee.org/cricket
> Cricket lets you view your entire test suite as a tree, select subsets of
> the suite to run, see test results as the suite executes, and re-run the
> failures from the previous execution.
> Yours,
> Russ
Hello Carl,
thanks, I will take a look at this, too!
On 24 March 2015 at 23:33, Carl Meyer wrote:
> Hi Gergely,
> On 03/24/2015 04:27 AM, Gergely Polonkai wrote:
> > I have a pretty extended test suite for my application, which can run
> > for about 1
Please share the rest of this Apache config; from what you copied, it's
impossible to tell.
On 25 Mar 2015 17:12, "Sven Mäurer" wrote:
> I have two applications on my apache. Why is my Django application running
> accepting the connection also of port ?
> Listen 8787
I’d like to execute the following code:
Booking.objects.filter(start_ts__isnull = False, end_ts__isnull =
False).extra(select = {'amount': "strftime('%s', end_ts) - strftime('%s',
However, in the shell, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", l
> On Friday, March 27, 2015 at 5:38:15 PM UTC-4, Gergely Polonkai wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’d like to execute the following code:
>> Booking.objects.filter(start_ts__isnull = False, end_ts__isnull =
>> False).extra(select = {'amount':
it's a bit hard to understand what you exactly want to achieve. How can you
communicate with the microcontroller? Do you connect to one of its TCP
ports, and send it data, I assume. Is it done with a well-known protocol,
like HTTP, or some custom one?
You say that it opens a port every 5 s
do you have command line access on that machine? If so, can you connect to
the database using the credentials in the settings file?
On 28 Mar 2015 14:21, "Anderson Resende"
> I don't used mysql,but in postgres for you write in a database your user
> db needs permis
you should walk through the Django tutorial[1] to get as idea on how to use
it. However, if this is the sole problem, I think Django is overkill, a
pure WSGI page would suffice.
[1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/intro/tutorial01/
On 4 May 2015 17:28, "Aura" wrote:
I wrote a middleware[1] for my old blog engine; here, view_func.__module__
is the app’s name. It is not really sophisticated, though, but it may
provide a good start.
About the URL namespace, I don’t think it’s easy to do. An app doesn’t have
a namespace; you can include an url definition
The tricky part here is providing the input for the interactive tool. For
shell scripts there is a software called expect, you may want to look for
Python alternatives. Of course, if this interactive tool reads sequential
input from stdin and sends output to stdout, there are much easier
if you don't have to modify the object, I would suggest using serialization
instead of pickling.
On 13 May 2015 16:01, "Matthieu" wrote:
> Hi,
> I saved with pickle an object created from a Django model :
> class Country(models.Model):
> code = models.IntegerField(p
I think the source of your frustration is that you started on the wrong
track. If you create a global variable here, *all* your users will see the
same fields. I guess it’s not really the thing you want.
You have several other options here:
1) Add a user setting in the database
If you cr
depends on what exactly you want to do. You can take a look at Django’s own
serialization solution[1], or, if you want to build a REST framework based
on this, you may want to look at [2] or [3].
[1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/serialization/
[2] https://dja
Well, onunload can be used if you are creating a one-page app, e.g. by
using AngularJS. With multipage apps, this is of no use.
On 19 May 2015 16:54, "Javier Guerra Giraldez" wrote:
> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 8:23 AM, Miloš Milovanović
> wrote:
> > I want to logout a user from application when th
Assuming your QueryDict is called my_post_data, use
On 21 May 2015 15:28, "Fellipe Henrique" wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to get one application-form-post content from one server. This
> server isn't mine.
> They send to me this application-form-post, and in Django V
6B16A163'], 'data[status]':
>>> ['paid'], 'event': ['invoice.status_changed']
>>> as the "key"...
>>> :(
>>> T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F
>>> *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares*
I will also have to do this in the near future (same reason), and already
have some untested ideas. My guess is to add a second database in
settings.DATABASES, fetch all the model instances from my original db and
save them in the other. But if anyone has a better solution, let us know!
On 22 May 2
besides that it sounds like a homework to me, I don't see why you need an
admin module, as Django already has one.
For everything else, if you walk through the tutorial app, you should get
most of the ideas from there.
On 22 May 2015 09:19, "Preeti" wrote:
> I have to crea
lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \
> 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge'
> *Blog: http://fhbash.wordpress.com/ <http://fhbash.wordpress.com/>*
> *GitHub: https://github.com/fellipeh <https://github.com/fellipeh>*
> *Twitter: @fh_bash*
> On Fri, May 22, 2015
You say that your backend is ready. Does this mean you have created your
models and can access them from the shell (pythen manage.py shell, see the
first chapter of the tutorial, section Playing with the API)?
If so, what parts of the frontend creation you don't understand? Is it view
creation or
The error message is somewhat clear on this: there is no such module as
django.contrib.staticfilesdjango. The django at the end seems to be the
cause to me.
On 23 May 2015 20:19, "Preeti" wrote:
> this is the error I find.. [kindly check the attachment]
> --
> You received this message because
I'm currently having hard times changing a form field's value from within
the form's clean() method. I have already tried setting
self.initial[field_id] and manipulating the cleaned data by calling super's
clean method, change the required field (cleaned_data[field_id]) and
returning the mo
ds in the first
> place?
> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 9:55 PM, Gergely Polonkai
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm currently having hard times changing a form field's value from within
>> the form's clean() method. I have already tried setting
OST data.>>> f = AuthorForm(request.POST)
> # Create, but don't save the new author instance.>>> new_author =
> f.save(commit=False)
> # Modify the author in some way.>>> new_author.some_field = 'some_value'
> # Save the new instance.>>> new_
y work.
> Redirecting back to a clean version of the form with an error message is
> probably easiest, and can serve as a stop gap until you figure out the more
> desirable behavior.
> -James
> On May 27, 2015 12:47 AM, "Gergely Polonkai" wrote:
>> Hello,
IMHO it is much better to see the coverage values for everything (even
tests.py). Your actual case, for example, shows that only 98 lines are
running from your 100 lines long tests.py. This may mean that there is a
condition somewhere in your test cases that never evaluates to true.
If you
I had this error when I had two Django application with the same domain and
both with the same (default) CSRF cookie name. Changing the cookie name to
something different solved the issue.
On 30 May 2015 22:30, "Michael Greer" wrote:
> We have started seeing this behavior occasionally. No code ch
This doesn’t seem to be a Django issue to me… Can you install any other
packages with pip?
2015-06-02 20:12 GMT+02:00 mnz hz :
> IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb')
> detailed error message is as follows:
> http://pastie.org/10219723#1,21
> --
> You received this message becaus
it seems that the user running pip doesn’t have write access to the temp
directory. You should check the permissions of
C:\Users\SteveB\AppData\Local\Temp and its subdirectories as you can see in
the PermissionError line (just change the double backslashes (\\) to single
ones (\).
Is it po
x27;t know about windows installation.
>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 10:20 PM, Gergely Polonkai
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> it seems that the user running pip doesn’t have write access to the temp
>>> directory. You should check the permi
h I thought tha t I told you thsat I *was *able to make python/pip work!
> It's just this little thing about not being able to upgrade pip which
> bothers me, just a little bit. and I am not trying to run pip with any
> other User other than myself.
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 1:
you should remove the sys.path.append() line, and use from .models import
Also, it seems that you are writing a custom python script instead of
implementing it in your project. If I were you, I would create a
django-admin command, so it would work like
python manage.py hist
Sorry, I forgot that relative imports don’t work in standalone scripts,
just modules. In this case, yes, you should go on with the original import
line of yours, and modify the loading path. However, if you want to use
your models outside of Django, that is 1) pretty much unsupported and 2)
This SO answer[1] will provide you with decent answer on what this *args
and **kwargs things are. Hope that helps!
[1] http://stackoverflow.com/a/3394898
2015-06-08 15:03 GMT+02:00 felix :
> El 08/06/15 08:23, Oscar Buijten escribió:
> Just to let you know that I got t
I’m about to use the test server with REMOTE_USER based logins. I already
know how to set it up with my Apache based server, but I can see no way of
doing the same with the dev server (manage.py runserver). I have tried
setting the environment variable REMOTE_USER to a desired value, as I s
That’s exactly what I was doing, just haven’t had the time yet to share my
experience :)
2015-06-10 11:55 GMT+02:00 'Tom Evans' via Django users <
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 10:07 PM, Gergely Polonkai
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
I was trying to follow
If I enable django.contrib.auth.middleware.RemoteUserMiddleware, even if I
set AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND to contain both RemoteUserBackend and
ModelBackend, my test cases stop working. However, using the run
if you create groups, you don’t have to create different models for
different roles (well, unless you have different data to store for Students
and Instructors). Just connect the correct User object with the correct
Another method is to use the Permission handling system of Django,
as the first step, you may want to look at [1]. Also, there is
django-guardian[2], which may be a bit more appropriate for your situation.
[2] https://django-guardian.readthedocs.org/en/v1.2/
the problem of the root access usually comes into play when your site gets
hacked (or if you don't trust the framework written by someone else, which
is not always a bad idea). Up until then, you can safely run your
application under root privileges.
When your site gets hacked, the main go
I have created a new model called Settings, which has a OneToOneField(User,
primary_key=True) field. After the automatically created
migrations.CreateModel() invocation I added a RunPython line that runs this
def create_user_settings(apps, schema_editor):
User = get_user_mode
get_model() instead of get_user_model(). See
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/migrations/#data-migrations
> /Markus
> On June 17, 2015 12:48:48 PM GMT+02:00, Gergely Polonkai <
> gerg...@polonkai.eu> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I ha
As for me I have a function registered for the post_save signal, so after
saving the 1:1 object gets created. If you don't mind that the 1:1 object
gets created outside of the atomic block, it should work for you, too.
On 24 Jun 2015 10:16, "Mike Dewhirst" wrote:
> On 24/06/2015 4:43 PM, Mike Dew
(I didn't put this in the subject to keep the thread intact. Please learn
to ask before you do so)
On 25 Jun 2015 06:23, "Arindam sarkar" wrote:
> --
> Regards,
> Arindam
> Contact no. 08732822385
> --
> You received this message beca
this depends on a load of things. Which version of Django do you use? Do
you have a custom user model, or you use the built in one?
On 27 Jun 2015 13:47, "Arindam sarkar" wrote:
> i am just starting with django. I need create a site with signup/sign in .
> i want user to si
No, Django does that for you. You only have to worry about DB settings if
you want something else like MySQL or Postgres.
On 1 Jul 2015 23:40, "Bill Freeman" wrote:
> Yes. syncdb should work, assuming that sqlite is available (I think that
> it's built in in all the python 3.x versions), and ass
You don't need the temporary field.
1) create the "through" model, add it to the migration file
2) migrate all m2m instances (e.g. iterate over all Bereich objects then
iterate through its users, creating a UserBereichAssignment object for each
(all this done in a migrations.RunPython call)
3) cha
I think what you really need is a custom Django management command. You can
take a look at the implementation of createsuperuser, it takes some input
and creates a user based on this info.
On 17 Jul 2015 18:55, "Jake Rudolph" wrote:
> So basically I have my Django app that takes in information fr
whichever fits you. If you always and only do it before saving, you can
integrate it in the form's save() method, for example.
Another thing to consider is, what does some_logic do? If it works only
with the form data (e.g. transposing it somehow, which new data may be used
by others like
…anyways, I'm not really sure it can be done in mere 6 hours. Or if so, I
wouldn't dare to deploy it to production :)
On 22 Jul 2015 00:06, "Cesar Mojarro" wrote:
> hahaha!
> Can you do my homework?
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <
> russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:
I'm sorry, I was not around my mailbox lately.
Yes, you are right, my attempt is not the solution to your problem; it
seems that this m2m field really cannot be modified like this. With some
slight modifications, though, it may be.
1) create the through table
2) migrate data with RunPytho
after a quick read I cannot find any essential differences between the two,
in regards of authentication. JWT, however, is much more fine grained and
has a bunch of token manipulation options.
On 24 Jul 2015 03:01, "Ankit Agrawal" wrote:
>Hi everyone,
> I am b
MEDIA_URL is a prefix that you will put in front of the URL media files.
E.g. you set your webserver to load such files under the /media/ URL, like
www.example.com/media/my-video.webm. Using different storage backends, like
an Amazon S3 bucket, you may want to set this to the bucket's URL.
Do you save your avatar images there? Do you prepend MEDIA_URL to the
avatar's src=""? How do you display the image by the way?
These are the quick questions that came into my mind without knowing your
On 25 Jul 2015 22:59, wrote:
> Nah, I just want to have an avatar inside, to get easy.
tter image in a new tab.
> About the setup...
> MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '/media/')
> MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
> So *localhost:8000/media/images/avatar.jpg* would work, isn't it?
> El sábado, 25 de julio de 2015, 23:14:58 (UTC+2), Gergely
this all depends on how this Qt app communicates with the other end (server
side). Does it offer *any* kind of authentication/authorization? If so,
look for ways to integrate it with Django. If not, you are screwed anyway
(from security point of view), because even if your app pops up a log
e @login_required, and if that is called and the user is not
> logged in, it would invoke the django login page - just like it works
> in django. I think I can do most of this, the part I am unclear on is
> how I get control from the django login page back to the Qt app.
That’s not a big issue if you really communicate with Django via a
web-based API. If the user can’t log in, you can simply redirect them to a
web page. I don’t see the need for user admin functions, though.
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
That means you have to be able to do it via the API. The other solution is
to pop up a web view for these tasks. However, we are moving out from
Django field here, as this is getting more and more a falcon/UX-related
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
I would create a separate view for this, like /falcon_login/, which could
give you a plain text result. But that’s totally up to you.
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
Is this it?
Also, have you gone through the tutorial? If not, I strongly suggest to to
so. It will clear a lot of things both about Django and the web in general.
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
I don’t know of any built-in metrics in Django that you can monitor. If you
write some for your apps, you could also write some monitoring scripts, too
(probably in the form of a management command).
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
Looking at FactoryBoy’s documentation, it doesn’t seem you can use these;
for example, slug is never mentioned in the documentation. What exactly do
you want to achieve? Are you sure it’s FactoryBoy you are looking for?
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
1. Clone the repo (success)
2. Install pip requirements (mention using virtualenv, but don't make it a
requirement; pip install -r requirements.txt in a venv succeeded)
3. Set the SECRET_KEY environment variable (I think you shouldn't make
creating secret.sh a requirement, just suggest it;
What do you mean it doesn't work? What error message you get? Are you sure
it is provided by Django and not the webserver?
Also, GMail is marking your message as a possible malware; consider pasting
your urls.py inline instead of an attachment.
On May 8, 2016 15:39, "minom du" wrote:
> Hello ,ev
> return render_to_response('index.html',locals())
> just same of notice
> it still return 404 not found
> the environment is ubuntu+nginx+django 1.8.13
> and i try build it on the environment w
If your 404 pages are white with DEBUG=True, then the problem lies within
the web server config. Could you show us the working apache config, too?
i tried
and still return 404 not found
Sai K於 2016年5月10日星期二 UTC+8下午7時36分57秒寫道:
> Can you change the url for board some thing like : *url(r'^board$',
this depends on a lot of factors, like the anatomy of your models and
signals. I have a model which is is not administered, but every time I
create a user, a new row is added by a signal. This way, loading such a
dump is impossible without some modifications to these signals.
All in all, i
Michal is right, except…
If you have only one server running your code, there is no real need to
keep your unsquashed migrations; do a squash, and remove everything else.
If, however, your app's source is public, imagine the following scenario:
You publish your app with 3 migration files
Django can’t do this out of the box, but see this post[1] for a possible
solution with dicts.
You might also want to look at serialization[2]; it might help you a bit,
but again, it’s primarily for dicts, not lists.
On the other hand, I started wondering why you need this, do you care to
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
2016-05-20 0:59 GMT+02:00 Luis Zárate :
> Hi,
> I interested in opendata and open
I would make Restaurant.dishes a @property that returns all dishes the
restaurant's chefs can make:
return Dish.objects.filter(chef__restaurant=self)
On May 23, 2016 14:46, "Jani Tiainen" wrote:
> Something like
> Chef:
> # Nothing special here, reverse relations will be done automatical
did you run manage.py migrate?
When you add a ForeignKey or OneToOne to a model, what actually gets stored
in the DB is the ID of the referenced object (in this case, a
auth.models.User). So the user_id column should be created for you during
the next makemigrations+migrate combo.
On a si
I don’t see any error here; what is the error message you see?
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
2016-05-26 10:16 GMT+02:0
On May 26, 2016 20:12, "Bruce Whealton"
> Hello all,
> I have a few questions of which I am not finding answers.
> 1) If I export my development db (Postgresql) and then import it into
production database,
> won't I be pulling in a very weak password that I used for development?
Just like this. Unless you have a specific use case you forgot to share in
your mail.
Views are mere functions that get called with a request az a parameter. You
shouldn’t treat them as special/holy/uncallable.
On Jun 15, 2016 19:56, "hossein" wrote:
> def base(request):
> j=J
that message tells you everything. As there is no tty (ie. a terminal that
can read user input and write some output), createsuperuser won’t run.
I don’t know eclipse, but if you can force it to run commands within a tty,
you won. Otherwise you will have to use the command line.
Well, exc
400 Bad Request is responded if the client sends a… um… Bad Request?
Jokes aside, it may represent many things. Web servers may send 400 if the
HTTP request is malformed. Applications, such as a Django app, may send 400
if the request cannot be processed, e.g. when a required header is missing
This sounds to be a JavaScript problem, which is not part of Django in any
My idea, however, is that you don’t import another JS file that contains
the $ function (probably jQuery or Prototype?)
Gergely Polonkai
[image: https://]about.me/gergely.polonkai
rename migrations in your head to database migrations, or even model to
database migrations.
The migration process takes all your models and applies all the changes in
them to your database (usually an SQL instance in the wild).
Forms, on the other hand, are just that: forms, that can get
this “refreshes.backups.tests” thing bothers me a lot. Could you show us
your directory structure, please?
On Wed, Aug 17, 2016, 23:03 Matt wrote:
> Ok a step forward. When I spell out the tests it works:
> https://dpaste.de/2MXf
> But when I run test without arguments
the fact you develop alone doesn't make SVN a better choice than Git,
Mercurial, or any other distributed version control. But as you already
made your choice, here are my two cents.
You should put all the stuff under trunk/, so it becomes trunk/manage.py,
trunk/crm/, etc. If you are devel
I have a test that fetches some JSON data from my API and compares it with
the expected result, which is generated like this:
expected_json = {
'status': 'ok',
'invalid-fields': {},
'updated-fields': cloned_build.groupings.get(group=group1)
updated-fields': [2,3]
> }
> assert cmp(expected_json, actual_json) == 0 # same
> assert cmp(expected_json, invalid_json) == -1 # different
> Hope this helps. For more background & discussion, see:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/452794
be glad to know that's fixed in Django 1.10:
> https://github.com/django/django/commit/e0837f2cb12de5e95e621d19b186b0da43bcdee2
> On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at 10:27:37 AM UTC-4, Gergely Polonkai wrote:
>> It just turned out that value_list(…, flat=True) ret
although it is possible, I'd go with an IP field and generate a list of
them, comma separated, at run time. This will make it easier to search and
manage the list.
On Wed, Aug 31, 2016, 00:29 Jorge Cadena wrote:
> Hi
> I have a idea CommaSeparatedIpField, it possible ?
This very much depends on what exactly want to do, but in general, it
doesn’t really Django’s job. Can you produce the desired result in a plain
HTML file? If not, you should visit an HTML/CSS tutorial; if yes, you
should define your problem a bit better, otherwise we won’t be able to help
That file is an SQLite database, which is a binary format. It should look
like this.
I know it is confusing, because of that bunch of SMS statements, but it's
OK that way. If you want to interact with it, use the sqlite3 command, or
an SQLite GUI.
On Sun, Sep 25, 2016, 14:17 kbman99 wrote:
> Ju
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