Tutorial of creating a Poll

2009-03-12 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Hello all ... It´s my first post on here... So, i´ve got a little problem when i follow the instructions to create an app on Django. I´ve created the Poll like the tutorial, and it´s all ok . But when i try to put this on a view to show in a template i´ve got the problem. I´m from Brazil so, my m

Re: Tutorial of creating a Poll

2009-03-13 Thread Fred Chevitarese
l): enquete = models.ForeignKey(enquete) opcao = models.CharField(verbose_name = u'Opção', max_length = 200) votos = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = 'Votos', default = 0) def __unicode__(self): return self.opcao* ** *Thanks for help ;) * ** *** * 2009/3/12 Kar

Re: Django blog for google app engine

2009-03-13 Thread Fred Chevitarese
f. Here's a place to start: > http://www.42topics.com/dumps/appengine/doc.html > > Jacob > > > > -- Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "

Re: Flatpages only works when settings.DEBUG = True

2009-06-24 Thread Fred Chevitarese
What you´ve done? I´m getting this problem and, try all the following steps like you, but still not working ! Can you help me ?? On 5 maio, 04:07, Ronghui Yu wrote: > It works now. That's because a typo error happens in my 404.html page. And > it introduces 500.Thanks all. > > > > On Tue, May 5

Re: DjangoCon '09

2009-07-13 Thread Fred Chevitarese
It apears to be cool!!! I´m in Brazil! Maybe someone can record and put it on youtube!! Hugs... Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2009/7/13 Robert Lofthouse > > Hi all, > > DjangoCon '09 will be in Portland, Oregon at the DoubleTree Gre

Re: Running the site

2009-07-13 Thread Fred Chevitarese
In tis package, you have the database? If yes, you can setup your settings.py poiting to this database. After that, you can run the command python manage.py inspectdb sending the result to a txt file. Then, you can "refactory" the models file ;) Fred Chevitarese - GNU/

How to add a new button near to "Add a new article"

2009-07-14 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Hello! I´m needing to add a button near to the button to add another object. For example, there´s a app called Articles... When i´m in the admin interface, i can see all the articles that i have in the database in a grid. In the top, i have a button to add a new article. So, i want to put another

Re: Style sheet not working after shifting from desktop to laptop

2009-07-14 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Use the Chrome Browser to see the source code generated by Django, and then you can follow the css of your page. Than, you can see if this is pointing to the rigth place ;) http://chevitarese.wordpress.com Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux On Jul 14, 9:55 am, Lakshman Prasad wrote: > Either

Re: Forms: Set default value

2009-07-15 Thread Fred Chevitarese
title = models.CharField(max_length = 80) search_engine = models.CharField(max_length = 1, choices = SEARCH_CHOICES, default = 'google') Hope it help!! Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2009/7/15 Wiiboy > > Hi, > I'm defining a form model, and I have a

Re: DjangoCon '09

2009-07-15 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Yes!! That will be good!! hello gustavo!! I like your blog very much !!! ;) Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2009/7/14 Gustavo Henrique > > +1, too > > I thinks interesting record in video all about that. > This important for consolidate the

Re: Forms: Set default value

2009-07-15 Thread Fred Chevitarese
look here <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/modelforms/> There´s an explanation for what you desire! 2009/7/15 Wiiboy > > Sorry, I was little unclear above. I need to set the default for a > form. > > > -- http://chevitarese.wordpress.com Fred

Re: PyOhio - Python Regional Conference

2009-07-15 Thread Fred Chevitarese
s/ > > Hope to see you there! > > Alex > > -- > "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your > right to say it." -- Voltaire > "The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero > "Code can always

Re: Where is the "Else if"... ?

2009-07-29 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Maybe you have to look on the python documentation. http://www.python.org/doc/ 2009/7/29 Asinox > > Hi guy, im looking for the simpley if ...else if but i cant see > in the django documentation > > Thanks :) > > > -- http://chevitarese.wordpress.com Fred

Re: Django and ZSI

2009-10-07 Thread Fred Chevitarese
t would be appreciated... Thanks in advance ;) http://chevitarese.wordpress.com Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux 2009/10/7 Janusz > > HI, > I have an additional question to this topic: how exactly do you deploy > ZSI-generated web services from within Django? > BR/Janusz > > On

Re: where can I find email alert functionality

2009-10-07 Thread Fred Chevitarese
I'm looking for this too, but had no success... I'll have to made your own ... http://chevitarese.wordpress.com Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux 2009/10/6 Norman > > hello, > > I look for email alert functionality, where readers sign up to get > notifications when news

Re: Model Theory 101 - Video Sharing App

2009-11-12 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Hello ... I've made one app as you like... http://code.google.com/p/django-youtube-syncronizer/ ;) http://chevitarese.wordpress.com Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux 2009/8/28 thornomad > > Hi thanks for the response - I had looked at oembed, but it didn't > seem like it w

Re: Django DatabaseError when using sqlall and syncdb

2010-04-27 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Hi! As you said, you´ve created a new database, or you created a database and restore a backup ? Try to create a new and after this, run syncdb. http://chevitarese.wordpress.com Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux 2010/4/27 larsendt > I'm having issues creating a new database for my app. I

Re: TemplateDoesNotExist

2010-11-12 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Look at settings.py and see where in which directory are configured your templates. Then, you can see at the error what file he is searching for... "TemplateNotFound" /home/fred/teste.hlml Something like this :P Hope it helps ;) http://chevitarese.wordpress.com Fred Chevitarese -

Re: ANN: django-iadmin

2011-07-04 Thread Fred Chevitarese
*Não ponha nenhuma esperança no tempo, pois o relógio pode parar a qualquer momento.* " Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2011/7/4 creecode > Sounds interesting! Thanks! > > > On Monday, July 4, 2011 11:06:44 AM UTC-7, sax wrote: >> >&g

Re: ANN: django-iadmin

2011-07-04 Thread Fred Chevitarese
tempo, pois o relógio pode parar a qualquer momento.* " Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2011/7/4 sax > yep, but more test needed > > sax > > > > > 2011/7/4 Fred Chevitarese > >> Hmmm I like it ! &

Re: Building app on already existing set of DB tables

2010-12-22 Thread Fred Chevitarese
ant? Hope it help! Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2010/12/22 Vikram > Hi, > > I am working on building an app that reports the data from the already > existing tables in the Oracle DB. These tables are data-dictionary > tables and my application

Re: E-commerce site

2011-02-09 Thread Fred Chevitarese
sente é o único tempo que você possui.* *Viva, ame e trabalhe com vontade.* *Não ponha nenhuma esperança no tempo, pois o relógio pode parar a qualquer momento.* " Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2011/2/8 Kenneth Gonsalves > On Tue, 2011-02-08 at 05:53

Re: E-commerce site

2011-02-09 Thread Fred Chevitarese
e é o único tempo que você possui.* *Viva, ame e trabalhe com vontade.* *Não ponha nenhuma esperança no tempo, pois o relógio pode parar a qualquer momento.* " Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2011/2/9 Fred Chevitarese > I know. Lot of people don´t like

Re: E-commerce site

2011-02-09 Thread Fred Chevitarese
mais cedo ou se mais tarde.* *O presente é o único tempo que você possui.* *Viva, ame e trabalhe com vontade.* *Não ponha nenhuma esperança no tempo, pois o relógio pode parar a qualquer momento.* " Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2011/2/9 Kenneth Gonsalves

Re: now template tag and predefined format DATE_FORMAT problem

2011-02-09 Thread Fred Chevitarese
apenas uma vez.* *Ninguém tem o poder de decidir quando os ponteiros pararão, se mais cedo ou se mais tarde.* *O presente é o único tempo que você possui.* *Viva, ame e trabalhe com vontade.* *Não ponha nenhuma esperança no tempo, pois o relógio pode parar a qualquer momento.* " Fred Chevitar

Re: now template tag and predefined format DATE_FORMAT problem

2011-02-09 Thread Fred Chevitarese
pode parar a qualquer momento.* " Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com 2011/2/9 Fred Chevitarese > I guess you are making an mistake. > It have to be something like this: {% now "jS F Y H:i" %} > > You can take a look at the table with

Django + FacebookConnect

2011-02-10 Thread Fred Chevitarese
eiros pararão, se mais cedo ou se mais tarde.* *O presente é o único tempo que você possui.* *Viva, ame e trabalhe com vontade.* *Não ponha nenhuma esperança no tempo, pois o relógio pode parar a qualquer momento.* " Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux http://chevitarese.wordpress.com -- You received th

Re: Installing Django [Again]

2015-07-09 Thread Fred Chevitarese
Well Steve, i will try to help you! 1 - Make sure to put Python at the system path. I mean, you can run python at prompt? 2 - After that, make sure C:\PythonXX\Scripts is on system path as well. 3 - Now, you need to create your project. Try to run django-admin.py to see if there's any information

Re: Model forms

2017-01-24 Thread Fred Chevitarese
saúde. E por pensarem ansiosamente no futuro, esquecem do presente de tal forma que acabam por não viver nem o presente nem o futuro. E vivem como se nunca fossem morrer e morrem como se nunca tivessem vivido” - Dalai Lama.* *"* *Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux* *http://chevitarese.wordpress.

Re: can somebody help me understand django framework please

2017-06-23 Thread Fred Chevitarese
uturo. E vivem como se nunca fossem morrer e morrem como se nunca tivessem vivido” - Dalai Lama.* *"* *Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux* *http://chevitarese.wordpress.com* <http://chevitarese.wordpress.com> 2017-06-23 9:51 GMT-03:00 Daniel Jacob < jacob.dan...@covenantuniversity.edu.ng&g