Hello ...

I realy don´t know what happening, but, i´ve deleted my models and the
tables in database, redo all the model and this workds now...

There´s my old code...

*class enquete(models.Model):
  pergunta = models.CharField('Pergunta', max_length = 50)
  habilitada = models.BooleanField('Habilitada', default = True)
  dataCriacao = models.DateField(verbose_name = 'Criada em', auto_now =
True, auto_now_add = True)

  def __unicode__(self):
  return self.pergunta
  class Meta:
  verbose_name = 'Enquete'
  verbose_name_plural = 'Enquetes'

class respostaEnquete(models.Model):
  enquete = models.ForeignKey(enquete)
  opcao = models.CharField(verbose_name = u'Opção', max_length = 50)
  votos = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = u'Número de votos', default =

  def __unicode__(self):
  return self.opcao
  class Meta:
  verbose_name = 'Resposta da enquete'
  verbose_name_plural = 'Respostas das enquetes'

There´s something wrong in this code??

This one works....

*class enquete(models.Model):
  pergunta = models.CharField('Pergunta', max_length = 200)
  dataCriacao = models.DateTimeField('Criada em', auto_now = True,
auto_now_add = True)

  def __unicode__(self):
  return self.pergunta
  def publicadaHoje(self):
  return self.dataCriacao.date() == datetime.date.today()
  publicadaHoje.short_description = 'Publicada hoje?'

class resposta(models.Model):
  enquete = models.ForeignKey(enquete)
  opcao = models.CharField(verbose_name = u'Opção', max_length = 200)
  votos = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = 'Votos', default = 0)

  def __unicode__(self):
  return self.opcao*


*Thanks for help ;) *




2009/3/12 Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Fred Chevitarese 
> <fchevitar...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello all ...
>> It´s my first post on here...
>> So, i´ve got a little problem when i follow the instructions to create
>> an app on Django.
>> I´ve created the Poll like the tutorial, and it´s all ok .
>> But when i try to put this on a view to show in a template i´ve got
>> the problem.
>> I´m from Brazil so, my models, views and templates can be in
>> portuguese but i think that´s not a problem ;)
>> Let´s see...
>> Below the Models File ###
>> #Poll
>> class enquete(models.Model):
>>    pergunta = models.CharField('Pergunta', max_length = 50)
>>    habilitada = models.BooleanField('Habilitada', default = True)
>>    dataCriacao = models.DateField(verbose_name = 'Criada em',
>> auto_now = True, auto_now_add = True)
>>    def __unicode__(self):
>>        return self.pergunta
>>    class Meta:
>>        verbose_name = 'Enquete'
>>        verbose_name_plural = 'Enquetes'
>> #Choice
>> class respostaEnquete(models.Model):
>>    idPergunta = models.ForeignKey(enquete)
>>    opcao = models.CharField(verbose_name = u'Opção', max_length = 50)
>>    votos = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = u'Número de votos',
>> default = 0)
>>    def __unicode__(self):
>>        return self.opcao
>>    class Meta:
>>        verbose_name = 'Resposta da enquete'
>>        verbose_name_plural = 'Respostas das enquetes'
>> ## Now, the views file
>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>> from django.http import HttpResponse
>> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
>> from Teccom.conteudo.models import *
>> def noticiasIndex(request):
>>    #Pegando as notícias ...
>>    noticias = noticia.objects.filter(habilitada = True).all()
>> #Getting the notices ...
>>    lista = enquete.objects.all() # getting the poll
>>    return render_to_response('principal.html', locals())
>> ## and now, the Template file ;)
>>  <div id="news">
>>        {% for enquete in lista %}
>>        <h1>{{ enquete.pergunta }}</h1>
>>        {% if error_message %}<p><strong>{{ error_message }}</strong></
>> p>{% endif %}
>>        <form action="/enquete/{{ enquete.id }}/vote/" method="post">
>>        {% for resposta in enquete.resposta_set.all %}
> enquete instances do not have a resposta_set.  They would have a
> resposta_set if:
> 1 - the related model's name was resposta, or if
> 2 - you specified 'resposta_set' as the related_name argument to the
> ForeignKey that points to enquete in the model
> However the related model is named respostaEnquete, and its ForeignKey to
> enquete (idPergunta) does not have a related_name specified, so the reverse
> relation accessor in enquete objects is named respostaenquete_set (the
> related models name, lowercased, plus '_set').
> Karen
> >

Fred Chevitarese - GNU/Linux

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