How to use database router, only when using admin and user auth ?

2013-01-10 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, I have a "dbname" field in my user Profile... and I have one database to store all default django data, like users, sessions etc.. when I try to get some ovject in a view, I will get to other database setted in "dbname" profile... I make this code: from django.contrib.auth.models import

How to set a specific database to use in one ModelForm in Django?

2013-01-15 Thread Fellipe Henrique
I'm realy need to set a database to model form use to validate and save all data.. how can I pass this type of parameter? like .using(dbname) in view? Without use db route, because I need all auth database and select to get in a specific database all other is set in my UserProfile database nam

quantize result has too many digits for current context

2013-01-17 Thread Fellipe Henrique
{{ form.idpedido }} but when I`m use this, django show me this error: quantize result has too many digits for current context I have lookup the internet and I see some error like this, but always about Decimals fields.. but in my case this error appears in Foreign Key field. My question is:

Can I set a "global" variable after user login, to use in my view?

2013-01-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, It's possible, when the user make a login, I set one "global" variable, and get this value in my view? My question is because I have a inlineformset_factory, and I need to pass a user profile do my view.. but it`s doesn't work. Regards, T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellip

Re: Can I set a "global" variable after user login, to use in my view?

2013-01-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* *"Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."* (Epistulae morales ad Lucilium<>, Lucius Annaeus Seneca) *"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger,

Re: Can I set a "global" variable after user login, to use in my view?

2013-01-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
;> Produto.objects.filter(idempresa=profile.idempresa) >> >> I need to pass UserProfile to my form, to get works my filter. >> >> If I use inlineformset_factory, how can I pass the vUserProfile ? >> >> >> Thanks >> >> T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F &g

How can I execute a store procedure in django, using multi-database?

2013-01-24 Thread Fellipe Henrique
How can I execute a store procedure in django, using multi-database? Thanks T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* *"Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."* (Epistulae morales ad Lucilium<>

Foreing Key field going null in INSERT sql when use inlineformset

2013-01-25 Thread Fellipe Henrique
alse, blank=False, default=1) When I save ItensPedido, the idvenda_pedido is null. How Can I pass the idvenda_pedido field? I try to pass the integer but django tell me it`s need a "pedido" not integer value. Thanks. T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* *"Quemadmodum glad

Re: Foreing Key field going null in INSERT sql when use inlineformset

2013-01-25 Thread Fellipe Henrique
I can't use AutoField, because I need to use my StoreProcedure. I use this StoreProcedure in my Delphi application. T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* *"Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."* (Epistulae morales ad Lucilium<http://en.

How to force modelForm.is_valid() to use a specific database?

2013-07-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
I have many database setted in my in my formModel, when I try to validate the form, show me error: The problem is.. is_valid is going to "default" database... how can I force to got

Re: How to force modelForm.is_valid() to use a specific database?

2013-07-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
every think.. and I start to think is not possible multi-db in "runtime" in django.. :( T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* *Blog:* *GitHub:* *Twitter: @fh_bash* 2013/7/23 Brian Millham > I've done that with

How can I get value from a FK model?

2013-08-21 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi, I got this models: First: I used db_columns because I used a legacy database from company ERP. I try to get, in my template the "descricao" field, in my "mercadoria" model. but I have in my "itenspedido" only "idproduto" not "idmercadoria". My question is: how

Re: How can I get value from a FK model?

2013-08-21 Thread Fellipe Henrique
I can't let's django create PK, because, this is a legacy database used by your Delphi ERP software, and the table was made on this way ( it's crazy I know, but I can't change anything in database now ). Thanks again. Em quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013 17h41min45s UTC

Re: How can I get value from a FK model?

2013-08-21 Thread Fellipe Henrique
To add in my last comment, I need the Query bring me all related fields in all models.. all fields in one SQL, to get this field value in my template. Regards, Em quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013 17h52min50s UTC-3, Fellipe Henrique escreveu: > > Ok, I have make a mistake, the corr

How can I change BaseInLineFormSet queryset ?

2013-08-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi, I tried to change queryset in BaseInLineformset but I got this error: *metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases* * * Here my code: def BaseItensInlineFormSet(BaseInlineFormSet): def __init__(self, *args, **

I really about to give up Django

2013-08-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi guys, I really about to give up from Django, because? I try to do something simple and I looking, looking around the internet and don't find anything about this... try this simple example: I just want to get "descricao" field, from "Brinq" model, using a inlinef

Re: I really about to give up Django

2013-08-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
affaele Salmaso escreveu: > > {{ form.brinq.descricao }} ? > > On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Fellipe Henrique > > > wrote: > > Hi guys, > > > > I really about to give up from Django, because? I try to do something > simple > > and I loo

Re: I really about to give up Django

2013-08-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
22 de agosto de 2013 12h19min31s UTC-3, Tom Evans escreveu: > > On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Fellipe Henrique > > > wrote: > > Hi guys, > > > > I really about to give up from Django, > > So should I bother giving you the advice you asked for, sinc

Re: I really about to give up Django

2013-08-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
a" field, as you told: {{ form.instance.idproduto.idmercadoria.referencia.value }} doesn't work.. what I miss? Here is my complete models, forms and view: Cheers, Em quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013 13h24min31s UTC-3, Fellipe Henrique escreveu: &g

Re: I really about to give up Django

2013-08-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
, prefer the verbose > 'Brinquedo'. > > So I suggest renaming things like this: > > Pai -> Parent > Brinq -> Toy > Filhos -> Child > > and so forth. > > > Cheers, > AT > > > On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Mark Furbe

Re: I really about to give up Django

2013-08-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
No, nothing displayed.. Em quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013 13h38min04s UTC-3, Mark escreveu: > > Try dropping the .value from referencia. Like {{ > form.instance.idproduto.idmercadoria.referencia }}. Does this work? > > > On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Fellipe Henrique &g

Re: I really about to give up Django

2013-08-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
our database. In Django > templates, if something is None or does not exist, it will not raise an > exception, it just ignores it and remains blank. Also verify the referencia > field is not empty. If the field is 'NOT NULL' then it will be an empty > string if it is

Django with ExtJs, any app ?

2015-01-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, There's any app to make easier manipulate data using Django and ExtJ? T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <http://fhbash.

{{STATIC_URL }} or {% static "...." %} What`s the correct to use?

2015-03-19 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi, In my template, when I made a reference to my Static folder.. what's the correct usage? {{STATIC_URL }} or {% static "" %} Django 1.7 and Python 3 Thanks! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe

Re: {{STATIC_URL }} or {% static "...." %} What`s the correct to use?

2015-03-19 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Thanks, but I already try the docs, but my static files doesn't show! Show me 404 error.. even when I run collectstatic T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog:

Re: {{STATIC_URL }} or {% static "...." %} What`s the correct to use?

2015-03-20 Thread Fellipe Henrique
jango will display a standard 404 page. Any thoughts? T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <>* *GitHub:

Re: {{STATIC_URL }} or {% static "...." %} What`s the correct to use?

2015-03-20 Thread Fellipe Henrique
, how is the problem here... :( in my PyCharm Project, in HTML, show me: Unresolved Reference, to my static files... :( T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: htt

Re: {{STATIC_URL }} or {% static "...." %} What`s the correct to use?

2015-03-20 Thread Fellipe Henrique
w me the file.. but, nothing to appears correctly my HTML... I really upset about these... I really don't know what's happen here... T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: http:

Re: {{STATIC_URL }} or {% static "...." %} What`s the correct to use?

2015-03-20 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Man!!! You don't believe what's the problem is!!?! The problem is my Firefox!! For some reason, firefox make a huge cache.. and it's using very old version of CSS and JS... I clean All my data, and work!!! Thanks Again! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares*

Why I don't access the {{ user }} variable in template?

2015-03-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
lipeh/a0cc18f26aa9868a061f T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <>* *GitHub: <

Re: Why I don't access the {{ user }} variable in template?

2015-03-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
.context_processor.default_proc', 'social.apps.django_app.context_processors.backends', 'social.apps.django_app.context_processors.login_redirect') sorry, in my template I use this: {{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }} T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *F

Re: Why I don't access the {{ user }} variable in template?

2015-03-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
I found the problem, I was create a custom template context processor, and for some reason I choose one name that override some function in one os 3rd apps I'm using... I change the name of my custom context processor, and works Fine! Thanks again T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. S

Ho to "create" a field in a queryset to show in my template?

2015-03-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
ecause these code above don't work... Thanks agains T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <>* *GitHub: https://

Re: Ho to "create" a field in a queryset to show in my template?

2015-03-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Ok, But, if I want to create some "fields" in RunTime, I thinking to use Dict, but I don't know what to use to create "temporary" queryset... T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ &

What's the better way to get settings.DEBUG in a view?

2015-04-30 Thread Fellipe Henrique
ettings_local import * SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import So, what's the better way to get these value? Regards, T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/ch

Re: What's the better way to get settings.DEBUG in a view?

2015-04-30 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Thanks... works now! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <>* *GitHub: <https:

Re: Deploying django

2015-05-03 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hey man!! In my setup, I use this: Gunicorn + nginx + supervisor Please, share your confs files.. without them we can't help a lot! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog:

django-allauth without username, login with facebook doesn't work

2015-05-12 Thread Fellipe Henrique
ppens? Thanks, regards [1] - [2] - T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog:

Re: django-allauth without username, login with facebook doesn't work

2015-05-12 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Just to complement the previous mail, normal user (django user) like super-user create using syncdb, works fine! I'm using django 1.8. T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($

Re: django-allauth without username, login with facebook doesn't work

2015-05-13 Thread Fellipe Henrique
[1] - T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <>* *GitHub:

How to resend the activation email using django-allauth?

2015-05-13 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, I need in my dashboard a link to resend activation mail, from django-allauth. Any idea? I don't want to use ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = 'mandatory' because I want user login in my site, but send again the email. Regards, T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P.

Re: django-allauth without username, login with facebook doesn't work

2015-05-14 Thread Fellipe Henrique
-auth javascript!!! I manually remove the folder, and reinstall django-allauth and work fine now! Regards, T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: http://fhba

How to get a application-formpost in django view? Get QueryDict variables.

2015-05-21 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Because I can't work with QueryDict... I try to transform in python dict, in python list, but anyone works... Any idea for these problem? Regards, T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*

Re: How to get a application-formpost in django view? Get QueryDict variables.

2015-05-21 Thread Fellipe Henrique
.status_changed'] as the "key"... :( T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <>* *GitHub: https://

Re: How to get a application-formpost in django view? Get QueryDict variables.

2015-05-21 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Any ideas? I finish all my possibilities in these problem.. :( and no solution... T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <http://fhbash.wordp

Re: How to get a application-formpost in django view? Get QueryDict variables.

2015-05-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
easy to get using PHP or Rails.. in PHP I get with these: $_POST['data']['id'] Maybe, something in django isn't implemented yet for these kind POST. T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(

static files in Django 1.7 ; Anything was change?

2014-09-14 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi everybody! I have my old project in Django 1.6, and works fine in development... when DEBUG=True.. but when I update to 1.7, stop to serving static files. Here is my files: url: template:

Re: static files in Django 1.7 ; Anything was change?

2014-09-15 Thread Fellipe Henrique
I in development mode, DEBUG = True. using the django server. I already run './ collectstatic' they create all my static in my path.. but don't work... T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ '

Any actual open project to create a company "social" network using Django?

2014-12-26 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi, There's any actual open project to create a company "social" network using Django? I search on google, and I don't find any project using django (or even other python framework) only PHP or Ruby... Thanks, Cheers! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr

How to deplou 2 different django website in nginx?

2015-01-04 Thread Fellipe Henrique
A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <>* *GitHub: <>* *Twit

There is any POS software made in Django?

2014-05-01 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi, I'm started my django app, it's a POS software to control receivable, invoice of the costumer. There`s any software like that made using Django? Cheers -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and st

There's any package to integrate jquery validation in my model forms?

2014-05-01 Thread Fellipe Henrique
There's any package to integrate jquery validation in my model forms? Cheers! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <http://fhbash.

What is the best framework to develop one ERP in django?

2014-05-02 Thread Fellipe Henrique
other framework for these case? Cheers! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <>* *GitHub:

Re: What is the best framework to develop one ERP in django?

2014-05-02 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi, >>This is a 'general' advice and not specific to Django. Yes, I know that, but I just ask, if anyone knows if any framework to work in these case exists... I don't use Bootstrap *and* Foundation.. I try both. T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. So

Migrate doen't recognize my apps to migrate

2017-12-29 Thread Fellipe Henrique
x27;, ] I try to run: $ python migrate and get these: Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions Running migrations: No migrations to apply. I have several migration files on each app, but migrate doesn't recognize them... I`m using Dja

How to create the template "groups part" users admin. In my app?

2016-06-28 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, I have 2 model... Model A and B... Model A can has N records of B... That's simple to do in django... But I want to build the HTML part.. Using the same mechanism which django use on Groups... In one side show me all records of B, and I can select one or more to add in A model... How can I

How can I hide Groups and Permissions on User deatils in Django Admin?

2016-07-01 Thread Fellipe Henrique
How can I hide Groups and Permissions on User deatils in Django Admin? Just Hide, for user can't see/change... I don't want to disable or remove.. just Hide.. Any idea? T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ &#x

How can I change the TabularInline "title" on Django Admin?

2016-07-07 Thread Fellipe Henrique
blem... how can I change these "table title" on TabularInline? Cheers T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador:

Re: How can I change the TabularInline "title" on Django Admin?

2016-07-07 Thread Fellipe Henrique
aset_users object" verbose_name and verbose_name_plural change the text on the "blue" line... Cheers T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: https:

Re: How can I change the TabularInline "title" on Django Admin?

2016-07-12 Thread Fellipe Henrique
appears.. T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <>* *Blog: *http:w

Re: How can I change the TabularInline "title" on Django Admin?

2016-07-12 Thread Fellipe Henrique
;password')}), (_('Personal info'), {'fields': ( 'first_name', 'last_name')}), (_('Permissions'), {'fields': ('is_active', 'is_superuser')}), (_('Important dates'), {'field

Re: How can I change the TabularInline "title" on Django Admin?

2016-07-12 Thread Fellipe Henrique
image: Inline image 1] My problem is, the second "Dataset" (on light gray line) and "Dataset_users object" T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: ht

There's any django app for calendar?

2019-03-28 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello guys, tried to search on google, but no lucky.. Anyone knows any django app for calendar, to set appointments, hour/day... with frontend? Thanks! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1

Re: There's any django app for calendar?

2019-03-29 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Thanks Guys.. I'll take a look... T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <https://fedoraproject

How is the best way to separate costumers on my django site?

2019-04-04 Thread Fellipe Henrique
ards, T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <>* *Blog: *http:www.fellipeh

How to use permissions on a CreateView class?

2019-05-28 Thread Fellipe Henrique
;, 'cliente.can_edit', 'cliente.can_add') model = Cliente form_class = ClienteForm But, not working... user without these permission, when type the url show the form... Any tips how to do that? Cheers! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo &

Re: How to use permissions on a CreateView class?

2019-05-28 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi Jim, Tried that, as you can see on my code, but not working.. when user type the url, still see the template.. Any suggestions? Regards, T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *F

Re: How to use permissions on a CreateView class?

2019-05-31 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Thanks guys! The problem was the permission mixins on my class... Thanks! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <

It's possible to cache entire model

2017-07-20 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi guys, I need to cache entire model, not a query, not a view.. entire model.. so, any query using these model will use the cache.. Can I do that using django cache? regards T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 

Re: It's possible to cache entire model

2017-07-25 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Thanks Gideon, I installed here and for now, it's ok! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <https://fedor

How to use try..except, but when DEBUG is True, show the error?

2017-08-12 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, i have these code, for example: try: x = parse_date('') except TypeError: return False ​ It's ok for me code like these.. but, when DEBUG == True, I like to show the django default error page... How can I do that? Regards T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henriqu

Re: How to use try..except, but when DEBUG is True, show the error?

2017-08-12 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Thanks, but.. it's weird I tried that before, and show me the error, but, only text.. not that "yellow page" from django... I'll look again my code... Thanks again! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl

Best option to check and/or convert encoding for csv files

2017-09-22 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello guys, So, I have several csv files, to open using pyexcel... but I start to have issues with CSV saved from Excel, with other encoding... There's any option to verify the encoding of file, or change the encoding? regards T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: &

There is any way to prevent cascade delete on FK field, without using signal?

2017-10-03 Thread Fellipe Henrique
There is any way to prevent cascade delete on FK field, without using signal? I need to block the Delete process, not to set NULL on field.. Regards! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1

Re: There is any way to prevent cascade delete on FK field, without using signal?

2017-10-04 Thread Fellipe Henrique
I read the docs, but doesn't work for me... still delete the record... I looking something directly to model, not using view... there's any way to do that? T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/

How to solve this problem: Custom User with ForeinKey to another model. (model does not exist)

2015-10-06 Thread Fellipe Henrique
ot; does not exist. even I put the "core app" abouve the "account app" in It's appears django try to make the account migration first, but It's doesn't create yet my "city app"... What's the better approach to solve these problem? Regar

Re: How to solve this problem: Custom User with ForeinKey to another model. (model does not exist)

2015-10-06 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Just to update... these error occurs when I use PostgreSQL, using SQLite works perfect... T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Blog: <http://fhbas

Re: How to solve this problem: Custom User with ForeinKey to another model. (model does not exist)

2015-10-06 Thread Fellipe Henrique
My problem is NOT the order... but I need to create "core app" first.. after that, install "account app".. because my model in "account app" has a FK to "core app" T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFms

If appears doesn't work in template, why?

2015-10-14 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, I have one model, with a Char(1) Field... in my template I use these code: But, always enter in "else"... even the record was saved with "A"... I tried with 'A' and "A", same "problem"... Any ideas, what's going on? Cheers! T.

How can I get current user in my ModelForm, using inlineformset?

2015-10-15 Thread Fellipe Henrique
e returns the class.. but when I use OfertasEditForm(usuario=reqquest.user) returns the HTML not the class. How can I do these? What's the better approach? Regards T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($

Re: Why django (when using inlineformset) run 20 times the same SQL for each record (form)?

2015-10-19 Thread Fellipe Henrique
It's a simple HTML with these code: {{ formset helper }} T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <

Re: Why django (when using inlineformset) run 20 times the same SQL for each record (form)?

2015-10-20 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Here is my view, model and form: Here is my HTML: {% csrf_token %} {{ formset.management_form }} {% crispy formset helper %} Regards, T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e

Why my aggregate is not working?

2015-11-05 Thread Fellipe Henrique
t's my error? T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <>* *Blog:

Django doesn't remove the "old" file after change

2015-12-02 Thread Fellipe Henrique
disk, not in Amazon S3 (default when I use ImageKit). So, any idea how can I fix these issue? Regards. T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: https://fedoraproject.o

There's any framework for "bussiness app (ERP)" built in Django?

2016-01-04 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, I'm making some research but I don't find any framework for "bussiness app", like ERP, using django (or flask) Anybody know any framework with these concept? Thanks! P.S.: for example, about "bussiness app" framework [1] [1] T.·.F.·.A.

Re: There's any framework for "bussiness app (ERP)" built in Django?

2016-01-04 Thread Fellipe Henrique
using django it self, I need to build from scratch a "business app" T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador:

Re: Is Django appropriate for my project?

2016-01-28 Thread Fellipe Henrique
p-top and desk-top use. > Sure, Django can help you in your project.. but... most your requisites is about Front-End, not backend (where django works)... be supported for mobile, laptop, table etc.. is about frontend, ok? Cheers! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: >

Re: API REST - Url's Serialized models don't work with the hostname of my production server - Django Rest Framework

2016-02-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Sorry to reply your post, but.. how do you show all api link? there's any settings for these? I asking because, when I try on my api, show me 404 page... T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(o

Error using Django 1.9 with Postgres

2016-03-03 Thread Fellipe Henrique
.com/2LAhmd40 T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <>* *Blog: *http

How to include a Where clause for each query on django?

2018-06-14 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello.. Each model of my app, has a field named user... so, I need to filter any query on that model user=current_user... I already do that, but manually for each model, on a view.. and I like to do that directly on some where when I try to use a query, any record will be filtered. Can I

How to verify if is new record or update record on django template?

2018-07-12 Thread Fellipe Henrique
How to verify if is new record or update record on django template? How can i do that? Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-users+unsu

How to filter *every* query on django?

2018-08-17 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello guys... I have several model with FK with Django User so, I need to filter each query using: .filter(created_user=current)user) I do it, manually... how can do it, automatically? Thanks T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius

Re: How to filter *every* query on django?

2018-08-18 Thread Fellipe Henrique
.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: <>* *Blog: *http:www.fellipeh.eti.b

Re: How to filter *every* query on django?

2018-08-18 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Thanks Jason, But, can I get current user on model manager? I need to filter with that info. T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador:

Re: How to filter *every* query on django?

2018-08-19 Thread Fellipe Henrique
see data from him.. that's the reason I need to filter... Works like these? T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador:

What's the Better approach to do these?

2018-08-19 Thread Fellipe Henrique
ct 2 - Product ID: 2 User 2 - Product 1 - Product ID: 3 User 3 - Product 1 - Product ID: 4 Any idea how to do that better?! Thanks! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *F

There's a complete CRUD app for django, like Admin?

2018-10-23 Thread Fellipe Henrique
actly like admin, to give me complete list, create, update, delete and form with auto-create fields.. i try to google about that, but found only admin templates, so, I`m here... asking if anyone know any app like these.. Thanks! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-ma

There's way to change "model_list" result variable name from ListView?

2018-10-31 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi, Normal ListView result a list with "model"_list as name... there's any way to change these name? T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2*3)/ge' *Fedora Ambassador: https:

Which free template you use to a ERP frontend?

2018-11-08 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hi guys, A company here need to provide some info for users.. they have a Delphi ERP, so we need to create a web frontend for some of infos... Which free template you use? Why? Thanks! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fellipe Henrique P. Soares* e-mail: > echo "lkrrovknFmsgor4ius" |

How to set "loading" on button without using JS

2018-12-03 Thread Fellipe Henrique
Hello, I`m using the default processo to get data from user CreateView -> Form -> Template Using AngularJS I can set a "spining" to a Submit button.. but.. how can I set these without using AngularJS.. using the "normal process" Thanks! T.·.F.·.A.·. S+F *Fell

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