Ok, I have make a mistake, the correct is idpedido is only FK. and 
'iditenspedido' is a PK, the correct model is this:

class ItensPedido(models.Model):
    iditenspedido = models.IntegerField('Código', primary_key=True, 
    idpedido = models.ForeignKey('Pedido', db_column='idpedido', default=-1)
    idproduto = models.ForeignKey('Produto', db_column='idproduto')
    preco = models.DecimalField(u'Vlr. Total', max_digits=18, 
                                null=False, default=0)
    quantidade = models.DecimalField(u'Vlr. Total', max_digits=18,
                                     decimal_places=4, null=False, 
    precototal = models.DecimalField(u'Vlr. Total', max_digits=18,
                                     decimal_places=4, null=False, 

I can't let's django create PK, because, this is a legacy database used by 
your Delphi ERP software, and the table was made on this way ( it's crazy I 
know, but I can't change anything in database now ).

Thanks again.

Em quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013 17h41min45s UTC-3, Daniel Roseman 
> On Wednesday, 21 August 2013 20:53:36 UTC+1, Fellipe Henrique wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I got this models: http://pastebin.com/w2TmyLzt
>> First: I used db_columns because I used a legacy database from company 
>> ERP.
>> I try to get, in my template the "descricao" field, in my "mercadoria" 
>> model. but I have in my "itenspedido" only "idproduto" not "idmercadoria".
>> My question is: how can I get "descricao" field from "mercadoria" model 
>> in my formset? 
>> I tried {{ itens.idproduto.idmercadoria.descricao }} , {{ 
>> itens.idproduto.idmercadoria.descricao.value }}   and not work.
>> P.S.: I use modelForm as default form, like this:
>> class PedidoItensForm(ModelForm):
>>     class Meta:
>>         model = ItensPedido
>> Thanks,
>> Regards,
> You have set `idpedido` as the primary key in the ItensPedido model. 
> Primary keys are not modifiable so do not show up in forms. It makes no 
> sense to that that as the PK in the joining table anyway: PK implies 
> uniqueness, which means you can only have one ItensPedido per Pedido, which 
> defeats the whole purpose of the many-to-many relationship.
> Remove the `primary_key=True` attribute and let Django create its own PK 
> column. 
> --
> DR.

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