While executing a Celery Task : 'AsyncResult' object is not iterable

2020-04-21 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
I am Using Celery to perform a task in the background on form submission. As soon as form is submitted during POST request, I have created a task to execute in the back ground using delay method. This task processes some click operations on some other web using selenium web driver and return t

Clarification required django celery,celery and djangoceleryemail compatabilty versions to handle asynchronous tasks

2019-09-21 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
I am new to Django. I am developing one django application which needs following packages to handle asynchronous tasks in the back ground. 1.djangocelery 2.djangocelery email. App definitions in My settings.py file: INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth',

[Django][ Pandas] TypeError: crosstab() missing 1 required positional argument: 'columns'

2019-09-22 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
Hi, I am new to django. MyTask: == while handling asynchronous task in Django using celery i need to export some data to excel and need to create a pivotal table from it, I am using "crosstab" in pandas.[ https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.17.0/generated/pandas.crosstab.html ]

Request to provide the details of how to integrate django app with selenium chrome web driver

2019-09-30 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
I am new to Django. I have a requirement to develop a django application with the requirement as stated below: 1.Under one tab ,provide a button name "ApplyGSP" 2.click on "ApplyGSP" button should open a form ,which required below input from the user. *a)*model_no* b)*model_name *c)*os_ver

Re: Request to provide the details of how to integrate django app with selenium chrome web driver

2019-09-30 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 9:22:16 PM UTC+5:30, Dilipkumar Noone wrote: > > I am new to Django. > > I have a requirement to develop a django application with the requirement > as stated below: > > 1.Under one tab ,provide a button name "ApplyGSP" > 2

Re: Request to provide the details of how to integrate django app with selenium chrome web driver

2019-10-01 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
* > > On Mon, Sep 30, 2019, 21:29 Dilipkumar Noone > wrote: > >> >> >> On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 9:22:16 PM UTC+5:30, Dilipkumar Noone >> wrote: >>> >>> I am new to Django. >>> >>> I have a requirement to develop a dja

Re: Request to provide the details of how to integrate django app with selenium chrome web driver

2019-10-02 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
un > - Checks that the Django application is up and running > - Triggers the Selenium flow > - If selenium flow returns exit 0 - gets out and shuts down the > Django application > > Is the above correct expectation correct? > > -- > Regards > Deep L Suk

Re: Request to provide the details of how to integrate django app with selenium chrome web driver

2019-10-02 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
Hi, Can some one please share where to place a chrome driver [.exe] file in a django project which launches a webpage to perform click operations using selenium. Please share any document or videos for the same, Regards, N.Dilip kumar. On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 3:15 PM Dilipkumar Noone wrote

[Django] Any generalised or optimized way of handling multiple class based generic listviews in django ?

2019-10-06 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
Dear Django Users, I am beginner in Django . I have multiple generic list views in my django application where each list is handled under different navigation item of navigation bar . Still i need to handle few more list views using class based generic view. Is there any way to generalize or o

Re: [Django] Any generalised or optimized way of handling multiple class based generic listviews in django ?

2019-10-07 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
. ] This case how to proceed ? Regards, N.Dilip Kumar. On Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 1:53:46 PM UTC+5:30, Dilipkumar Noone wrote: > > Dear Django Users, > > I am beginner in Django . > > I have multiple generic list views in my django application where each > list is ha

[Django] Trying to open a form on button click getting Error:Failed lookup for key [%s] in %r during template rendering

2019-10-07 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
Dear Django User Group, I am django beginner. Please clarify the below doubt. *Implement Scenerio:* 1.I am developing one django app which needs a form on button click on html page. 2.on successful submission should display the object created in the list on the same web page. Below is the cur

Re: [Django] Trying to open a form on button click getting Error:Failed lookup for key [%s] in %r during template rendering

2019-10-08 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
sw_version', 'to_sw_version', 'description'] exclude = ['user', 'requested_time', 'applied_security_patch_level'] Regards, N.Dilip Kumar. On Monday, October 7, 2019 at 9:07:38 PM UTC+5:30, Dilipkumar Noone wrote: > > Dear Djan

[Django] How To Auto Fill all the Model form with thee data on button click based on user text input.

2019-10-13 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
Dear Django group, I am beginner in Django. I have a below requirement in Django Model Form while creating a new record with the submission Form to perform . 1.In form processing i want to auto fill all the form fields based on user primary key text input. 2.User text input from step1 is the

[Django] How to retrieve the saved password in raw format

2019-10-21 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
Dear Django group, In one of my View i need UserName & Password details in raw format but Django uses *PBKDF2* algorithm to store the password. I would like to know how to retrieve the saved password from Authentication Form. Using these Username and pas

[Django] How to deploy django app having Chrome Driver dependency

2019-10-21 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
hi, One of my Django application has chrome driver dependency to perform automation on some other website. Initially during development phase, i kept the chrome driver in my local path. Ex: C:\Python3.6.0\MyScripts\seleniumwebdriver\chromedriver.exe As all users can't use the same path please

[Django] How to traverse through query set in java script using django templates?

2019-12-06 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
Hi, I have a model named ApplyGSP in models.py. *In my views.py:* apply_gsp_model = ApplyGSP.objects.all() context = {'form': form,'apply_gsp_model':apply_gsp_model, 'Message': message, 'action': action} if action == 'edit': print("action is edit") return render(request, 'EditApplyGSP

[Django] How to render a form 'n' number of times based on the dropdown selected integer in main Form

2019-12-14 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
1.I have the below requirement in django to implement. a)I have a main form with a few fields [text input fields,choice fields ] b)Based on the user input on integer field from the dropdown box in a template, i need to display few more fields waiting for the user input. Ex:If user selected a

How to fill the form field with the data based on drop down selection of another form field using ajax request

2020-02-08 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
Dear group, I am Django learner. I have two models. 1. ModelRegister 2. ModelGSP ModelRegister returns model_name. ModelGSP has a foreignkey to ModelRegister. When we select a particular model from a ModelGSP model,i want to fill a field in ModelGSP with the data for a selected model when aj

[Django] Error occured while saving a form created through model formset factory

2020-02-09 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
I am a Django learner. 1.I have a requirement to create the multiple forms in a single page for a model. 2.So i created the formset using modelformset_factory. 3.I have 2 models. a)ModelRegister b)ModelGSPRequest. 4.ModelGSPRequest has a field named registered_model which is a foreignKey to

Re: [Django] Error occured while saving a form created through model formset factory

2020-02-14 Thread Dilipkumar Noone
HttpResponseRedirect('/gspapp/ModelGSPRequestList') return render(request, template_name, { 'formset': formset, 'heading': heading_message, #'registered_model_data': registered_model_details,