Hi Maninder,

This error seems because i used choice field which actually use names as 
values but django expects the id.

As Django automatically creates a ModelChoicefield for a Foreign Key which 
use the correct values,i modified the code as below in forms.py.

I have a requirement to populate only unique values for registered_model 
from the values returned from ModelRegister .

I modified the code as below and now i am able to get the unique values .

def unique_values():

registered_model = forms.ChoiceField(required=False,choices=unique_values)

registered_model = 


Error is resolved now.

   But once i fill all the values in formset and submit the form. 
   Not able to redirect to List View. Even if i click on submit button it 
   stays on the same page.Anything needs to be taken care during POST request 
   to save the created model formsets in the database.in the
   *def create_model_gsp_request_form(request,id=None):
       print("Inside create_model_gsp_request_form")
       template_name = "ModelGSPRequest.html"
       heading_message = "ModelGSPRequest"
       if id:
           action = 'edit'
           model = get_object_or_404(ModelGSPRequest, pk=id)
           action = 'submit'
           model = ModelGSPRequest()
       message = ""
       if request.method == 'GET':
           print("Get request in create_model_gsp_request_form")
           # we don't want to display the already saved model instances
           #formset = 
           formset = ModelGSPRequestFormSet()
           #registered_model_details = serializers.serialize("json", 
           #print("registered_model_details:", registered_model_details)
       elif request.method == 'POST':
           print("post request in create_model_gsp_request_form")
           formset = ModelGSPRequestFormSet(request.POST,request.FILES)
           if formset.is_valid():
               for form in formset:
                   # only save if name is present
                   #if form.cleaned_data.get('name'):
                       new_form = form.save(commit=False)
                       new_form.model_gsp_requester = request.user.username
               #return redirect('ModelGSPRequestList')
               return HttpResponseRedirect('/gspapp/ModelGSPRequestList')
       return render(request, template_name, {
               'formset': formset,
               'heading': heading_message,
               #'registered_model_data': registered_model_details,

N.Dilip Kumar.

On Monday, February 10, 2020 at 12:11:42 AM UTC+5:30, Dilipkumar Noone 
>  I am a Django learner. 
> 1.I have a requirement to create the multiple forms in a single page for a 
> model. 
> 2.So i created the formset using modelformset_factory. 
> 3.I have 2 models.
> a)ModelRegister b)ModelGSPRequest. 4.ModelGSPRequest has a field named 
> registered_model which is a foreignKey to ModelRegister. 5.But after i 
> input all the fields for a modelformset and click on submit to save. I am 
> facing below error with the foreign key field.

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