On Nov 23, 2:57 pm, hg7581 wrote:
> Hello there,
> For doing some sanity checks, I need the primary key (pk) of an
> (already existing) object in a ModelForm.
> What works for me in the meantime, ist the following (admin interface):
> class NF(ModelForm):
> def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
On Nov 24, 4:42 am, Nick Arnett wrote:
> I have a form that I've tried creating a couple of ways, including as a
> ModelForm, which doesn't seem to want to perform an UPDATE operation. I'm
> hoping for some help here... If I create it as a ModelForm, it doesn't
> validate, I'm guessing because th
On Nov 26, 10:01 am, Denis Cheremisov
> I have models directory with several files in it (models/__init__.py,
> models/main.py, ...)
> I have basic "Article" model and many models derived from it. So, I
> would like to place them into separate file: models/article.py
> But I also have sever
On Nov 26, 3:55 pm, Chris wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry for bothering you with something that is probably fairly
> straight forward but I cant seem to find the solution myself.
> I am using Google Checkout on my site. It calls one of my pages after
> processing an order. It posts XML. Django seems
On Nov 28, 11:15 pm, "R. Gorman" wrote:
> I've got a real stumper. Well, a stumper for me; I'm hoping someone
> has some insight. Here's the view I'm calling:
> games = Game.objects.all()
> return render_to_response('season_schedule.html',
> {games:"object_list"},context_instance = Re
On Dec 1, 5:42 am, David wrote:
> Hello,
> In my template file I have
> {% for value in data %}
> {% ifequal all_domain 1 %}
> class="odd" id="{{value.publisher}}"
> "showDomain('{{value.publisher}}', '{{value.country}}');"
On Dec 1, 3:24 pm, 邓超 wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing a small app, and get an error when trying to update the
> object, the error message is
> 'QuerySet' object has no attribute '_meta'. and It shows that I made
> some mistake on this line:
> form = ProjectForm(instance = projectInstance). But
On Dec 1, 1:57 pm, stargazer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying the famous Django
> tutorial:http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/intro/
> Playing with "polls" and "choices" I see lot of SQL queries this
> application creates. Actually, I just selected a list of polls
> than selected the poll with
On Dec 1, 3:53 pm, David wrote:
> Hello John and Daniel, thanks for your replies. Let me tell what I
> need in more details.
> {% for value in data %}
> {% ifequal all_domain 1 %}
> class="odd" id="{{value.publisher}}"
> "showDomain
On Dec 1, 11:23 pm, James Dekker wrote:
> My problem, however, is that I can't seem to figure out how to install the
> MySQLdb package for Python / Django?
> Downloaded the tar.gz from:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/
The main 'Download Now' link from this page for some reas
On Dec 2, 12:18 pm, James Dekker wrote:
> Daniel,
> Under the Files tab, the only ones that are available are for Linux
> not OS X Snow Leopard...
> -James
No, they're not 'for' anything. They're source code, which you compile
on your platform.
Here's the link to the page:
On Dec 3, 7:37 am, Todd Blanchard wrote:
> I think you've kind of missed my point as there's not a view that can render
> any object - but rather the name of the view is in the url.
> This is the url conf for a typical rails app.
> map.connect '', :controller => "public"
> # Install the d
On Dec 3, 8:53 am, Todd Blanchard wrote:
> Thanks, that makes the form show up populated.
> But saving it creates a new record, despite making sure I have id in a hidden
> field on the form. :-/
It does work, so you'll need to show us some code so we can see where
you're going wrong.
On Dec 3, 9:53 am, Todd Blanchard wrote:
> K
> def edit(request):
> form = None
> if request.method == 'GET':
> try:
> form = IncidentForm(instance = Incident.objects.get(id =
> request.GET['id']))
> except ObjectDoesNotExist:
> raise Http404
On Dec 3, 2:14 pm, kelvan.mailingl...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Due the fact that the url tag fails accepting variable I installed the
> reversetag fromhttp://github.com/ulope/django-reversetag
> Putting it in INSTALLED_APPS works (django seems to found it)
> But django means that reverse is a
On Dec 3, 3:30 pm, "bax...@gretschpages.com"
> Any suggestions on django/python code to read iptc info from images?
A quick Google shows this, which uses PIL to parse the image and
extract the IPTC data:
On Dec 4, 9:52 am, NMarcu wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a strange problem with jquery load. I have this two loads
> on a click event:
> action='first';
> $( '#operators_list_div' ).html( ' ' ).load( '{% url
> add_save_view %}',{'action':action, });
> action='second';
> $( '#address_list' ).
On Dec 4, 8:37 am, chefsmart wrote:
> According to the docs
> athttp://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/shortcuts/#render-to...
> the render_to_response shortcut "Renders a given template with a given
> context dictionary and returns an HttpResponse object with that
> rendered text."
On Dec 4, 8:37 pm, Phlip wrote:
> Django users:
> I only ask the question to help improve my esthetics, but others might
> need a performance boost here.
> How to delete every record in a table?
> A related question - how to delete every record matching a filter, out
> of one internal SQL co
On Dec 5, 4:14 pm, Robert wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to run an app that ran successfully on 0.96 but doesn't run on
> version 1.1.1.
> I have validated my models.py with the command python manage.py
> validate.
> It output a syntax error in this line:
> if not force_update and self.next_update a
On Dec 7, 12:22 am, Continuation wrote:
> I have:
> class MyModel(models.Model):
> fk = models.ForeignKey(AnotherModel)
> field = models.PositiveIntegerField()
> class MyForm((forms.ModelForm):
> class Meta:
> model = MyModel
> Now I wan
On Dec 7, 3:11 pm, rvandam wrote:
> Hi Shawn thanks for your reply.
> I have some categories, with multiple items per category. If a user
> entershttp://mysite.com/items-from-100-to-1000I want a short
> description of all items in that category listed.
> I have done this so far with:
> {% f
On Dec 7, 4:35 pm, rvandam wrote:
> Sorry for the confusion. Here are both complete models:
> class Nl(models.Model):
> lijst = models.ForeignKey('Menu_nl')
> type = models.ForeignKey('Type_nl')
> perceel = models.ForeignKey('Perceel_nl')
> plaatshuur = model
On Dec 8, 4:23 am, Continuation wrote:
> I want a way to tell if the form submitted contains errors or not.
> There're django snippets that use the field form.errors to test for
> errors (like this one:http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1094/)
> And when I looked at my own form.errors, it
On Dec 8, 4:11 am, Waqqas Jabbar wrote:
> Hi,
> Where can i get the list of ALL the methods that a derive class can override
> for Model and Model Manager classes
> goto
>From the source code.
It's just Python. You can override what you like.
You received this message because you
On Dec 8, 2:47 am, GoSantoni wrote:
> Guys, i'm struggling with this problem for more than a week now. My
> goal is to use a queryset filter with a foreign key.
> Issues are
> 1) column generates a list, what is the right way to get the blog id
> for a post? So whether the post belongs to blog 1
On Dec 8, 9:28 am, playfire wrote:
> I am using django.forms for my forms and I want to style my
> tags using css. I know I can customize the form template, but how do i
> customize the widget itself? Normally I would do
> and then put the style in my css file but all I have is
> {{ form.fieldna
On Dec 8, 1:54 pm, Benjamin Wolf wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've just put my first little django app online (at webfaction) and I
> have the problem that when I change my database connection in the
> settings.py,
> the application always tries to connect with my old connection data.
> I just got no id
On Dec 9, 2:18 pm, Biju Varghese wrote:
> {%for jobsp in jobspecs%}
> {%ifequal jobsp.id jobtitle.jobspec_id %}
> {{jobsp.id}}
> {%endifequal%}
> {%endfor%}
On Dec 9, 12:07 pm, Djangobot wrote:
> Hi all
> I am very new to Django and Python and I was wondering if anyone could
> help me on here as I am desperate for help.
> I am designing a mobi. site and I need to somehow set an expiry date
> on the competitions that will be run on the site.
> I
On Dec 9, 5:14 pm, jul wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not very clear on how forms work.
> In the form below, both fields are required. When not filling anything
> and clicking submit, I got the error messages.
> Since I didn't specified any action, how can the form know that the
> form is not valid and get
On Dec 10, 3:19 pm, Superman wrote:
> Hi guys, I can't wrap my head around this problem I have... someone
> please help.
> The Problem: I have a list of various projects, in a Project Model.
> Each of them has a foreign Key to a Category model. Each Category has
> a Many to Many Relationship to
On Dec 10, 4:45 pm, Mark Freeman wrote:
> I have recently created a python module which parses an input string
> and invokes the program lilypond to generate a music score image. All
> of this works fine as a standalone python app. I'm now looking to add
> this to my django site so users can enter
On Dec 11, 3:33 am, Mark Schuuring wrote:
> Hey Daniel,
> First of all thanks a lot for your response. You understood it right
> that i just want to split up the columns by the blog id so the
> defintion of blogs_one and blogs_two was really helpful, thanks. So in
> the shell i found out the blogs
On Dec 11, 2:22 pm, mbdtsmh wrote:
> Hi all - can someone put me out of my misery on this one please?
> I have a piece of code that uses the request.GET keys in the url to
> produce the following in my views.py
> objects = Issue.objects.all()
> objects = objects.filter
> (designset__project__R
On Dec 11, 3:13 pm, Andy wrote:
> Thanks for the response Shawn. I have done what you suggested,
> assigning a variable named order_info and can use it if I use
> render_to_response in my order view. But I want to use
> HttpResponseRedirect after the form is saved. I'm thinking I need to
> get
On Dec 11, 2:51 pm, Jean Stebens wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a rather large set of objects in my database, around 200k, using
> the django admin interface and listing them is always terrible slow as
> it always fetches all entries (paginated). I usually just run a few
> searches or add some filt
On Dec 13, 5:55 pm, surender wrote:
> I want to create a project using the command line by running the
> command "django-admin.py startproject mysite".
> But every time I run this I get an error.
> import django is working fine
> I am new to this and don't know what should I do to create project?
On Dec 13, 5:06 pm, Tim Miller wrote:
> I'm using django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset and trying to pass
> the ip address of the user requesting a password reset into the
> confirmation email.
> I've enabled django.core.context_processors.request in settings and can
> successfully display r
On Dec 15, 4:51 am, "thai.pham" wrote:
> Hello, I don't know if it is suitable to post such a question right
> here. Anyway, I have a simple model as below:
> def acct_data(models.Model):
> timestamp = models.DateTimeField();
> msg_type = models.IntegerField();
> username = models.Ch
On Dec 15, 7:02 am, Xuqing Kuang wrote:
> Hi, all.
> Are there any way could keep a attribute new set to a item in QuerySet
> object ?
> For example:
> >>> tcs = TestCase.objects.filter(case_id__in = [1123, 1124, 1125])
> >>> tcs
> [, , MigrateOneWayDisk>]>>> tc = tcs[1]
> >>> setattr(tc,
On Dec 15, 12:48 pm, Viktor wrote:
> hi,
> I've just noticed that even the contrib apps' admin interface is bogus
> in django 1.1
> namely, the first column name should be the "check all" checkbox,
> instead that column receives a the first header of list_display, and
> finally the last column
On Dec 15, 3:36 pm, Baurzhan Ismagulov wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 02:12:00AM -0800, bruno desthuilliers wrote:
> > > (r'^app/(?P\d+)/$', create_update.update_object,
> > > {'model': App}, 'app-edit'),
> > > Now, using {% url 'app-edit' object.pk %} in a form throws
> > > TemplateSyntaxErro
On Dec 16, 3:09 pm, Limpy wrote:
> I am using forms in a pretty standard way, however I am running into
> some problems which I can't find a solution to involving forms not
> updating appropriately.
> I have the following form code:
> class AllStatsForm(forms.Form):
> game = forms.Choi
On Dec 17, 6:23 am, Sam Walters wrote:
> Hi I have been reading stuff like:
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/SortingListsOfDictionaries
> I want to sort a list of dictionaries (alphanumeric values) by
> multiple keys (achieved with code below). However I would like to
> customise the comparator t
On Dec 17, 10:10 am, gganesh wrote:
> hi group,
> How to compare date field types in a template ,a have field due_on
> taking DateField type .I have to compare to present date .I have tried
> the following in vain ,please help
> In a template
> {% if enquiry.due_on >= datetime.datetime.today %} .
On Dec 18, 7:12 am, Continuation wrote:
> I have a field with the null=True option
> How do I test for the Null value in template?
> I did something like:
> {% ifequal field Null %}
> do something
> {% else %}
> do something else
> I tested it and it worked. But I want to make sure
On Dec 20, 4:26 am, GoSantoni wrote:
> Found this (old)
> posthttp://oebfare.com/blog/2008/feb/23/changing-modelchoicefield-queryset/
> So i tried
> class Post(models.Model):
> blog = models.ForeignKey(blog)
> .
> url = models.ModelChoiceField
> (queryset=Image.obj
On Dec 21, 4:40 pm, yummy_droid wrote:
> Anyone have advice on this?
Not really. Your solution is probably the best that can be done - it
does involve instantiating the ChangeList twice, but that's pretty
much unavoidable. One of the main criticisms a lot of people have of
the (otherwise wonderfu
On Dec 23, 5:41 am, Victor Hooi wrote:
> class AddressInline(generic.GenericTabularInline):
> models = Address
Is that just a typo here, or do you actually have it as 'models' in
your code? It should be 'model'. Change that and see if it fixes your
You received t
On Dec 23, 6:56 pm, Pamela Bhattacharya
> Hi,
> I wanted to know where I can get information about how Django
> guarantees consistency and details about local safety properties.
> Thanks
Er, what? Consistency in what? Safety where?
You received this message because you are subscri
On Dec 23, 11:14 pm, maxweld wrote:
> I am pretty sure that it is not loading the custom template tags
> {{ load i18n admin_modify adminmedia %}
If that's a cut and paste, you have the opening tag wrong: it should
be {%
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl
On Dec 24, 6:37 am, dhruvg wrote:
> hey..
> i have two lists - lets call them A and B, both of which have the same
> number of elements.
> i want to output a table with two columns (one column which will have
> rows containing elements of A and one column which will have rows
> contains elemen
On Apr 15, 4:54 pm, zayatzz wrote:
> Hello
> I recieve this kind of error message when in admin:
> Caught an exception while rendering: ('ascii', 'Madalal temperatuuril k
> \xc3\xbcpsetatud stressivaba sea parim t\xc3\xbckk', 23, 24, 'ordinal
> not in range(128)')
> The text should actually
On Apr 15, 7:52 pm, Bill Freeman wrote:
> I don't find it on
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/ref/templates/builtins/.
No, it's not a builtin, it's part of the default admin - it renders
the changelist.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
On Apr 15, 8:26 pm, xpanta wrote:
> I have this template problem.
> Although {{ myDictionary.1 }} works, if I write
> {{ myDictionary.user.id }} it does not. It prints nothing, actually.
> (user comes from a {% for user in Users %} loop.
> user.id is 1 at the first iteration (I have checked it
On Apr 16, 3:08 pm, JoJo wrote:
> Hi all, i am new to django, i was following an example online of how
> to use forms, the one i am on at the min is a user page, where the
> form accepts the submitted data, i have the html page displaying but
> when i click submit i get this error
> Environment:
On Apr 16, 3:24 pm, JoJo wrote:
> Snippet must be a class, see i'm not sure because i am following an
> example from a book online and some of the pages aren't displayed, so
> i don't no what is in snippet.
You need to learn some Python. You can't use any names that have not
either been defined o
On Apr 16, 3:22 pm, Daxal wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am trying to render a modelmultiplechoicefield on my template and i
> cannot seem to figure out how. any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Here is model:
> class cvdb(models.Model):
> user = models.ForeignKey(User)
> Language = models
On Apr 18, 5:32 pm, Daishy wrote:
> Hi together,
> I'm trying to use select_related in a query, but it seems i'm doing
> something wrong. I have googled, but not really found anything (Maybee
> used the wrong keywords :/)
> I've got a model that is related to another model, roughly like that:
On Apr 19, 5:55 am, ChrisR wrote:
> I still haven't found anything useful to help on this.
> Anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, pointers?
The basic algorithm for get_next_by_FOO is just:
In other words, order by the relevan
On Apr 19, 7:38 pm, mh...@yahoo.com wrote:
> I'm fairly new to django so hopefully its something simple I'm missing
> - I've tried setting up 2 separate projects(both are fairly simple)
> The problem I'm having is, after restarting apache2
> I can point my browser to:
On Apr 20, 3:36 pm, Russell Keith-Magee
> Obviously this isn't an isolated problem - I'll see what I can do
> about changing the advice on the community page so that Jacob's inbox
> doesn't become a bottleneck.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
Without wishing to pile on, I'm in exactly the same
On Apr 21, 7:08 am, Lachlan Musicman wrote:
> Hola,
> I'm having trouble getting a subclass to trigger an isinstance(). Code below:
> model.py excerpt:
> from django.db import models
> from django.forms import ModelForm
> class Author(models.Model):
> first = models.CharFiel
On Apr 21, 3:20 pm, Brad Pitcher wrote:
> Hi guys,
> This is driving me a little crazy, so I hope someone can offer good
> advice. I've specified an inline class in my admin.py file, and in it
> I have specified a subset of the classes attributes with
> list_display. However, what I set in list
On Apr 22, 7:09 am, Radhikavk wrote:
> And i tried to enable the messaging module in django but in django.contrib
> messages folder is missing
> my django version is 1.1
> Thaks
> Radhika
If you're using 1.1, you really should use the 1.1 documentation.
On Apr 22, 6:10 am, CCC wrote:
> In django's modelManager
> I use oracle do bitwise operator,like:
> select * from MultiRoom m where bitand(m.groupidx,tem ) <> 0
> and Now I want to change it to use django's orm ?
> anyone know how to write?
> Thanks
Use 'extra' :
On Apr 22, 7:48 pm, Aaron Lee wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to create a UK version of my site and ran into some problems.
> I am manually setting my LANGUAGE_CODE to 'en-gb' and use
> django-admin.py makemessages -l en-gb and then run compilemessages
> For some reason it's not picking up the loca
On Apr 23, 12:03 am, Continuation wrote:
> Is there any way to do something similar to select_related() when
> following a foreign key relationship backward?
> For example,
> b = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
> e = b.entry_set.all()
> Any way to retrieve both b and e in one single DB query?
No, not
On Apr 23, 8:52 am, xpanta wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to ask if I am somehow "obliged" to use the form class
> provided by Django framework. I can see its use on "static" forms (eg.
> registration forms or account forms) but most of the forms I write are
> "dynamic" (forms that are dynamically crea
On Apr 17, 1:14 am, JoJo wrote:
> Hi all, i have an error here im not sure what it means can anyone help
> me
> here is my models.py file##
> class AddStuffForm(forms.Form):
> title = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
> body = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea())
On Apr 23, 9:03 pm, xpanta wrote:
> Thank you for the answers.
> The link provided by George is an excellent resource and I should
> thank him for that.
> However my task is a bit simpler. Let's say I own a car company and I
> have dealers in various cities. By clicking on each city name I get
On Apr 25, 6:07 pm, Sheena wrote:
> I've been experiencing some strange problems with my admin site. I
> defined a few simple models and got Django to talk to an sqlite db
> sucessfully, I have no problem adding and removing table entries
> through the shell. I then activated the admin site and ad
On Apr 27, 9:42 am, Alessandro Ronchi
> Is it possible to check in a django template if a request is from a spider/
> bot or not?
> --
> Alessandro Ronchi
As long as you use a RequestContext to render your template, and the
tag itself has access to the `request` object - either passed
On Apr 28, 9:08 am, derek wrote:
> On Apr 25, 6:55 pm, Dmitry Dzhus wrote:> Derek wrote:
> > > I am looking for a way to display a boolean value, with the "on" / "off"
> >http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/ref/templates/builtins/#yesno
> > --
> Thanks - but that outputs strings, not URL lin
On Apr 28, 10:25 am, derek wrote:
> On Apr 28, 11:12 am, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> > On Apr 28, 9:08 am, derek wrote:
> > > On Apr 25, 6:55 pm, Dmitry Dzhus wrote:> Derek wrote:
> > > > > I am looking for a way to display a boolean value, with
On Apr 28, 10:48 am, mixit wrote:
> Using an Inline in an Admin form:
> The main Form model has various text fields, and one Inline, using a
> custom little form of its own.
> The Inline model has an parentFK pointing to the parent Form model and
> has an different FK to a large table, which is di
On Apr 29, 6:10 am, akonsu wrote:
> hello,
> in my custom admin class that inherits ModelAdmin i need to set
> ModelAdmin.exclude, ModelAdmin.list_display, etc based on whether the
> logged in user is a superuser or not.
> is this possible?
> thanks
> konstantin
ModelAdmin provides a get_
On Apr 29, 3:43 pm, Nick wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to set some fields to be readonly in the Admin app based
> on some logic, and would like to use the new readonly_fields attribute
> of ModelAdmin if possible (rather than some other sort of hack).
> I'm trying to access readonly_fields, but
On Apr 30, 7:55 am, Martin Lundberg wrote:
> Thanks, at least I know that it should work. Could it be that I don't have
> bash-completion installed on osx? I've tried to install it with brew and it
> seemed to work but I'm not sure if it is in fact installed and working and
> I'm not sure how to t
On Apr 30, 11:26 am, Derek wrote:
> I would like to be able to filter a query set based on a calculated date
> value. Googling did not bring up anything obvious.
> As close as I can express it in "pseudo syntax", I'd like to do something
> along these lines:
> import datetime
> from dateutil.
On May 1, 10:15 am, maxweld wrote:
> Hi
> I have set up a basic project and am trying to get it running under
> Apache in a shared virtual hosting environment. The aim is to get it
> working here first, and then work with my hosting company so that they
> can support Django for their customers.
On May 1, 2:16 pm, maxweld wrote:
> On May 1, 12:17 pm, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> > On May 1, 10:15 am, maxweld wrote:
> > You haven't got anything in here to actually serve the files from www.
> > Surely you should have an Alias directive to point to the m
On May 2, 4:29 am, Wayne wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to customize Django admin change list displaying model
> objects. We want to add two buttons (Change, delete) to each row of
> the record, something very similar to "Add" and "Change" buttons on
> application list beside the model name. Could
On May 3, 8:27 am, andy saksena wrote:
> Hi
> my urls.py is
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> # Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin:
> from django.contrib import admin
> admin.autodiscover()
> urlpatterns = patterns(”,
> # Example:
> # (r’^/’, include(‘.foo.u
On May 3, 1:03 pm, Stodge wrote:
> We're about to deploy our Django app on our production Redhat cluster
> using mod_wsgi, earlier than expected. We developed the app using
> Django 1.2b1 because we wanted the multiple database support.
> Unfortunately, the cluster uses Django 1.1.x. What are th
On May 4, 9:53 am, danfis wrote:
> Hi guys,
> i ran into a problem today which i'm not sure if it's a bug (or a
> feature?!) so you might can help me:
> when i call a model manager method to manipulate the queryset and
> using Q objects for filtering, it seems like the query of the method
> (=
On May 4, 9:43 am, xpanta wrote:
> Thank you. One more thing: how to save info in the session?
Read the fine documentation:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To po
On May 4, 1:15 pm, JonathanB wrote:
> I'm working on a Grade Book program for my personal use. Here is the
> relevant class from my models.py file:
> class Grade(models.Model):
> student = models.ForeignKey(Student)
> assignment = models.ForeignKey(Assignment)
> grade = m
On May 5, 4:46 am, Nick wrote:
> Here's the deal. I'm working on a custom API for moving information
> about. I am stuck at a point in creating my view.
> It might be best just to get into the details.
> Here is the model:
> class entry(models.Model):
> question = models.CharField('Questio
On May 5, 11:06 am, Etienne Python wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm a real beginner at both Django and Python, so excuse me if my
> question looks silly to you.
> A friend of mine did me a huge favour by coding a form for me.
> However, I would like to modify a couple of details in the page.
> I have
On May 5, 12:23 pm, Etienne Python wrote:
> File "c:\python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\mysql\base.py",
> line 13, in
> raise ImproperlyConfigured("Error loading MySQLdb module: %s" % e)
> django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb
> module: No module named
On May 5, 1:05 pm, Etienne Python wrote:
> Well actually, I copied all of the data (including the database), not only
> the code. But indeed, like you say, the problem is not solved yet just by
> installing mysql.
> So I followed the alternative solution you suggested. Now I get another
> error
On May 5, 6:27 pm, Derek wrote:
> I have set of models, with relationships D -> C -> B -> A, where the
> "->" indicates a "many to one" relationship.
> I have been able to create a filtered queryset on child model D, based
> on a value in a parent model A, using the following syntax:
> my_que
On May 5, 9:30 pm, Paul wrote:
> I have the following model (stripped of comments and __unicode__ for
> brevity) which defines a comment in my Django app (I'm not using the
> comment module provided with Django for various reasons):
> class Comment(models.Model):
> comment = models.TextField(
On May 7, 4:37 am, Andrew Burns wrote:
> Django newbie here. I am learning by following the Django book. All
> is good until I try to enable the admin interface (on v1.1.1) and I
> get the following error:
> TemplateDoesNotExist at /admin/
> admin/login.html
> So I did some pok
On May 7, 1:48 am, Ricko wrote:
> Hi All,
> Bashing my head against a wall trying to understand this issue.
> Playing around with Django-Contact-Form app, and trying to use my own
> subclassed Form in the views. From the code in views, it looks like it
> just takes an optional arg, form_class, w
On May 7, 10:53 am, caio wrote:
> I have in my model something like this:
> class Person(models.Model):
> field1 = ForeignKey(City)
> field2 = models.TextField()
> field3 = ForeignKey(Type)
> photos = ImagingField()
> photos_set = generic.GenericRelation(Image)
On May 9, 12:49 am, Nick Taylor wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm pretty new to Django so bare with me if this is a simple question.
> Basically, I have an Article model which is simply title, body, status
> etc. Now, I want to add an additional TextBox to the admin for the
> model, but I don't want to a
On May 11, 11:15 am, HelloWorld wrote:
> Hi Jirka
> Thanks for your answer!
> By structure I mean, I just followed the tutorial and am not sure if
> the position and order of these tutorial code is right in my code:
> class Poll(models.Model):
> # ...
> def __unicode__(self):
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