On Apr 25, 6:07 pm, Sheena <sheena.oconn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been experiencing some strange problems with my admin site. I
> defined a few simple models and got Django to talk to an sqlite db
> sucessfully, I have no problem adding and removing table entries
> through the shell. I then activated the admin site and added my
> models. I can manage users and all the standard stuff without any
> problems but when it comes to my own models Django complains bitterly.
> While my db has no entries I can view all the tables by clicking on
> the appropriate links and I have access to the 'add' forms but as soon
> as I try to save anything I get an exception with the  value
> 'unsupported format character 'S' (0x53) at index 1'. So I tried to
> see if I could view table entries through the admin site by stopping
> the server and adding some random data with the shell, now I get the
> same exception just for trying to view a table.
> Here's the traceback stuff from when I try to view existing table
> entries, the error page says the problem is at the line marked 78:


> Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError at /admin/blah/blah/
> Exception Value: Caught an exception while rendering: unsupported
> format character 'S' (0x53) at index 1
> Any help would be greatly appreciated

Karen's right that we're not seeing the proper traceback, but I'm
going to take a guess that the problem is in the __unicode__ method of
your model. By any chance, does it have '%S' rather than '%s'? Can you
post the model code, in any case?

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