On Jun 2, 4:53 pm, ryan wrote:
> This additional model, which uses the same choices is emptying the
> choices dropdown of both User with inline UserProfile and UserProfile
> itself. Add it prior to UserProfile in models.py of your test app:
> class Person(models.Model):
> sales_team = mode
On Jun 2, 3:04 pm, Larry wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is what I want to do:
> I have one table A with two columns: user_id, msg_id (ManyTOMany)
> and other table B with two column: msg_id, msg_time
> Now I want to search for msg_id's of a certain user_id in table A, and
> display the msgs
> ordered
On Jun 3, 9:16 am, vishy wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing an application on windows. I decided to upload it on
> webfaction n see how deployment goes. The issues I faced was with
> paths given -
> for templates - I had given absolute path of directory on windows,
> for database(using sqlite) - ju
On Jun 3, 12:28 am, Streamweaver wrote:
> I'm pretty new to Django still and I know much is still escaping me.
> In particular I'm having trouble still with how to query subsets of
> related objects.
> In this case I have two Models.
> class Project(models.Model):
> title = models.CharFie
On Jun 4, 3:19 pm, adelaide_mike wrote:
> My latest problem can be illustrated thus:
> In the first form we select the main course - spam or eggs. In the
> next form we select the dessert - ice cream or mud cake, and in the
> third form we select the after-dimmer drink - tea or coffee.
> How
On Jun 4, 4:45 pm, Ross wrote:
> I've been working my way through the Django tutorial and everything
> has gone fine until I came across the part near the end of section 3
> about decoupling the urlconfs. I did as follows: I copied urls.py into
> my polls directory (C:\mysite\polls\urls.py). It n
> On Jun 4, 7:47 pm, Streamweaver wrote:
> > You need to call form.save() after you validate the form.
On Jun 5, 8:08 am, Andy Dietler wrote:
> When I add that line I get the following error:
> 'AddShow' object has no attribute 'save'
Because you've used a plain Form, not a ModelForm. I
On Jun 5, 5:33 am, adelaide_mike wrote:
> Another "in principle" question. My Street model is the parent of my
> Property model, many to one via foreign key.
> User selects the street and I store it in request.session. User then
> gets to enter the property details in this form:
> class Prop
On Jun 5, 12:08 am, adrian wrote:
> I need to show Telephone and Address modelforms in the middle of
> another big form,
> so I decided to organize the big form into smaller modelforms and
> display each in a separate fieldset.
> This works well until the next time I clear the DB and run syncdb
On May 30, 3:40 pm, Jesse wrote:
> I have three drop down select boxes, which I have to expand for web
> visibility reasons with the size='' option. If I select one from each
> box I receive no errors, but if I leave one or more boxes without a
> selection I receive an error.
> {% for
On Jun 5, 8:42 am, Wim Feijen wrote:
> Hello,
> python manage.py syncdb failed for me, saying: there is no such table
> auth_group. On closer examination, the error stack mentioned one of my
> models: timewriting.
> After commenting 5 lines of code: tada... syncdb worked!
> However, I do no
On Jun 5, 3:51 pm, David wrote:
> Hello,
> In my project "mysite" directory I have "middleware.py". This
> "middleware.py" has only one class "SiteLogin" and this class has only
> one method "process_request".
> Now I need to import this "process_request" into "urls.py" in the
> "mysite" dire
On Jun 5, 4:47 pm, David wrote:
> Thanks DR. I did put 'mysite.middleware.SiteLogin' into
> MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in settings.py already, however I still get
> Exception Value: name 'process_request' is not defined
Please post the full traceback.
On Jun 5, 4:58 pm, David wrote:
> Middleware class:
> 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
> 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
> 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
> 'mysite.middleware.SiteLogin',
> )
On Jun 5, 5:17 pm, David wrote:
> I am trying to set up a user login page. A user needs to login first
> before he/she can do anything.
> I refered: "http://superjared.com/entry/requiring-login-entire-django-
> powered-site/"
> "Then put myproject.middleware.SiteLogin in your MIDDLEWARE_CLASS
On Jun 5, 6:56 pm, "eric.frederich" wrote:
> How can I get distinct content_types from a model like this?...
> In sqlite I did the following and it worked...
> sqlite> select distinct content_type_id from booking_managedasset;
> class ManagedAsset(models.Model):
> content_type = models.
On Jun 6, 4:13 pm, Andrew Fong wrote:
> Was hoping not to have to loop back through it -- but I guess I'll
> just have to suck it up and do it. Thanks.
If you've got the order already in model_pk_list, you can use the
order_by parameter to .extra() to get the results in that order
straight f
On Jun 7, 9:33 am, grElement wrote:
> Yeah, I couldn't figure it out either since the error message is not
> so helpful and it seems that this is actually a django bug that they
> are currently working on, but according to the documentation of the
> error reporting bug it should be coming from my
On Jun 8, 8:23 pm, Andy Dietler wrote:
> I'm trying to make one of the fields in my model display radio buttons
> with the options 1-5. I can't find a way to do this with a model form
> and I can't get anything I find in documentation to work properly.
> What I have below results in me getting
On Jun 8, 6:12 pm, Bo Zhao wrote:
> sorry all, i find it..in the 1.0 version, the subcommand install is removed.
> but my question is how to automatically import a model without edit the
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Bo Zhao wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > a quick and mightbe
On Jun 9, 5:23 am, EricR86 wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a small issue in terms callable objects inside of contexts. I'm
> having trouble figuring out how to have the call evaluated everytime
> the context is used/rendered. An example:
> some_context = {
> 'random': random(),
> }
> def som
On Jun 9, 11:21 am, Jipe wrote:
> Hi all,
> I 'm trying to use the Django Tutorial 3 for beginners.
> I've met some problems.
> Until you have to work with the template and index.html, it's ok
> But when i try to make appear detail.html who is in the same template
> directory as index.html, no wa
On Jun 9, 10:07 pm, adelaide_mike wrote:
> Hi
> I need to store additional info about my users. The following in
> models.py raises a name error due to User. Have tried auth_users and
> Users as well. No joy.
> class User_settings(models.Model):
> user = models.ForeignKey(U
On Jun 10, 10:50 am, newbie wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written a small javascript ajax code in my django
> application. Its working fine in the development environment. But when
> i use the same code in the same django application running on apache
> and also on a different url(if it matte
On Jun 7, 10:46 pm, Mozey wrote:
> Here is my two attempts at trying to test if my DateTimeField is in
> the past or the future.
> # first attempt
> def past(self):
> return self.scheduled_time < datetime.now()
> # It complained that i cannot compare a datetime to a string, hence my
On Jun 10, 1:22 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> hi,
> [django trunk rev 10413]
> I am having a problem with password_reset. I get the message saying that a
> mail has been sent, but I do not receive the mail. A check with my mail log
> shows the mail is being sent from 'webmas...@localhost' an
On Jun 10, 5:27 pm, Paolo Corti wrote:
> Hi
> is it possible to update an object with a dictionary?
> I tried something like this:
> myobject.save(force_update=True, **my_dict)
> getting an error, though:
> TypeError at ...
> save() got an unexpected keyword argument 'myfieldname'
> I would
On Jun 11, 10:06 am, mydjango wrote:
> how to custom Admin list_filter queryset?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to
On Jun 11, 1:06 pm, LeeRisq wrote:
> Programming with Django is unfortunately my job on the side right now,
> so limited time for coding and testing. I know I could answer this
> question myself by tinkering around, but don't have time.
> When you have a generic ManyToMany field specified betwe
On Jun 11, 3:50 pm, Frank Peterson wrote:
> I need to use the stringformat filter on a variable in a template but
> I just want it to grab the first 3 characters of the variable.
> {{ object.caption|lower|truncatewords:"1"|stringformat:"3s" }}
> Doesnt seem to work.
Use slice (because Python
On Jun 12, 8:54 pm, Rana wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to modify a blog and article model that will both display
> data from a related products model. I read that the way I should do
> this is through the ContentTypes framework and generic foreign
> relations. I would be grateful for some guidance
On Jun 15, 3:20 pm, Genis Pujol Hamelink
> Hi list,
> I am trying to create a view to update objects in the db:
> http://dpaste.com/55546/
> but when posting the data, form.is_valid() fails because the object already
> exists in the db. Is there a way to validate a form using an exis
On Jun 16, 3:34 am, Streamweaver wrote:
> sqlite3
> I changed the method and it seems to be working now.
> The code I'm using is:
> def all_last_updated(self):
> d = [self.last_updated, self.activity_set.latest
> ().last_updated]
> d.sort()
> d.reverse()
> re
On Jun 16, 1:12 am, k-dj wrote:
> I'm just starting to use django and have run into a problem I have not
> been able to solve.
> I have a model Item which stores, among other things, user_id.
> Then I have a ModelForm. I want user_id to be a hidden field. After
> searching around the web, I fou
On Jun 15, 4:23 pm, Genis Pujol Hamelink
> yes, but what if it's a new object and not an existing one? How do I test
> this? The request method will be POST, so form will be form =
> MyForm(request.POST)... so if form.pk exists in the db how do I tell it's
> editing an existing object?
On Jun 16, 9:48 am, Genis Pujol Hamelink
> well, if you retrieve an object via GET modify something and then submit the
> new data you will create a POST request and I was wondering if I could test
> wether the object being saved was an existing one or not...
> greetings,
> Genis
On Jun 17, 7:39 am, "C. Feldmann"
> Good morning,
> I was wondering how to implement the following without having to
> hardcode each url.
> I have different apps like i.e. books, authors, magazines, etc.
> Normally I would call upon default views by using something
> like:http://localho
On Jun 17, 3:52 am, DaveB wrote:
> I have what must be a common problem: there are three master files,
> and a transaction in my admin site involves selecting an item from
> each of these files. The field in the Transaction table is a foreign
> key pointer to the master file's record. The default
On Jun 17, 1:12 pm, R C wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to be able to select objects and order them by the count
> of a related field
> For example, I have 2 models:
> class Author(models.Model)
> name = models.Charfield(max_length=20)
> class Article(models.Model)
> author = models.F
On Jun 18, 9:39 am, Shuge Lee wrote:
> Search is used in most of CMS,
> for avoid re-invent the wheel, please provider a search engine module.
Django is not a CMS.
You received this message because you ar
On Jun 18, 8:02 pm, chefsmart wrote:
> Hi,
> Now consider the following view: -
> def edit_diploma(request, did):
> diploma_to_edit = Diploma.objects.get(id=did)
> if request.method == 'POST':
> form = EditDiplomaForm(request.POST)
> if form.is_valid():
> di
On Jun 18, 4:37 pm, Mathias Waack wrote:
> Hello django experts,
> let me first note I'm a beginner in both django and web-development at all.
> I have a form with some select boxes containing several million options. Now
> I'd like to have something like the search field in wikipedia, where
On Jun 18, 9:41 pm, "huu...@gmail.com" wrote:
> On Django's admin pages, I'd like to perform an action when the
> administrator clicks the Delete button for an object. In other words,
> I'd like to execute some code prior to arriving on the "Are you sure?"
> delete confirmation page.
> I reali
On Jun 19, 1:36 am, adelaide_mike wrote:
> Try again. I am new to Django and the web, so I do not know all the
> right vocabulary. Sorry.
> I need my ModelForm to be displayed, for creation of a new record,
> with a date field and a foreign key (pointing to the Source table)
> selector list a
On Sep 11, 10:40 pm, Brandon wrote:
> Uh, where? I see the definition in settings.py, but I can certainly
> enter any of the words on the profanities list in:
> django.conf.global_settings.py into a text field and it will not throw
> an exception.
I actually think that this is a left-over sett
On Sep 12, 3:12 pm, adelaide_mike wrote:
> Django 1.0.2 In the following template I intend to make rows that
> have an empty second column bold. Hence trying 2 in row. My syntax
> is wrong due to inexperience with Python, and possibly my methodology
> also.
> {% extends "base.html" %}
> {%
On Sep 12, 5:26 pm, Angel Cruz wrote:
> I use the contribs.comments module, and in its clean_comment method:
> if settings.COMMENTS_ALLOW_PROFANITIES == False:
> bad_words = [w for w in settings.PROFANITIES_LIST if w in
> comment.lower()]
> if bad_words:
On Sep 12, 8:08 pm, "W.P. McNeill" wrote:
> I have a view that renders a table. The "table" object is a list
> rows, which are themselves lists of model objects. These objects have
> a parameter called label.
> Inside the template
> {{ object.label }}
> render's an objects label and
> {
On Sep 12, 9:53 pm, tom wrote:
> Hi,
> i want to produce a left-join query with the django orm. Can anybody
> help howto do the following query?
> SELECT S.value, D.value from data as S left join data as D on
> S.entry_id=D.entry_id;
> Cheers tom
What's the point of this query? What are yo
On 2009/9/13, tom wrote:
> I have a model to save measurement data. Every datarow has a
> identifier(CharField) and a value(FloatField) and a entry(ForeignKey).
> For example:
> Entry Identifier value
> 1s1 100
> 1d1 180
> 1q5 300
> 2
On Sep 9, 12:07 pm, mettwoch wrote:
> Here is the definition of the field:
> date_due = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)
I'd guess that the problem is the auto_now_add. When that's set, the
field is not editable (because the date can only be set at creation).
So the field is by de
On Sep 14, 3:27 pm, about2flip wrote:
> Hi:
> I am using learn django in 24 hours and I am following this example on
> models.
> File "E:\djproj\ifriends\..\ifriends\People\models.py", line 8
> def_str_(self):
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> E:\djproj\ifriends>
On Sep 14, 7:19 pm, Artur Ergashev wrote:
> I'm working on some models for a legacy database structure, and am
> having a road_block with Foreign Keys and non-conventional names.
> As I understand it, if in my model I have something like:
> something = ForeignKey(something)
> then django wi
On Sep 15, 8:49 pm, orschiro wrote:
> Hello Léon Dignòn,
> you told that your projects lie beneath /var/www..
> So the reason for that is that you might use Apache?
> As I remember (I'm using nginx instead of Apache) this is the default
> directory.
It's a very bad idea to put your Djang
On Sep 15, 6:22 pm, Michael Stevens wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm creating a formset of forms using formset_factory.
> It's all working nicely, but I'd like to pass some values into the
> forms to use as the choices for one of the fields.
> Is there a way to do this? As far as I can tell the formset_f
On Sep 15, 5:56 pm, ChrisR wrote:
> Hello,
> I am building a blog/cms for my site. I am using django's date_based
> urls as well as object_detail for the individual posts.
> On my base, I have a for loop for categories in the blog. I don't
> like the way I have made the category_list work,
On Sep 15, 9:08 pm, orschiro wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> so the projects could be as well on the users home path?
> It makes more sense for me to put them on the home path than anywhere
> else.
As long as the web server process has the relevant permissions for
those files, yes.
On Sep 15, 9:48 pm, alivad wrote:
> hi all:
> I have the following code:
> .
> formamig = forms.ModelChoiceField(label = "Tipo de visa",
> queryset=Formamig.objects.all())
> empresa = forms.CharField(max_length=60, required=False)
> def clean(self):
> cleaned_dat
On Sep 15, 6:22 am, tom wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> i don't want to presentate the data. i want to produce graphs with
> this data. so it's not a presentation problem. i know that i can use
> python to get the data in correct order and style, but it's a huge
> amount of data and python would be very
On Sep 16, 4:35 am, ChrisR wrote:
> I appreciate the help you gave DR, however, I am still a bit lost.
> Any more suggestions or guidance with custom tags?
> I've been looking at the custom tags documentation...
Well, currently you're relying on the extra_context parameter to your
generic view
On Sep 16, 6:45 am, Merrick wrote:
> I have a project that I am thinking of breaking up into 2 sites/
> projects. The goal is to be able to make changes to one site/project
> without affecting the other one. Here is an example of what each would
> do:
> mydomain.com
> -
> -
On Sep 15, 11:19 pm, Sonal Breed wrote:
> Thanks a lot Cliff, I implemented it in a similar manner, just wanted
> to know if we
> have anything like validation rules a la Access.
> Thanks again,
> Sincerely,
> Sonal.
Not yet. Honza Kral's Google Summer of Code project for model
validation is d
On Sep 16, 2:56 pm, Thomas wrote:
> Thanks. I haven't heard of Django Evolution. Just searched for it on
> Google; it sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. In the meantime,
> I've found 'python manage.py inspectdb ' which helps a
> lot. It seems to general model classes by inspecting the
On Sep 16, 6:50 pm, "Gabriel ." wrote:
> Hello,
> I have this method defined in a model:
> def __repr__(self):
> return ugettext_lazy("%(file)s (Component: %(component)s -
> Release: %(release)s)") % {
> 'file': self.filename,
> 'component': self.component.
On Sep 17, 1:48 pm, adelaide_mike wrote:
> Hello
> I, a newbie to Django and Python, have a model thus:
> class Person(model.Models):
> first_name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
> last_name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
> In my view.py can do this, to illustrate my question:
On Sep 17, 4:10 pm, Thomas wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm learning Django and have some questions regarding passing data to
> urlpatterns. Right now, I have something like this in my urls.py:
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> (r'^$', index),
> (r'^list_jobs/', list_jobs),
> )
> This works fi
On Sep 17, 3:39 pm, blumenkraft wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two querysets:
> x = models.Advertisement.objects.filter(company__name__search =
> "test")
> y = models.Advertisement.objects.filter(contact__phone__istartswith =
> "8495")
> Is there any simple way to get union (using SQL UNION clause) of
On Sep 17, 5:05 pm, blumenkraft wrote:
> Did you mean or(|) instead of and(&)?
Yes, sorry.
> I need SQL UNION for efficiency reasons (using UNION instead of SQL
> generated by
> models.Advertisement.objects.filter( Q(company__name__search="test") |
> Q(contact__phone__istartswith="8495") is 60x
On Sep 18, 1:01 pm, Tom Evans wrote:
> Hi all. I have a model form to update two attributes on a UserProfile.
> The form is simple:
> class UserProfileSetRememberMeForm(forms.ModelForm):
> ( 0, 'Default (2 weeks)'),
> ( 1 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, '1 week'),
On Sep 18, 4:34 pm, Oleg Oltar wrote:
> Hi!
> I have following model:
> class UserProfile(models.Model):
> """
> User profile model, cintains a Foreign Key, which links it to the
> user profile.
> """
> about = models.TextField(blank=True)
> user = models.ForeignKey(Us
On Sep 20, 7:47 am, zweb wrote:
> When I try to download a file through django in IE , I get
> [Sun Sep 20 05:34:20 2009] [error] [client] response =
> func(request, response), referer:http://www.com
> [Sun Sep 20 05:34:20 2009] [error] [client] File "/home/
> pmc/
On Sep 20, 4:24 am, adelaide_mike wrote:
> I have a multi-table model, each table related to the next by a one to
> many foreign key.
> I wish to do:
> q = Child.objects.filter(date__gte=startdate).order_by
> ('parent.grandparent.greatgrandparent__name')
> This raises an exception no such c
On Sep 20, 2:33 am, "neri...@gmail.com" wrote:
> I'm trying to use passenger_wsgi on Dreamhost and keeep getting 'An
> error occurred importing your passenger_wsgi.py'. I think I've located
> the syntax that is causing the problem but I don't know how to resolve
> it and Dreamhost doesn't offer a
On Sep 20, 7:57 pm, When ideas fail wrote:
> Hello, I've recently updated my setup to use mod_wsgi instead of
> mod_python. I'm having some problems with my urls. The home page loads
> fine but none of my other urls seems to work (404 errors). They worked
> before with mod_python. Do i need to in
On Sep 20, 6:54 pm, Parag Shah wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a UserProfile Model object which has the
> django.contrib.auth.models.User as it's ForeignKey.
> There is a register function in the view module, which goes like this:
> def register(request):
> if request.method == 'POST':
> u
On Sep 21, 5:22 am, taijirobot wrote:
> Hi, guys,
> I'm learning django recently and I am trying to add a rich text editor
> to the places where long formated text like blog post are needed (the
> site is running on local machine with the default django server).
> I tried to use django-tinymc
On Sep 21, 8:00 am, Kevin Bache wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm a bit of a Django noob so please forgive me if my hope here is
> swimmingly optimistic:
> I'd like to be able to set breakpoints in my django project which would be
> triggered by my browser's requests to the integrated Django developm
On Sep 21, 4:25 pm, Michael Feingold wrote:
> I am somewhat confused about the semantics for nested block
> definitions.Let me explain:
> {% block %} tag serves two purposes a) define a hole (along with the
> default value) to be filled later and b) define the content to replace
> the current val
On Sep 22, 2:31 am, Malcolm MacKinnon wrote:
> Thanks, Karen. With your help, I manged to fix it.
Note that - quite apart from your original problem - you've got a
serious inefficiency in this view. You iterate through every customer
to find a matching customer number which, once you get more th
On 2009/9/22, taijirobot wrote:
> Thank you very much. The problem was solved after I changed the
> MEDIA_URL setting.
> But now I have a new question, it is about the display of the rich
> text.
> I used code like this to display it:
> {{ post.title }}
> {{ post.timestamp|date }}
> {{ pos
On Sep 22, 7:17 am, taijirobot wrote:
> well, guys, I've solved this problem, but in a bad way.
> Since I'm running the site locally with the default django server, the
> MEDIA_URL became a confusing thing to me. Luckily I have an Apache
> server running on my machine, so I just set the MEDIA_U
On Sep 22, 9:48 am, Szymon wrote:
> On 21 Wrz, 22:47, Javier Guerra wrote:
> > only if you include it in the parameter list:
> Oh, yes. I forget about self in my example, but in function that makes
> problem there is of course self in parameter list.
I suspect the problem isn't quite what y
On Sep 22, 2:07 pm, Rodney Topor wrote:
> Suppose a user posts a comment about a particular object, using
> django.contrib.comments, as described in Practical Django Projects.
> How can one get access to this object in a template such as
> posted.html, so that one can include a link directly back
On Sep 22, 8:59 pm, Jim wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a widget that makes suckerfish menus (the kind of menu that is
> written in css and where if you hover your mouse over a menu item any
> subitems appear).
> I have some data that can be displayed according to three dimensions.
> (For instance,
On Sep 22, 8:59 pm, PlanetUnknown wrote:
> Thanks Tom.
> But with this approach -
> > foo = Foo.objects.get(pk=foo_id)
> > foo.field = new_value
> > foo.save()
> There is an extra DB call, first the the data, and then another one to
> save it.
> If you have the primary_key with you, only on
On Sep 22, 10:16 pm, Nicolas Steinmetz wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to present only a subset of a given models. But so far,
> in the admin, I have no value whereas there should be some.
> I tried several syntax but did not find the right one.
> Here are my implicated (and simplified) mode
On Sep 23, 2:54 pm, Joshua Russo wrote:
> I want to apply style to a block of text in the middle of a sentance without
> effecting the flow. I've been using what feels like a serious hack by using
> tags with a class property. My big fear is that the tags will
> disappear from the list of suppor
On Sep 23, 6:05 pm, Chris Withers wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have this view function:
> def index(request,model,pk=None):
> return list_detail.object_list(
> request,
> queryset=model.objects.all(),
> paginate_by=10,
> template_name='index.html',
On Sep 23, 5:24 pm, IanSR wrote:
> Is there some trick to parse
> http://www.example.com/foo/42
> such that "42" becomes an integer parameter to the view function,
> instead of a string?
> Right now I have to do:
> from my.app.views import foo
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> (r'foo/(
On Sep 24, 6:07 am, Alvaro Mouriño wrote:
> Hi list.
> I'm developing a news application that handles articles, about 10 new
> articles each day. The site administrator every morning selects from a
> drop-down-list the ones that hit the front page. As time goes by this
> list grows bigger and b
On Sep 24, 9:50 am, Paul Lundberg wrote:
> Thanks, I think I will have to do that, I just thought that there
> might be an easy way to do this that I missed!
> Paul Lundberg
There's various information about fields in a model's ._meta class.
For instance, Model._meta.fields will give you all
On Sep 25, 9:08 am, Jani Tiainen wrote:
> Chris Withers kirjoitti:
> > Brian McKeever wrote:
> >> .count is definitely the way to go. Although, I would probably pass it
> >> to your template instead of determining it there.
> > What difference does it make?
> len(qs) evaluates queryset - th
On Sep 25, 3:30 am, luciferleo wrote:
> Hi, I am using Django 1.0
> Suppose I have two models in one file:
> class BaseModel(models.Model):
> # attrs
> creator = models.ForeignKey('User', related_name='%(class)
> s_creator_set')
> class User(BaseModel):
> # attrs
> That's perfec
On Sep 25, 11:30 pm, Ronen Gal wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to build a website which sells videos (music lessons).
> The site would include ~50 videos, 150MB each.
> I need some kind of shopping cart, and the ability to recieve payment.
> I also need user accounts, so I can learn my users flavou
On Sep 27, 4:48 am, Malcolm MacKinnon wrote:
> Thanks, but I don't understand. Will removal cause problems with django
> project/app on python path. It's simlinked to the python site-packages.
The file 'django' inside your django-trunk/django directory is
actually a symlink to the parent direc
On Sep 26, 12:53 pm, paulh wrote:
> Using the admin list_display and a callable with its allow_tags
> property set to True you can plant a link for each object on the
> changle_list display page of the admin. Is there some way of making
> this link dynamic without having to extend the
> ModelAdmi
On Sep 29, 2:04 pm, sunn wrote:
> Dear Django users,
> I am trying to create a simple redirect app (useful when rewriting a
> page that was previously not written in Django or when switching
> domains).
> The app would just collect all URLs not found so I put it at the end
> of urls.py
> (r
On Sep 29, 6:53 pm, ringemup wrote:
> I have two models that are essentially identical except that for one
> of them a couple of the fields can be blank/null that are required in
> the other. It seems silly to maintain two full implementations in
> parallel, so I'd like to just make one model a
On Sep 29, 11:45 pm, Ron W wrote:
> I've been getting thrown 500 errors from someone using the admin from
> what looks like Mac Firefox 3.5 with the Huffington Post's Firefox
> extension (why on earth..), but its looking for /img/admin/
> icon_calendar.gif/ which isn't from TinyMCE its the Django
On Sep 30, 11:23 am, NMarcu wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to send a value from a template to another template.
> In my first template I have something like this:
> td>Edit
> The result will be: "/edit/admin"
> I need to use the value: "admin" in another template.
> I have in my urls.py:
> url(
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