Hi everyone,
Is there something special I need to know in order to select records
from a view in Oracle? My user has select permissions on the schema in
When I output the SQL from the connection, everything looks in order.
I'm using Django trunk, Python 2.6.1 and cx_Oracle-5.0.1
class Meta:
verbose_name = 'CSU Code'
verbose_name_plural = 'CSU Codes'
ordering = ['department']
managed = False
db_table = 'LU_CSU_CODE'
def __unicode__(self):
return sel
Hi everyone,
I'm running Python 2.6.1, Django Trunk.
I have a model (Entry) with a ManyToMany (Categories). I need to be
able to iterate over these categories whenever my parent model is
I've tried overriding save_model in the admin, and adding a post_save
signal to Entry in order to be
6, 6:53 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick
> On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 08:48 -0700, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I'm running Python 2.6.1, Django Trunk.
> > I have a model (Entry) with a ManyToMany (Categories). I need to be
> > able to iterate over these
Hi Everyone,
I'm using the svn checkout of Django-Tagging and Django-Trunk. Tagging
is working perfectly for me with any other database except, of course,
Oracle, which is what I need it to work in.
I can't get the TagField() to show up in the admin at all without
adding a custom form for my Mod
t get a "tags"
varchar added to the ActivityCode table, however it will add the
Tagging application tables to the schem, which it's picking up from
installed_apps form settings.py.
On Mar 19, 4:01 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Mar 19, 9:21 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
Hmm. Curious. The exact same code works with MySQL and SQLite3 for me.
Oh well, let me switch it up and see if it's happy.
Kind regards,
On Mar 20, 11:37 am, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Mar 20, 8:26 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > Hi Ian,
> > Thanks for the respons
iding tags: tags =
TagField() does not invoke any of the Tagging functionality for me.
On Mar 20, 11:49 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hmm. Curious. The exact same code works with MySQL and SQLite3 for me.
> Oh well, let me switch it up and see if it's happy.
> Kind regards,
Hmm. Well, I guess the only thing left to ask is what version of
Django and Tagging you're running?
I'm using Oracle 10g, cx_Oracle-5.0.1, Django and Tagging from svn.
Other than that, I'm at a loss :)
On Mar 20, 2:12 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Mar 20, 12:08 pm, Bra
When you say "fixed the import" how so? I'm not seeing where I can
import TagField from any other location in tagging other than
On Mar 20, 2:52 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hmm. Well, I guess the only thing left to ask is what version of
> Django and Tagging yo
Ugh, sorry, that's: fields.py, not forms.py
On Mar 20, 2:54 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> When you say "fixed the import" how so? I'm not seeing where I can
> import TagField from any other location in tagging other than
> forms.py.
> On Mar 20, 2:52 pm, Bra
5.0.1. Lord knows I had enough issues getting it to
install. Wouldn't surprise me at all if there's something messed up in
Thanks for taking the time to help, I sincerely appreciate it. I'll
post my findings later.
On Mar 20, 3:33 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Mar 20,
Downgrading to cx_Oracle-4.4.1 solved the problem. Now I can use the
tagging.fields TagField() as expected and everything shows up
correctly in the admin.
On Mar 20, 4:15 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hmm. I might downgrade my cs_Oracle and see if that makes a
> difference. I double-chec
Hi Everyone,
Is anyone having issues with Django Tagging (svn) not updating tags on
an existing model? I'm running cx_Oracle-4.4.1 - thanks to (Ian Kelly)
and Django Trunk.
I can add tags when a model instance is created, but update/delete is
not working.
ly wrote:
> On Mar 23, 1:52 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > Is anyone having issues with Django Tagging (svn) not updating tags on
> > an existing model? I'm running cx_Oracle-4.4.1 - thanks to (Ian Kelly)
> > and Django Trunk.
> H
Hi everyone,
I'm following this tutorial for recursion in templates:
Here is my model:
class Category(models.Model):
parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
his also does not break compatibility
with other DB types for me. Last step will be to replace my
cx_Oracle-4.4.1 driver with the latest 5.0.1, and see if it still
Hope this helps someone out!
On Mar 23, 5:40 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> I'm not th
I have confirmed that it also works as expected with cx_Oracle-5.0.1
On Mar 24, 2:14 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> After much digging, I was able to find the problem. In fields.py in
> django-tagging, the tags are pulled from cache when they are saved,
> rather than going ba
Hello everyone,
I'm getting a Jython environment set up, and have it installed and
working properly. Now it's time to install django-jython and django
The problem is, I can't install django-jython because I don't have
distutils installed for Jython. I also can't seem to find distutils
Hi everyone,
I created a new project through jython/django-admin.py and now I'm
receiving this error when attempting to start the development server
using jython...
iMac:musaic bt$ jython manage.py runserver
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "manage.py", line 4, in
import settings #
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know of a way to mimic the functionality Rails has to set
up a URL pattern to receive emails and handle attachments, such as
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
Hi everyone,
I'm getting this exception with the latest Django-Jython and
wks-btaylor:test_project btaylor$ jython manage.py runserver
Validating models...
Unhandled exception in thread started by
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/btaylor/jython2.5.0/Lib/site-packages
Hi Everyone,
I'm running Jython 2.5.0 and Django 1.0.3 on OS X Snow Leopard.
Having an issue connecting to Postgres. I can create and run a project
fine, but attempting to connect to a database using the django-jython
database backend - doj.backends.zxjdbc.postgresql, throws the error:
Hi everyone,
After following the custom build instructions for MySQL from
Hivelogic, http://hivelogic.com/articles/compiling-mysql-on-snow-leopard/
MySQL is running just fine.
However, I can't get MySQL-Python 1.2.3c1 to compile. I have re-
installed Xcode for 10.6, but I get an error trace a mi
Hi everyone,
I would like to do some obscenity filtering on posts, and I see there
is a setting: PROFANITIES_LIST
But, how to I invoke the hasNoProfanities validator? I searched the
django source code for this, but the only thing I could find was the
setting in conf > global_settings.py
I'd app
Hi everyone,
I'm using an inline formset on a model. I have some jQuery that adds
an additional form to the page, and augments the TOTAL_FORMS parameter
by 1.
The problem is that the dynamically added form is not present in the
collection of forms when I save the formset. All of the name and ID
Hi everyone,
I need a sanity check here. I'm using a jQueryUI DatePicker, with the
dateFormat option set to 'yy-mm-dd', which is returning a date in -
MM-DD format, if I check my request.POST values.
I have a DateField - "effective_from", on my model, and am using a
corresponding ModelForm.
f I put a print statement in there to print the 'value' variable
handed to the 'to_python' function, it doesn't return None or the
value, in fact it prints an empty line, which is making me think it's
an empty string...?
On Apr 13, 12:06 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
Well, I'm not sure what the matter was, maybe some bad cache or
something, but the problem seems to have corrected itself. Weird!
On Apr 13, 12:06 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> On Apr 13, 11:47 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I need a sanity
Hi everyone,
I have an abstract model called Page. Two classes inherit this, and
there is a ManyToMany field on Page. syncdb is creating the
intermediary tables correctly, and admin shows me the correct values
to the related model.
But, when I go to save the record, none of the m2m data is getti
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the reply. Here's the link: http://dpaste.com/34979/
On Apr 17, 3:50 pm, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Brandon Taylor
> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I have an abstract model called Page. Two class
Sorry Alex, my bad. I see the error. Doh!
On Apr 17, 3:54 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for the reply. Here's the link:http://dpaste.com/34979/
> b
> On Apr 17, 3:50 pm, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Br
Ugh. My pastie was bad - had multiple versions of the same file open,
and didn't get the most recent one: http://dpaste.com/34983/
On Apr 17, 3:54 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for the reply. Here's the link:http://dpaste.com/34979/
> b
Hi everyone,
When I specify filter_horizontal for any ManyToMany field on a model
using Django trunk, and that field is required, admin will not allow
me to save the choice(s). it will tell me the field is required, no
matter how many choices I select.
If I remove the filter_horizontal, and I ma
filter_vertical also appears to be suffering the same problem.
On May 4, 10:23 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> When I specify filter_horizontal for any ManyToMany field on a model
> using Django trunk, and that field is required, admin will not allow
> me to save th
until it
On May 4, 10:30 am, George Song wrote:
> On 5/4/2009 8:24 AM, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > filter_vertical also appears to be suffering the same problem.
> > On May 4, 10:23 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> >> Hi everyone,
> >> When I
I was modifying the form submission with some Ajax code that busted
the filter_horizontal apparently. Preventing the default action of the
form with jQuery is not a good idea :)
On May 4, 10:41 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi George,
> I wonder what the deal is then. I've noticed
Hi Everyone,
I'm using Django trunk, Python 2.6.
I have a model form with a FileField. The relevant portions of the
HTML are:
{{ job_seeker_form.resume }}
{{ job_seeker_form.resume.label_tag }}
{{ job_seeker_form.resume.help_text }}
{{ job_seeker_form.resume.errors }}
In my v
Hi everyone,
I'm looking into Grappelli's awesome admin interface, but my login is
missing any sort of branding, and it looks like I'd have to override
their template and add some CSS to fix it. Am I just missing
something? or are other people seeing the same thing?
Kind regards,
Hello everyone,
I've implemented a custom backend to use an email address instead of a
username. Unfortunately, this prevents me from using the built-in User
change form within admin.
I'm looking for a way to override the username form field with my own
field, or at least change the validation o
Greetings all,
My project involves uploading Word documents (resumes), and I would
like to be able to scan them for viruses. I've found ClamAV, but
installation is proving a little testy. So, I thought I'd ping the
community for advice. Should I even be concerned with this? My
deployment server is
text from the resume, which I'm going to grab and stick
into the DB anyway, but for some reason, they insist on letting people
Kindest regards,
On Nov 13, 6:08 am, David De La Harpe Golden
> Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > Greetings all,
> > My project
Hi everyone,
I'm developing on Ubuntu 9.1 in a VM Ware Fusion instance on OS X,
10.5.8. I have apache2-mpm-worker and mod_wsgi installed through
I have Django 1.1.1 installed in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-
My django project is in:
My .wsg
I can't explain why it won't work in a VM, but it will if I'm dual-
booting, or just running Ubuntu native.
On Nov 19, 9:14 am, Andy McKay wrote:
> On 09-11-19 6:40 AM, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > ImproperlyConfigured: ImportError filebrowser: No module named
everything's working again, finally. Ugh.
On Nov 19, 9:40 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Thanks for the reply. The Ubuntu instance only has one Python
> installed - 2.6.4. I thought it might be a problem related to that as
> well. This
Hi everyone,
I need to validate that at lease one item has been added to an inline
model in Django admin. I'm not quite sure where to put this
validation...can someone help me out?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
On Nov 23, 6:06 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I need to validate that at lease one item has been added to an inline
> model in Django admin. I'm not quite sure where to put this
Hello everyone,
I have two models: PublicAccount and Order.
I need to provide a link to filter Orders by PublicAccount. So, I
added a field to the list display of my PublicAccount:
def orders(self):
return 'View' % \
(reverse('admin:orders_order_changelist'), self.pk)
Hi everyone,
I have a very strange problem I'm trying to get a handle on. I need to
filter a model admin with a value from the querystring, so I am doing
an override of queryset in my ModelAdmin like so:
def queryset(self, request):
id = request.GET.get('id', None)
if id:
return B
The solution is to add the foreign key field as a list_filter, then
Django will accept the querystring parameter.
Hope that helps someone!
On Sep 13, 7:29 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a very strange problem I'm trying to get a handle on. I need to
> fil
Hi everyone,
I need to add a checkbox field to an ModelForm, which is easy enough
by overriding __init__ on the ModelForm, but I'm also using a custom
fieldset on the ModelAdmin.
So, I need to be able to add the field to the fieldset from the form's
Possible? I'm not sure how I can get
I use Aptana with PyDev and get code completion for Python, HTML, CSS,
JavaScript (and jQuery) and more. It's cross-platform, free and the
Beta 3 version has even more Django support thanks to the latest
version of PyDev.
There are plugins for Git, Mercurial, SVN and more.
On Sep 14, 5:3
Hi everyone,
I'm having a problem with reversing a URL in a unit test:
class ProductTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.client = Client
def test_project_permalink(self):
project = Project.approved.all()[0]
url = project.get_absolute_url()
I'm using an ini
or more information.
>>> from django.test.client import Client
>>> c = Client()
>>> response = c.get('/categories/')
>>> response.status_code
Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong with the unit test?
On Sep 23, 10:51 pm, Br
On Sep 24, 6:40 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> So here's something else that's weird...
> I can start a shell, load up the test Client and get the page in
> question:
> Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41)
> [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
> Type "
This problem turned out to be related to specificity. Another url
pattern was overriding the pattern that I was testing.
On Sep 24, 9:43 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> So it appears to be something with django-cms' urls that are causing
> issues with testing. I'm able to test an
Hi Everyone,
I'm having an issue testing a page protected with @login_required. I'm
loading a user via a fixture. I can call
self.client.login(**credentials) successfully and get True back. I can
retrieve a User object using the _auth_user_id key held in session
from the call to self.client.login.
Sorry, the second test is the one that fails.
On Sep 26, 2:01 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm having an issue testing a page protected with @login_required. I'm
> loading a user via a fixture. I can call
> self.client.login(**credentials) successfully
Aptana Studio 2 & 3 Beta + PyDev on Linux makes a great dev
environment for Django. You can create runtimes for debugging, add
modules to the Python path for your project, like the site-packages
folder from a virtualenv.
You'll get code assist for Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A number
of Java
Hi everyone,
I'm used to organizing my Django projects in one folder for the
project and then sub folders for app modules...
and so on. However, when I create a new Django project using the PyDev
wizard, I get:
Sounds like you have an infinite loop.
On Oct 1, 12:12 pm, Tsolmon Narantsogt wrote:
> Hi there
> i got this error
> *Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a
> Python object' in
> help me
> Thank you
> Tsolmon
You received this message because you are
Hi everyone,
I set up a bare-bones project with one view decorated with
I created an initial_data.json fixture with a user.
I called self.client.login(username='foobar', passowrd='foobar') and
it returned True.
I assigned a response variable from self.client.get('/protected/')
> > Check if you are in the python perspective
> > On 1 oct, 19:34, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > I'm used to organizing my Django projects in one folder for the
> > > project and then sub folders for app modules...
> &g
test fails :(
Hope this helps someone,
On Oct 5, 11:37 pm, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I set up a bare-bones project with one view decorated with
> @login_required.
> I created an initial_data.json fixture with a user.
> I called self.client.login(username=
>From my experience with sprites, you wouldn't be using an image tag to
render the sprite. Rather, you would be giving an id or class
attribute on a div or some other type of HTML container tag that
positions the background image (sprite) and possibly sets a width and
height on the containe
WebFaction. They are simply awesome.
On Feb 9, 9:52 am, adamjamesdrew wrote:
> Thanks
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-us...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send emai
Hi everyone,
Our basic content model pseudo-code is:
class Content(models.Model)
class Image(Content)
class Story(Content)
lead_art = ForeignKey(Content)
Content has an ID of course, and Image, Story, etc have a
What we're experiencing from time to time in Django admin is
Hi Everyone,
I'm confused about creating a custom upload handler and how it ties
into my model. From the docs, this is an example of a custom upload
handler, which I'm assuming goes in my view, or is accessed from my
def handle_uploaded_file(f):
destination = open('some/file/name.txt',
elf, raw_data, start) and file_complete(self, file_size).
> (As an aside, if you're using Python 2.5 or greater you might consider using
> the 'with' statement in your handler...
> <http://www.python.org/doc/2.5.2/ref/with.html>)
> Best wishes,
> Micha
gt; very large images (> 100 Meg).
> Yours
> Thanos.
> On Feb 16, 10:07 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > I'm confused about creating a custom upload handler and how it ties
> > into my model. From the docs, this is a
Hi Everyone,
I need to add a custom permission to only allow deletes on an object
if it has a certain property and the user is in a specific group, and
I need it to work in Django admin.
Possible? I was thinking I might just override the template and remove
the delete link, but permissions seems
Thanks raj, I'll give that a shot.
On Mar 12, 11:11 am, raj wrote:
> If you want to impose the restriction only upon delete through admin
> interface, try to override modelAdmin's has_delete_permission()
> method. Or else, model.delete().
> On Mar 12, 8:37 pm, Brand
Evening Everyone,
I have a model "Agency" with "state" as a foreign key and "counties"
as a many-to-many.
County has a foreign key to "state"
I would like to limit the County choices in Django admin to the state
of the Agency being edited, but, I can't seem to find the right place
to get an insta
Walt, you're a lifesaver!
Many thanks for the great example. I only made a couple of minor
class AgencyForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Agency
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AgencyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.instance
Hi everyone,
I know there's a Google Group for django-piston, but there's not very
much conversation on that group, so I'm re-posting here as well.
I'm getting an error when running the "blogserver" example site
included with Piston:
AttributeError at /api/posts/
'Blogpost' object has no attribu
Hi there,
Instead of using the course object in your initial data, which will
pass in the __unicode__ representation of the object, pass in the id:
form = CouseBook(initial = {'course': course.id})
That should get you the numeric id, but you'll also need to override
your save method to get the c
Hi there,
When calling def clean_name(self):, you can see if your instance has
an id or not:
def clean_name(self):
if not self.id:
#this would be a new record
#this would be an existing record
On Mar 31, 9:24 am, Emanuel wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have a
I'm getting those from this forum as well.
On Mar 31, 10:13 am, Wiiboy wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've gotten two emails from "Mail Delivery Subsystem
> " with the subject "Your message was NOT
> received by django-us...@googlegroups.com!".
> The body is below. Anyone know why I'm getting these? Is an
At The Texas Tribune (texastribune.org), we use a combination of
TinyMCE and django-reversion. It doesn't track changes between
versions, but it maintains a history table of each previous version of
our main content types.
On Mar 30, 4:18 pm, John Griessen wrote:
> Some potential
You can extend the change_form.html and change_list.html templates for
those views, or the base_site.html template.
Look in your: django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/ folder to see all
of the templates. Also, check out the documentation at:
I ended up using jezdez's fork of Piston, and it works as expected:
On Mar 31, 9:57 am, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I know there's a Google Group for django-piston, but there's not very
> much conversation on th
Hi everyone,
I'm just getting started with Django/Python. I have installed Python
2.4.4, and Django from the latest build. I can run 'python' and
'import django' from bash and it does not error out, so I'm assuming
my installs are correct.
I have made an alias of 'django-admin.py' and placed it
On Aug 26, 1:34 am, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 26-Aug-07, at 11:51 AM, Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > -bash: django-admin.py: command not found
> what happens if you run /usr/local/bin/django-admin.py, that is, with
> the full path
go as an alternative to Java for a
really fast, one-stop-shop open-source framework.
Again, many thanks,
On Aug 26, 11:00 pm, "Joseph Heck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use the path settings from my earlier post - that fits perfectly with
> MacPorts and should do yo
0 pm, "Joseph Heck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use the path settings from my earlier post - that fits perfectly with
> MacPorts and should do you.
> -joe
> On 8/26/07, Brandon Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> &
Hi everyone,
I have Python 2.5.1 and Django installed and running on OS X 10.4.10,
but can't seem to get either the Psycopg2 or MySQL-python bindings
installed so I can actually use a database with Django.
I have the latest version of PostgreSQL and MySQL5 installed and
running. Can someone plea
r is
reported only once
psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:104: error: for each function it appears in.)
psycopg/psycopgmodule.c: In function 'psyco_connect':
psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:215: error: parse error before ')' token
psycopg/psycopgmodule.c: In function 'psyco_register_type'
Thank you very much to everyone for your help. It took a few tries,
but I finally got the paths configured correctly in my setup.conf for
psycopyg. I'm working through the first tutorial. Looks like I need to
grab the newest Django source from subversion. But, I'm able to create
and sync my models
have the Definitive Guide to Django book from Apress, and am
experienced developer...just not with Python :) I'm very anxious to
learn and get started really building something with this great
Many TIA for your advice,
Brandon Tayl
> Image Field also requires PIL which is what you'll use in-place of RMagick
> http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
> peace.
> Vance
> On Feb 5, 2008 5:47 PM, Brandon Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm just getting started, so please bear with me. How should I
organize my website? I haven't seen a definitive example of where to
put settings files, templates, applications, images, stylesheets, etc.
My best guess would be something like:
Hello Beema,
Do you have the Python MySQL adapter installed? If not you, can find
the downloads at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python.
I'm not sure regarding the location of your template HTML file, I've
asked the group for an example of how to organize a Django project in
this post:
) root # - accessible to internet
/javascripts, etc
/non-related html files, etc
Thanks again,
On Feb 6, 7:31 am, Daniel Roseman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Feb 6, 1:17 pm, Brandon Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
Thanks guys! I'm about halfway through the Definitive Guide book, and
I like what I've seen so far. I'll just have to dig in, and start
coding. I've seen quite a few posts about how to organize a "typical"
website, so after I get one working I'll post an overview of what I
did and where I put thin
Hi everyone,
I have Apache 2 and mod_python installed on Windows. The mod_python
module is loaded and active.
Here's a breakdown of where things are...
Python is installed at: C:\Python25
Django is installed at: C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages
My 'testproject' in i
our error comes from django looking for the settings
> module in /django_projects/testproject/testproject/
> Like I said, shot in the dark, but hth...
> Aaron
> Brandon Taylor wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I have Apache 2 and mod_python installed on Windows. The m
uck on my Mac when I get home.
- Brandon
On Feb 6, 11:13 am, Brandon Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> I'm still getting the same error after I restart Apache. Is there a
> better setup to use for the install location for Django and where I
> place my pro
Hi Guys,
Yes, I've tried that as well. No dice. Ugh!
On Feb 6, 1:22 pm, Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a reason this line looks like this:
> >
> Instead of like this:
> >
> Michael
> Brandon Taylor wrote:
> &g
on25\Scripts;c:\Python25\" in my system PATH.
> Running an XP SP2 box, wamp5 version 1.6.4, Apache 2.0.58(win32), mod_python
> 3.3.1, Python 2.5.1
> Don't know if there's anything else I can tell you that might help, good luck
> with it...
> Aaron
> Brandon Taylor
to learn and use this great framework, but so
far, getting out of the gate has been really tough and I'd really
appreciate some help. I'm in Austin, Texas, and if there's anyone
local that would be so gracious as to help me get started wit
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