facing aws s3 image file path issue?

2018-06-18 Thread prateek gupta
Hi All, I have created a bitbucket and some folders inside that with following path: my_bucket\merchant\logos\ I am trying to upload a image file inside the my_bucket\merchant\logos folder but it is saving inside the my-merchant folder instead of logos. PFB my code snippet- config.json- { "A

Re: 404 error on tried these URL patterns, in this order: ^polls/ ^admin/

2018-06-18 Thread emmanuel wyckens
Hello, Thank you C. Kirby for yout help, You have solved my issue by your question. In fact, I 've forgotten each time to add /polls or /admin to access to the good web page. It's working fine now. Le vendredi 15 juin 2018 22:36:53 UT

Please correct my aws s3 path for image loading in Django 2.0.6!

2018-06-18 Thread prateek gupta
Hi Experts! I am trying to upload an image inside the following AWS S3 path: *pg-merchant/merchant/logos* But the image is uploading inside the following path:*pg-merchant* instead of storing inside the *logos *folder; pfa screen of the same.

Re: Please correct my aws s3 path for image loading in Django 2.0.6!

2018-06-18 Thread Jason
I think the issue is s3_key_name S3 is *not* a file based structure, it is simply a key-value object store. Much like a python dictionary. However, there are some abstractions to mimic folders and paths with S3, and that's indicated by using / in the key name. Your key name is using slashes

Can I use django-location-field module in Production?

2018-06-18 Thread prateek gupta
Hi All, I am auto populating latitude and longitude fields once user entered the address in a address form. For this task I am using https://pypi.org/project/django-location-field/ from location_field.models.plain import PlainLocationField I need to know can I use same module in Production? Is

Using a ressource amongst several uwsgi processes

2018-06-18 Thread s . baumgarten . berlin
Hi all, I am building a chatbot right now and am initiating the 'chatbot-agent' globally in the views.py, so that it wouldn't have to be loaded/initiated for each API request. *#global variable in views.py:* *agent = Agent.load('/usr/src/app/models/current/dialogue', interpreter='/usr/src/app/

I am trying to create polls project as mentiioned in the django website

2018-06-18 Thread Django starter
I am trying to create polls project as mentiioned in the django website, i am a beginer of django, as mentioned in the https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/ i dont see mysite/urls.py, do i need to create mysite and urls.py, could you please let me know. Thanks -- You receiv

Elasticsearch cluster monitoring

2018-06-18 Thread Django starter
Hello Everyone, We have multiple ES stacks and wanted to monitor all the ES stacks in one Dashboard, Could you please provide me your best directions please. Thanks SYED -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this

Re: Django Channels 2.0 websocket crashing & blocking while using aiohttp

2018-06-18 Thread Nathan Bluvol
Hi Andrew, Thank you for your quick reply. I use AsyncConsumer in the background worker because it seems to route properly (i.e. without error). If I create a new class, then I run into scope issues or simply a TypeError where the 'backgroundConsumer object is not callable'. *The reason for all

Re: Please correct my aws s3 path for image loading in Django 2.0.6!

2018-06-18 Thread prateek gupta
Thanks Jason, this was the exact issue and now I am able to fix this by using below loc- s3_key_name = posixpath.join(settings.MEDIA_FILES_LOCATION, 'logos', logo_name) On Monday, June 18, 2018 at 5:04:24 PM UTC+5:30, Jason wrote: > > I think the issue is s3_key_name > > S3 is *not* a file base

Re: Django Channels 2.0 websocket crashing & blocking while using aiohttp

2018-06-18 Thread itsnate_b
Further to the message above - I moved everything into the consumers.py file and routed to the class inside of there. Still getting this error AFTER I get the print statement print('awaiting t1') I have confirmed that this occurs after this runs successfully: background worker sends a message

Re: Django Channels 2.0 websocket crashing & blocking while using aiohttp

2018-06-18 Thread itsnate_b
Further to the message above - I moved everything into the consumers.py file and routed to the class inside of there. Still getting this error AFTER I get the print statement print('awaiting t1') I have confirmed that this occurs after this runs successfully: background worker sends a message

Re: I am trying to create polls project as mentiioned in the django website

2018-06-18 Thread itsnate_b
I'm assuming you already did this? django-admin startproject mysite If so, then you should have a mysite folder, inside of another mysite folder. Inside of there you should have views.py, models.py. You may need to create the urls.py file, if it's not already there. should look like what is sh

Re: I am trying to create polls project as mentiioned in the django website

2018-06-18 Thread Sujad Syed
Hi Nathan, Appreciate your response, it wasnt there, I would create it again and check and thanks a lot for responding On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 11:43 PM, itsnate_b wrote: > I'm assuming you already did this? > django-admin startproject mysite > > If so, then you should have a mysite folder, ins

Re: I am trying to create polls project as mentiioned in the django website

2018-06-18 Thread itsnate_b
No problem. Good luck! On Monday, June 18, 2018 at 12:46:23 PM UTC-4, Django starter wrote: > > Hi Nathan, > > Appreciate your response, it wasnt there, > > I would create it again and check and thanks a lot for responding > > On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 11:43 PM, itsnate_b > wrote: > >> I'm assumin

Re: I am trying to create polls project as mentiioned in the django website

2018-06-18 Thread Aditya Singh
Hello mate, Since you are in the beginning stages I would suggest that you start a new project and check the urls.py again inside the project directory. If not let us know! Kind Regards, Aditya On Mon, Jun 18, 2018, 10:21 PM itsnate_b wrote: > No problem. Good luck! > > On Monday, June 18, 2018

Query about django

2018-06-18 Thread Navjit Kaur
Hello, I have recently started learning about Django. Before I start making projects using Django I just wished to read about it first. So, I visited to the Django website. https://www.djangoproject.com/start/overview/ At there, in the various features of Django there is one feature that is 'Fu

Re: Django Channels 2.0 websocket crashing & blocking while using aiohttp

2018-06-18 Thread itsnate_b
I am unable to determine the cause of the handler issue (assuming something is crashing the channels websocket?). Could this be a redis queue issue? Where events being passed through the channel layer are filling up a queue and not being flushed correctly? I have no idea where to go from he

Help with context_processor

2018-06-18 Thread Mikkel Kromann
Hi. Once again thanks for all your invaluable advice to me so far. Now, I'm battling context_processors. I really struggle to find a good example that can help me understand how to use them. They seem quite helpful to a lot of stuff I plan to do. I think I got the configuration in settings.py a

Re: how to pass the ID of a slected item in a list to ORM

2018-06-18 Thread C. Kirby
Yes On Friday, June 15, 2018 at 10:07:01 PM UTC-4, Gerald Brown wrote: > > When I inspect the object in Firefox that is what it looks like because it > is generated by Django. Does the user have to select an item and then > submit it in order for me to get the ID? > > Thanks. > > On Friday, 15 J

Re: Query about django

2018-06-18 Thread Andréas Kühne
Common web application tasks :-) Seriously though - Django makes it easy to do things that you may want to do with a web application, for example: * Handle forms for adding / updating items in a database * Competent ORM. * User authentication / authorization * Simple admin interface * Handle dynam

Re: Help with context_processor

2018-06-18 Thread Andréas Kühne
First of all - that is not how a context processor works. You are confusing template tags and context processors. A template tag is one of the following: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/howto/custom-template-tags/ It must then be registered and then included in your template. So then you sh

Re: Django 1.11 admin Bug!! list_filter get duplicated in other models admin

2018-06-18 Thread ebuild
Here is an update that might help in the future : https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/29456#comment:3 On Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 12:59:23 PM UTC+1, Jason wrote: > > maybe. Best thing for you to do would make an example and write a ticket > about it at https://code.djangoproject.com/ > > On

Django formset for models without foreign key

2018-06-18 Thread HashRocketSyntax
I'm trying to use formset to create connections between my Neo4j nodes. These models have been constructed using the django-neomodel package. They aren't related using foreign keys, but since this *isn't* an inline formset that shouldn't matter, right? *models.py* class Person(DjangoNode):

queryset appears empty in debugger during testing, but not in console

2018-06-18 Thread mccc
Hello, I'm testing REST APIs with rest_framework.test.APITestCase, using their client for making requests and model_mommy for creating objects in the setUp() method. The general working is quite simple: the view is supposed to fetch a User and an object, and assign permissions for the former to

Django 2.1 beta 1 released

2018-06-18 Thread Tim Graham
We've made the second release on the way to Django's next major release, Django 2.1! With a month and a half until the final release, we'll need timely testing from the community to ensure a stable release. Check out the blog post: https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2018/jun/18/django-21-beta-1-

Re: Query about django

2018-06-18 Thread Artur Gontijo
It is just what it describes in the end of the sentence: "user authentication, content administration, site maps, RSS feeds, and many more tasks" Examples for user authentication: user registration, login, logout, etc. On Monday, June 18, 2018 at 3:01:55 PM UTC-3, Navjit Kaur wrote: > > Hello,

How to auto fill latitude and longitude fields in Django2.0.6?

2018-06-18 Thread prateek gupta
Hi All, I have created a store address form using Django2.0.6+Mysql+Python3.6. Currently user has to manually fill latitude and longitude for the store address. I want to auto-fill both fields once user entered the address. Below is my current code- models.py- class Store(models.Model):

Re: How to auto fill latitude and longitude fields in Django2.0.6?

2018-06-18 Thread john fabiani`
I use pygeocoder.py and something like this! johnf class Getlatitudelongitude(dObject):     ###     #   gmaps.py     ###     import urllib     from time import sleep     import pygeocoder     key = "here_goes_your_key"     def location2