I use pygeocoder.py and something like this!
class Getlatitudelongitude(dObject):
# gmaps.py
import urllib
from time import sleep
import pygeocoder
key = "here_goes_your_key"
def location2latlong(self, query, key="here_goes_your_key" ):
"""pass a complete address
18 Tadlock Place Woodland, CA 95776"""
"""Get the ( latitute, longitude ) coordinates corresponding
to the query. If something goes wrong return None."""
import urllib
from time import sleep
import pygeocoder
#output = 'csv'
#params = { }
### The key below was generated by accessing google
#params[ 'key' ] =
#params[ 'output' ] = output
#params[ 'q' ] = query
#params = urllib.urlencode( params )
#print params
a_geo_class = pygeocoder.Geocoder()
#f = urllib.urlopen( "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?%s" %
params )
f = a_geo_class.geocode(query)
response = f.coordinates
latitude = response[0]
longitude = response[1]
return latitude, longitude
except pygeocoder.GeocoderError as err:
return None
On 06/18/2018 10:45 PM, prateek gupta wrote:
Hi All,
I have created a store address form using Django2.0.6+Mysql+Python3.6.
Currently user has to manually fill latitude and longitude for the
store address.
I want to auto-fill both fields once user entered the address.
Below is my current code-
=models.CharField(max_length=6)address =models.TextField()latitude
=Falsedb_table ='store'|
Can anyone please help me how to achieve this requirement?
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