Hello Neil,
It is nota problem to use Class based view. Could you please update your
views.py with next code.
Look like you would like to have detail of the deposit in this case add
next string to the header
from django.views.generic import DetailView
from models import Account1, Person
i'm trying to login with gmail account in django admin login page... i
don't know how to write script... send me any in-build script available for
On Thursday, 25 August 2016 19:27:35 UTC+5:30, M Hashmi wrote:
> What is your code and what you are trying to achieve?
> On Thu, Aug 25,
you can use the AllAuth app for accomplish gmail login
Rafael E. Ferrero
2016-08-26 2:27 GMT-03:00 rajeshkmr9583 :
> i'm trying to login with gmail account in django admin login page... i
> don't know how to write script... send me any in-build script available for
> learning
> On T
Hello Serge,
I can't believe that's all I have to add to get the class based views to
work. It seems easier to get it to work than I thought it would be. Now
that you've explained it. Thank you so much for that.
Kind regards,
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Sergiy Khohlov wrote:
> Hel
Never mind.
Few year ago I was thinking that moving to CBV is bad idea, but suddenly
BUUUHHH !! in my head and everything was clear.
Many thanks,
+380 636150445
skype: skhohlov
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Neil Hunt wrote:
> Hello Serge,
> I can't believe that's all I have to
I didn't really know how to label this question, but I think it's an
interesting concept and I haven't seen a resolution anywhere else.
I currently have two different dictionaries as context for a template:
Enter code here...context ={
Good morning,
I have been working on an app displaying some analytics and I want to
incorporate some user feedback and I am having trouble figuring out how:
I have a detail view:
Enter code here...
def detail(request, game_id):
games = Game.objects.get(pk=game_id)
context = {
heh heh. I don't fully appreciate the usefulness of CBV at the moment.
Getting a simple example working helps as much as reading the tutorial.
Thanks again for your help,
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 2:24 PM, Sergiy Khohlov wrote:
> Never mind.
> Few year ago I was thinking that moving to CBV
I have a django app deployed in AWS EB using autoscaling. This app uses
Django Rest with Token Authentication. In order for this to work, I have to
add the following lines in etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf file:
RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)RewriteRule .* -
In my experience, CBVs are useful when the view you want to write is
basically a create, read, update, or delete operation on a single database
item, or a bunch of instances of the same model (...and it turns out a lot
of web app pages are just that). And they're useful because they let you do
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 10:29:16AM -0400, Andromeda Yelton wrote:
> In my experience, CBVs are useful when the view you want to write is
> basically a create, read, update, or delete operation on a single database
> item, or a bunch of instances of the same model (...and it turns out a lot
> of web
I've read the tutorial but I didn't fully appreciate how useful CBV are.
Amazing as well that sometimes you can write almost no code. Thanks a lot
for explaining that.
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 3:29 PM, Andromeda Yelton <
andromeda.yel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In my experience, CBVs are useful when t
First, your html is invalid. You can't put a whole form in a link. Nor
a button. You can remove the element and put the shiny class on
the input[type=submit]
About your input[type=submit], I have some doubts about cross brother
compatibility of what you are trying to achieve. It would be either t
You could write a filter [1]. It would be used like {{
scores|from_player:person }} and look like that:
def from_player (scores, player):
return scores[player.Number]
You might want to adjust to your actual code, check that you got the
right arguments and that kind of things.
[1] htt
Hello Friends
is it possible to manipulate image in PIL after uploading directly by its "
*request.FILES.GETLIST(FORMFIELD)*" address not the saved picture on hard
I wrote a function for manipulating but its only working with "
*Image.open('a.jpg')* " but i don't want to save image afte
Every object in `request.FILES` is actually a file *liike* object that you
can use for processing. I guess you can use something like
`PIL.Image.frombytes` with the `request.FILES[filename].read()` data.
Django Doc for the `request.FILES`:
I am building a mobile application and I need a Rest API and a web version
of my app. So I was wondering if I could make a website with Django Rest
Framework or if I have create a Django project for my website and a Django
Rest Framwork for my API
You received this message because you
I can help with this one. But I m not ready to write code over weekend. It
is a nice to have used django auth model. You can extend it and this can
cut a lot of your code. Early versions had a problem with correct author
model but now situation is better.
Try to catch me at the beginning of the wee
Thanks for that Michal, I see what you mean. I've bookmarked it. Thanks to
everyone for all the detailed replies it really helps make sense of CBV :)
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Michal Petrucha <
michal.petru...@konk.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 10:29:16AM -0400, Andromeda Yelto
It is your choice. You can have views which return HTML and views which
form a REST interface concurrently within the same project. You can
choose to implement your non-mobile website using a javascript UI. Or
you can use frameworks like React.js and do everything with one set of
JS. To g
I'm trying to create an iOS app that can post multipart forms to Django.
(JSON is trivial, wish it worked with file uploads. :-)
What is the proper format for the HTTP request when passing arrays of
values? (Strings is all I care about at the moment)
I think PHP has the follow style. What is th
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