You could write a filter [1]. It would be used like {{
scores|from_player:person }} and look like that:

    def from_player (scores, player):
        return scores[player.Number]

You might want to adjust to your actual code, check that you got the
right arguments and that kind of things.


2016-08-26 15:50 GMT+02:00 Aaron Weisberg <>:
> I didn't really know how to label this question, but I think it's an
> interesting concept and I haven't seen a resolution anywhere else.
> I currently have two different dictionaries as context for a template:
> Enter code here...context ={
>                              'person':person,
>                              'scores':scores,
>                            }
> Each of these dictionaries has a common key (person.Number),
> (scores.Number), however the person dictionary is based off of a model in my
> django database, while scores comes from a json feed that I parse through:
> I currently run through a table in a template that looks like this:
> Enter code here...<table class="table">
>   <thead>
>   <tr>
>   <th>Person</th>
> <th>Person Number</th>
> <th>First Name</th>
> <th>Last Name </th>
> <th> City </th>
> <th> Score</th>
>   </tr>
>   </thead>
>   <tbody>
>                        {% for person in persons %}
>                                       <tr>
>                                       <td>{{ person.Number }}</td>
>                                       <td>{{ person.firstName }}</td>
>                                                                       <td>{{
> person.lastName }}</td>
>                                                                       <td>{{
> }}</td>
> <td>??'''scores.score1 goes here'''</td>
>                      {% endfor %}
>   </table>
> What I'm trying to figure out to do is figure out how to get that final
> detail loaded into the table where we would find the score specific to that
> person.Number.  In other words how to go through my scores dictionary in
> this template and find the corresponding score1 using the person.Number from
> the other dictionary as the value.
> Let me know if you have any ideas.
> Thanks.
> --
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