{% csrf_token %}
{{report_person.report_person.name }}
On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 3:29 AM, Roger Barnes wrote:
> It looks like you may be missing a space after the word "source".
> My fabfile has these helpers, given an env.virtualenv and env.app_dir
> setting...
Another way to do it is to provide a shell script that sets up the
appropriate environment
You sure can Nigel.
Let's say you have a model called Notes, where users can enter their notes
that they only can see.
You add User model (in 1.4 from django.contrib.auth.models, in 1.5 same or
you can extend AbstractUser) as a foreign key to Notices.
Here's some info on FK
That's great, thanks Mario. I will see how I get on with implementing it.
Thanks for your help.
Nigel Legg
07914 740972
On 4 July 2013 11:39, Mario Gudelj wrote:
> You sure can Nigel.
> Let's say you have a model
What version of Django you use ??
2013/7/4 ecasbas
> Hi,
> I have this issue wit the admin interface:
> I try edit manually a register, I change some values and when I save the
> data, the URL field, which I have no modifed,
> become automatically with a slash append at the end. This issue
I never have that issue, i use default setting of append_slash and never
have a problem with that. (version 1.3)
2013/7/4 Rafael E. Ferrero
> What version of Django you use ??
> 2013/7/4 ecasbas
>> Hi,
>> I have this issue wit the admin interface:
>> I try edit manually a register,
def calender(request):
settingsform = SettingsForm(instance=settings)
if request.method == 'POST':
reportform = ReportDateTimeForm(request.POST, instance=report)
if reportform.is_valid():
report = reportform.save(commit=False)
I'm not shore if what i did its fine or not but works, otherwise i see you
put some twist to the problem... nevertheless what i do its:
In Settings set properly the time_zone and use_l10n=true... then in my
model use something like ...models.DateTimeField('Creation Date',
form example:
class NewsForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = News
exclude = ('id', 'Url', 'resume', 'Time_Stamp')
widgets = {
'Tag': CheckboxSelectMultiple(attrs={'class': 'tag'}),
'Category': CheckboxSelectMultiple(
I found out that the CSS files where not correctly written and they should
have generated this error. Pity I have been searching for the problem for 2
days now :-)
2013/7/3 Andreas Kuhne
> Hi all,
> I am trying to CachedStaticFilesStorage to work in our environment. I have
In the admin.py i have this function:
actions = ['generar_pdf']
def generar_pdf(self, request, queryset):
... (This function make a PDF of the object selected)
And i show one button in the list_display (of the admin site) with this
def boton_mail(self,obj):
return m
Hi Mateusz,
Were you able to solve this? I am also facing the same issue.
On Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:35:41 PM UTC+5:30, Mateusz Iwański wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with django-celery. When i want to delay function I get
> an error from celery worker, it happens every s
Hi, I would like to use websockets in Django, but I have many options..
- https://github.com/stephenmcd/django-socketio
- https://github.com/clemesha/hotdot
- https://github.com/gregmuellegger/django-websocket
- tornado?
I do not worry to have 2 servers (django server and asynchron
This one as well works just fine :)
https://gevent-socketio.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ It's as well very easy
to implement it.
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Hola Juan Antonio,
Es totalmente posible.
Puedes ver un ejemplo en alguno de mis proyectos:
Un saludo
2013/7/4 Juan Antonio García Cano
> In the admin.py i have this function:
> actions = ['generar_pdf']
> def generar_pd
I am brand new to all this, and just starting to work my way through the
Django tutorial. I got to the "Database setup" step, where it says to edit
and I'm stymied.
The previous step was to start the development server. I should quit the
server before editing variables, right
Hi there,
it's probably silly bug, but I can't figure it out:
I have one test:
# app/tests_functional/test_app.py
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test import TestCase
class TestApp(TestCase):
urls = 'app.tests_functional.urls'
def test_app(self):
On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Jennifer Look wrote:
> I am brand new to all this, and just starting to work my way through the
> Django tutorial. I got to the "Database setup" step, where it says to edit
> mysite/settings.py and I'm stymied.
> The previous step was to start the development server
> Thanks Tom! I had tried reading settings.py into nano but it didn't look
> anything like I expected, so I thought I was doing it wrong. I was
> expecting a list of variables like ENGINE, NAME, etc but instead what I see
> is:
> 'loggers': {
> 'django.request': {
Oh, I should probably mention that I'm on a Mac Os X 10.8 and running
djangostack from BitNami
On Thursday, July 4, 2013 10:46:46 AM UTC-4, Jennifer Look wrote:
> I am brand new to all this, and just starting to work my way through the
> Django tutorial. I got to the "Database setup" step, whe
Never mind. I knew I was being a complete idiot about this. THe scroll bar
apparently doesn't show up until you hover over it, and I didn't realize
that only the bottom page of the file was showing.
On Thursday, July 4, 2013 10:46:46 AM UTC-4, Jennifer Look wrote:
> I am brand new to all this,
*I am using django 1.5 and created my own user model by AUTH_USER_MODEL=
'account.User' in settings.*
*my user model is like this:*
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser, UserManager,
# Create your models here.
As I said, it's trivial:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^sso/$', include(app_patterns, 'app', 'app')))
The regexp is wrong. It should be only ^sso/ because other urls are
appended after it…
Fortunatelly, Django 1.6 has more helpful exception as it prints all url
patterns which 'reverse'
I can confirm this issue. Exactly the same problem here.
W dniu czwartek, 4 lipca 2013 02:52:58 UTC+2 użytkownik Nikolas
Stevenson-Molnar napisał:
> Also, while Chrome is spinning, I can open Firefox and load pages
> (including the problem page) just fine. So it's not that the server is
> ov
I'm just getting involved with setting up testing using the django
testing facilities, and I have a couple of questions.
If I do this from the django shell:
$ python manage.py shell
Python 2.7.2 (default, Oct 11 2012, 20:14:37)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.0 (tags/Apple/clang-418.0.60)] on
So I have django 1.5.1 installed,
have persistent messages installed, and have messages displaying in a list
via the template reference {% include
"persistent_messages/message/includes/messages.jquery.html" %}
The following javascript click trigger is bound to an anchor tag within the
for some simple use cases, it is convenient to reuse the admin login site,
if the admin login view can process the next parameter in the url, we can
reuse it more smoothly.
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Great solution Sam!
On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 11:30:41 AM UTC-7, Sam Solomon wrote:
> Depending on if the expiration is a temporary thing or if you actually
> want to permanently deactivate the user, this may be even simpler and
> database efficient (and is what we use to ban users):
> class
If that's an AJAX POST request, then it may be because you are not passing
the CSRF token in the header. Add this code before doing the AJAX call:
function csrfSafeMethod(method) {
// these HTTP methods do not require CSRF protection
return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method));}$.aj
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