
<form method="post" class="treatment-form" id="{{ 
report_person.report_person.id}}" > {% csrf_token %}
  <table width="100%" id="list">
    <tr id="head-{{ report_person.report_person.id}}" class="ir-shade">
        <td style="width:150px;"><input type="button" name="delete"  value="{{ 
report_person.report_person.id}}" class="delete_icon" />
            {{report_person.report_person.name }}
    {% if report_person.info.first_aid.value or 
report_person.info.sick_bay.value %}
    <tr id="div-{{report_person.report_person.id}}" class="ir-shade">
    <tr id="div-{{report_person.report_person.id}}" 
        <td class="ir-shade" colspan="4">
            <button id="{{report_person.report_person.id}}" type="button" 
class="add_treatment" class="button_style">Add treatment notes</button>
            <div id="result-{{report_person.report_person.id}}"  

Inside this div <div id="result-{{report_person.report_person.id}}" 
class="toggle"></div> a save button which on click submit the 
"treatment-form" form.This div is basically hidden,if user press Add 
treatment notes button,the div gets open and details can be updated and by 
clicking save the form gets submited.

Since i am doing the save operation inside a ,if the user click first_aid 
alone and click next button it wont save.

I placed the same javascript onclick to submit the "treatment-form" form in 
next button.But my problem is if the <div> is in open condition the check 
box gets saved ,otherwise if user clickfirst_aid alone and without clicking Add 
treatment notes button, if they click next it is not saving.

see my both buttons:

<button id="save" type="submit" name="save" style="margin:0 5px;" 
onclick="$('.treatment-form').submit();" class="forward">Save <img 
src="/static/images/button-icon-ir-fwd.png" height="17" width="12"></button>  
//button inside the div

<a href="{% url incident.views.what %}"><button type="submit" title="Next"  
onclick="$('.treatment-form').submit();" name="save"  class="forward">Next <img 
src="{{ STATIC_URL }}images/button-icon-ir-fwd.png" width="12" height="17" 
alt="" /></button></a> //next button to perform save without opening the <div>

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