The command & error from createsuperuser:
macpro1:dripFeedSite bobaalsma$ python createsuperuser
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 19, in
I have used many condition in my templates, in order to filter my
results. My template file uses this code :
{% for clients in client %}
{% for amounts in amount %}
{% for suspences in suspence %}
{% for tadas in tada %}
{% for transports in transport %}
{% if
I have used many condition in my templates, in order to filter my
results. My template file uses this code :
{% for clients in client %}
{% for amounts in amount %}
{% for suspences in suspence %}
{% for tadas in tada %}
{% for transports in transport %}
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 12:12 AM, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 12:58 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > There is a lot of debate on whether there is a real future for the Django
> > CBVs (class based views).
> S
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Bob Aalsma wrote:
> The command & error from createsuperuser:
> macpro1:dripFeedSite bobaalsma$ python createsuperuser
> …
Can I ask you to try some things, just to see how your environment is
setup. All of these commands run on the bash shell as a regul
macpro1:~ bobaalsma$ locale
macpro1:~ bobaalsma$ python -c 'import locale; print
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
can i place markers on geodjango maps, cant figure out how to do that
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit
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SOLVED by Tom Evans:
unset LC_CTYPE ; export LANG="nl_NL.UTF-8"
into .bash_profile
Op donderdag 13 september 2012 16:58:11 UTC+2 schreef Bob Aalsma het
> I'm a newbie following the tutorial. In this, creating a superuser is
> described, using
> createsuperuser
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Bob Aalsma
> macpro1:~ bobaalsma$ locale
> macpro1:~ bobaalsma$ python -c 'import locale; print
> locale.getdefaultlocale()'
> Traceba
Like that?
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 6:30 AM, Coulson Thabo Kgathi wrote:
> can i place markers on geodjango maps, cant figure out how to do that
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G
I haven't done this, so I might be wrong, but...
> queryset.extra(
> where=['unaccent("table_name"."column_name"::text) LIKE
> unaccent(%s)'],
> params=['%%%s%%' % value]
> )
first, wouldn't just setting params=[value] work? furthermore, isn't
that the whole point of the p
It seems to me that I get one of these emails for every post I make,
about one day later. That includes replies to this very thread. I think
they come from the same email address, so they'd be easy to block on an
individual level. But my guess is that everyone posting to django-users
is receiving t
On Fri, 14 Sep 2012 17:24:21 +0300, Tomas Neme
I haven't done this, so I might be wrong, but...
where=['unaccent("table_name"."column_name"::text) LIKE
params=['%%%s%%' % value]
first, wouldn't just setting params=[value] wo
On 9/14/12 3:47 AM, Bob Aalsma wrote:
SOLVED by Tom Evans:
unset LC_CTYPE ; export LANG="nl_NL.UTF-8"
into .bash_profile
That is a solution, but depends on who is running and whether it is a
login shell.
I strongly recommend adding the lines I mentioned earlier to the top of
your manag
Hello list.
Obviously, I come here with a question. I have a web application developed
with Django. It's working Ok. The app is just for internal use and the
access to every view is only avaliable for authenticated users with
permissions over the section (except for the view log-in)
Now other
Well, I have tried your suggestion in all places I could think of and none
of those helped: the createsuperuser kept returning the same error message.
I posted this as a reply some 24 hours ago.
Op donderdag 13 september 2012 16:58:11 UTC+2 schreef Bob Aalsma het
> I'm a newbie
On 9/14/12 10:07 AM, Bob Aalsma wrote:
Well, I have tried your suggestion in all places I could think of and
none of those helped: the createsuperuser kept returning the same
error message. I posted this as a reply some 24 hours ago.
Yes, with no details of what "all the places I could think of"
Is there any kind of workaround for this? I'm worried that rows are not
making it into the db because of this problem which I'm also having.
On Wednesday, February 8, 2012 4:44:12 PM UTC-5, akaariai wrote:
> Quickly looking through the code it seems this is a bug in Django. The
> full_path v
Good day,
I am writting a website that sends sms to a cell phone. I am
using django-sendsms-0.2.2. I followed the README.rst doc and the output
does appear on the console. How do I make it to actually send the sms?
Your help will appreciated.
Kind regards,
You received this message
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Lunga Baliwe wrote:
> I am writting a website that sends sms to a cell phone. I am using
> django-sendsms-0.2.2. I followed the README.rst doc and the output does
> appear on the console. How do I make it to actually send the sms?
You might want to contact the de
Let me give you a code sample that would be hopefully a push in the right
Simply follow these steps:
1. Create your model. Its the code interface to your data source
2. Create your form. Forms are used for processing input data
(validation, error reporting et
I dont know, how to handle an xml response with django.
dhtmlx returns someting like that.
gr_id = 6
c0= abc
c1 = dsdsd
c2= 6
and so on ...
These fields corresponds a field in my django model and I dont have an idea
how to h
On 15/09/2012 2:56am, refreegrata wrote:
Hello list.
Obviously, I come here with a question. I have a web application
developed with Django. It's working Ok. The app is just for internal use
and the access to every view is only avaliable for authenticated users
with permissions over the section
Unfortunately, this appears to be a problem with (yet another) service
provider not playing nice with mailing lists. Someone has subscribed
to Django Users, and their mail provider (China Mobile in this case)
has decided to reply to the original author, instead of the "reply to"
The code I wrote is the one on which is:
SENDSMS_BACKEND = 'sendsms.backends.console.SmsBackend'
from sendsms import api
def home(request):
api.send_sms(body='I can haz txt', from_phone='0768903661',
Thanks for looking into it, Russ!
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Unfortunately, this appears to be a problem with (yet another) service
> provider not playing nice with mailing lists. Someone has subscribed
> to Django Users, and t
26 matches
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