The code I wrote is the one on which is:
SENDSMS_BACKEND = 'sendsms.backends.console.SmsBackend'
from sendsms import api
def home(request):
    api.send_sms(body='I can haz txt', from_phone='0768903661', 
    return render_to_response('home.html')

After I ran the server, this what I get on the console:
from: 0768903661
to: 0768903661
flash: False
I can haz txt

Maybe its like Dennis said, that this is meant for testing purpose, do I 
have to subscribe to twilio in order to be able to actually send the sms?

On Friday, September 14, 2012 8:40:10 PM UTC+2, Lunga Baliwe wrote:
> Good day,
> I am writting a website that sends sms to a cell phone. I am 
> using django-sendsms-0.2.2. I followed the README.rst doc and the output 
> does appear on the console. How do I make it to actually send the sms?
> Your help will appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Lunga

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