Django Query Fails Silently

2012-06-03 Thread mweiden
Hello, I am just finishing deploying my django application using Apache 2.2.0 and mod_wsgi. Things seemed to be going just fine until I hit code that called on a specific one of my models. It looks like this: class DictionaryField(models.Field): description = _("Dictionary object") __met

Understanding Django for PHP developer

2012-06-03 Thread mikegolf
Hi, I've started to learn Django recently, however for last 5+ years I've been developing using PHP (especially Yii) and thus asking if there's any tutorial / documentation on significant differences in *thinking*. What I mean is for example objects' lifecycle - for PHP the life cycle of object is

Is this requirement feasible with django

2012-06-03 Thread Kalpa Welivitigoda
Hi, I want to develop a web based laboratory test reporting system. It basically involves storing the records of different tests for different patient and get a print out of the reports. There are around 100 tests with different fields. The flow would be that the user enters a patient id and the

ANN: Mezzanine 1.1 and Cartridge 0.5 released

2012-06-03 Thread Stephen McDonald
Hi all, I'm happy to announce releases of Mezzanine 1.1 and Cartridge 0.5! The lead up to Mezzanine 1.0 and Cartridge 0.4 a few months ago was mostly about dropping support for older Django versions and generally cleaning things up. These latest releases are the result of a focus on new features

Re: Is this requirement feasible with django

2012-06-03 Thread Bill Freeman
On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 4:02 AM, Kalpa Welivitigoda wrote: > Hi, > > I want to develop a web based laboratory test reporting system. It > basically involves storing the records of different tests for > different patient and get a print out of the reports. There are around > 100 tests with different

Django 1.3 Ordering by two or more fields workaround ??

2012-06-03 Thread kooliah
I'm working on Satchmo, which last version require django 1.3, but with 1.3 there is an ordering problem as said here: "Changed in Django 1.4: The Django admin ho

Re: Django 1.3 Ordering by two or more fields workaround ??

2012-06-03 Thread kooliah
On 06/03/2012 02:41 PM, kooliah wrote: def _merged_field(self): return u'%s%i' % (self.collection_prdct, self.order) merged_field = property(_merged_field) and change ordering = ('collection_prdct','ordr',) to ordering = ('merged_field',) but it gives me "ordering" re

Re: Understanding Django for PHP developer

2012-06-03 Thread Derek
Its more of an overview, but picks up on some key points: On Jun 3, 12:18 pm, mikegolf wrote: > Hi, > I've started to learn Django recently, however for last 5+ years I've > been developing using PHP (especially Yii) and thus aski

Re: SOLVED Django 1.3 Ordering by two or more fields workaround ??

2012-06-03 Thread kooliah
Solved working on admin instead of models, in the following way - class SpecialOrderingChangeList(ChangeList): ''' Django 1.3 ordering problem workaround from 1.4 it's enough using ordering var ''' def get_query_set(self):

Re: PyPm / Django 1.4?

2012-06-03 Thread Aaron C. de Bruyn
On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Bill Freeman wrote: > Have you considered running under a virtualenv and pip installing > exactly what you need? Yes--that's what I may end up doing. Just trying to remove a few steps from the 'install procedure' for a user that already doesn't like the CLI. Than

Re: Make ManyToMany field editable in a ModelForm

2012-06-03 Thread Timothy Makobu
Thanks. Will try those out. On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Kurtis Mullins wrote: > The Form just validates that the object you choose is a valid choice for > that M2M field. If you wanted to created a new one on the fly, you'd > probably want to use another Form and maybe go the Javascript way.

Re: Is this requirement feasible with django

2012-06-03 Thread Python_Junkie
I hope my answer points you in the right direction. I would create 2 (generic) tables one that is called something like test_definition, since you have a wide variety of tests. And then create a table called test results. The forms that the user fills in would be created dynamically through th

Re: Scaling django installation

2012-06-03 Thread vivek
Hi, > To load test I used and the results of which can be found > on: > The test configuration consisted of 600 VUs with 10 mins step duration. > Got around .1 millions requests and around 200+ requests/sec max

Re: Scaling django installation

2012-06-03 Thread Subhranath Chunder
On Monday, June 4, 2012, vivek wrote: > Hi, > > > To load test I used and the results of which can be > found on: > > > The test configuration consisted of 600 VUs with 10 mins step duration. > > Got around .1

Re: Understanding Django for PHP developer

2012-06-03 Thread Doug Ballance There was a blog post several years ago that followed, in detail, the life of a response with all the gory details. Unfortunately I can't locate the link. The above page is brief, but has a nice picture that is easy to follow. A huge d

Re: Understanding Django for PHP developer

2012-06-03 Thread Doug Ballance
I should have looked a little harder, I found the blog post. It is about a much older version of Django. Some of the references to django internals are surely a bit different now, but the fundamentals are the same. It really helped me when I first started. I'd love to see it updated for the curre

Re: Is this requirement feasible with django

2012-06-03 Thread akaariai
On Jun 3, 11:02 am, Kalpa Welivitigoda wrote: > Hi, > > I want to develop a web based laboratory test reporting system. It > basically involves storing the records of different tests for > different patient and get a print out of the reports. There are around > 100 tests with different fields. > >

Re: Understanding Django for PHP developer

2012-06-03 Thread mikegolf
Derek, I've already googled that one. Unfortunately it is not much helpful as it compares pure PHP coding to using Django - which is Python web framework (also, it seems to assume Django is the only Python web framework around ;) ). For anyone who has been using some serious PHP frameworks, some of

Re: Adding values to formdata of ModelForm before saving

2012-06-03 Thread Peter of the Norse
Super is one of python’s greatest mistakes. The form is class class_name(parent_class): def method(self, *args, **kwargs): super(class_name, self).method(*args, **kwargs) It’s better in Python 3, but Django hasn’t been ported over ye

Re: Scaling django installation

2012-06-03 Thread vivek
> > That's aggregated load time, and not a single page loading time. The test > comprised of navigating to multiple pages to generate more real life > scenario. > How many pages? > > > 3. text/html , which is the output of django app, is taking 62.74 % > > time. > > This number might not be bad