Django i18n url is not working with en-us sublanguage

2012-05-07 Thread Suteepat Damrongyingsupab
My django app's using i18n_patterns in and when I go to my app with the url like: The urls above works fine but the url ** gave me an 404 error. I think the problem is that (

Re: Instalación en centOs 6.2

2012-05-07 Thread francescortiz
Para centos debes seguir los mismos pasos que en cualquier otro lugar. Apache con fastcgi, o con wcgi, o nginx, o lighttpd, o cherokee... tu mismo. Hay guias por todos lados. Solo debes tener en cuenta que dependiendo del servidor que escojas, tu eres responsable de rearrancar las instancias de

Customizing Django Admin Site

2012-05-07 Thread Aditya Sriram M
Hi All, I could successfully try the Django framework on my Oracle DB. I never thought programming would be this easy!!! Thanks for the wonderful framework. Now, I want to have an Admin Site with 'another such admin site in its row'. Is it possible? Example: Take the models Customers, Users an

Re: i18n - local translation does not show up - bug

2012-05-07 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Mon, 2012-05-07 at 11:44 +0530, kenneth gonsalves wrote: > > It'd be strange, but certainly possible, it is broken. We have > > a test case checking that such feature works: > > > > > > > > > Could you

Re: How to use ImageField??

2012-05-07 Thread Boris Shemigon
MEDIA_ROOT denotes an absolut path where your files are going to be stored. MEDIA_URL is a relative url to the website's / that handles the media.

RE: a very simple beginners question

2012-05-07 Thread walter capio
just import it: python shell import this_is_a_module_I_made in python, code will be executed on import. cheers From: Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 19:11:23 +0530 Subject: Re: a very simple beginners question To: 1. Can you please tell us what

inline formset error, help!!!

2012-05-07 Thread William Ibarra Rodriguez
i have a project in which i try to use the inline formset factory so when i try to fill the form it throw the following error: UnboundLocalError at /catalogo/adicionar/articulo/ local variable 'imagen_formset' referenced before assignment in my view i had: if request.POST: form

Re: Customizing Django Admin Site

2012-05-07 Thread francescortiz
You can create pseudo fields in the admin class CarAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin) list_display = ('name','custom_field') def custom_field(srlf, obj): return mark_safe('";>Link') custom_field.short_description = 'Link to Google' custom_field.allow_tags = True

What actually happens during syncdb?

2012-05-07 Thread Cassandra Xia
Hey! Django newbie here. I built out a django admin site that's up and running using a SQL Server database. I now want to convert the tables that django generated for my models over to a different database schema. Here was my process and there are probably a couple missteps in here: 1) I modifi

Re: Min requirements for running django?

2012-05-07 Thread Daniel Sokolowski
In my experience I can say Django is light on memory (compared to Wordpress at least). I would also say that 100MB is plenty as mentioned by Mikhail. Did a little study recently where freshly started 21 apache instances would take 60 MiB, when all of our sites were hit it jumped 240 MiB --- see

Presentation Viewer on django

2012-05-07 Thread Amr Abdel-wahab
Hi All, I am new to Django I need a complete way where I can allow the user to upload a ppt or pdf file and then in the template I show this file embedded Many Thanks, Amr -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, s

Re: Generic Views with flair?

2012-05-07 Thread Daniel Sokolowski
For your first question you can: url(r'^people/$', login_required(ListView.as_view( queryset=Person.objects.all(, or in your view decorate the dispatch method: @method_decorator(login_required) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ProtectedView, self

Re: Django - Worldwide Developer Rates - Hourly Income - location and project duration specific

2012-05-07 Thread Daniel Sokolowski
That’ is a great idea! Dear djangosite Team Would you please consider gathering basic costs/hours spent during submission that could be used to generate world wide statics? Please see below or see for full discussion. Thank you. Fr

Difficulty with validation of multiple modelforms on 1 page

2012-05-07 Thread Roald
Hi all, I'm working on an application that uses a HTML-form consisting of multiple Django-ModelForms. Moreover, their validation is interdependent. Moreover, their data is interdependent. Moreover, I use multiple modelforms with the same instance (might be a bad idea anyway). My template looks

Re: Django - Worldwide Developer Rates - Hourly Income - location and project duration specific

2012-05-07 Thread Derek
I may have missed some key apect of this discussion, but isn't djangosite a tool fo show-casing websites; not a financial-statistics-gathering website? Is it not better to have one dedicated to this purpose; or perhaps extend as this as least deals with employment-relate

Re: Django - Worldwide Developer Rates - Hourly Income - location and project duration specific

2012-05-07 Thread Raphael
In the mean while it would be useful if you could provide more data :-) The more project data we get, the more significant the end result will be. This should be a task - no more than five minutes to you guys. so thanks to everyone who is contributing: K

Re: Presentation Viewer on django

2012-05-07 Thread Sandro Dutra
About PDF's you can use any PDF API for Python like reportlab and see examples like this: PPT is a proprietary and closed spec format from MS Powerpoint, probably you've to reverse engineering (or search for format spec) to w

Re: 1.4 on git

2012-05-07 Thread Andre Terra
add "django==1.4" to a requirements.txt file (no quotes!) $ pip install -R requirements.txt On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Rivsen wrote: > Hi Larry, > > I cloned django and django-old from github, and I found the git index of > yours. > > It's in django-old repo, not in django. > > So you nee

Re: Presentation Viewer on django

2012-05-07 Thread Jani Tiainen
There exists few tools that uses openoffice/libreoffice to convert those proprietary formats (doc, ppt, xls) so that you can show them on a web. See: starting point. On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:34 PM, Sandro Dutra wrote: > About

Re: Django - Worldwide Developer Rates - Hourly Income - location and project duration specific

2012-05-07 Thread George Silva
This is interesting but I think the media for the poll is a little off. Maybe we could use Google tools to collect data? Or SurveyMonkey? On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Raphael wrote: > ** > In the mean while it would be useful if you could provide more data [image: > :-)] > The more project

Re: Crispy form: how to disable/readonyl all fields?

2012-05-07 Thread Paul
I have a sort of solution (but don't like it). I subclassed the crispy- tag to change the input's into span's/uneditable's. This is done using re's which is the part i don't like, it will only work as long as the raw html is compatible with the re's I know a better solution is to create custom

Re: Django - Worldwide Developer Rates - Hourly Income - location and project duration specific

2012-05-07 Thread Raphael
Now after some days, I have the feeling that we are not able to collect enough data to really get useful stats. Google tools or ServeyMonkey ok why not. On Mon, 2012-05-07 at 15:08 -0300, George Silva wrote: > This is interesting but I think the media for the poll is a little > off. > > > > Ma

Re: Need local engineering support

2012-05-07 Thread Daniel Sokolowski
Mr. Snee, My name is Daniel Sokolowski and I can proudly tell you that I am great at what I do, and the company I work for - KL Insight - stands behind their work. Yes we are not local to you however keep in mind that web engineering has no borders. KL Insight is definitely worth your consid

Re: Paramiko EOFErrors start to occur after a while

2012-05-07 Thread Tino de Bruijn
Hi, Unfortunatly we can't move to Amazon S3. So what other file system or transfer method would you recommend? We had an NFS in place, but getting it to play nice with permissions was quite a hassle. How do other people do this? Tino On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 1:25:52 AM UTC+2, Kurtis wrote: >

Re: Presentation Viewer on django

2012-05-07 Thread Amr Abdel-wahab
I don't want to generate a pdf/ppt or edit it I just need to upload it in one page and show it in a frame in another page in the browser -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegrou

Upload files without form

2012-05-07 Thread kooliah
I need to upload a list of images to a project. I've found tons of pages about how to upload a file using a form...(that's clearly written on django official docs) :-) But i need to do it by a custom django-admin command because i have to link theese files(900) to respective records in the pro

Re: What actually happens during syncdb?

2012-05-07 Thread Matt Schinckel
I'll preface this by saying I work with postgres, so some syntax stuff may be different. To work within a different schema, you just need to tell the database to use that schema as part of the connection process. In postgres, this means issuing the command: SET search_path TO schema; I'm

Re: Upload files without form

2012-05-07 Thread Bolang
On 05/08/2012 06:19 AM, kooliah wrote: Does someone already done it WITHOUT USING FORMS, or can help me... Hi, I use this method Thanks to all Alkatron -- You received this message because you are s

Re: What actually happens during syncdb?

2012-05-07 Thread Python_Junkie
Syncdb utility is a (very) convenient tool for converting the database model from to the physical structure creation in the actual database. You can create the physical model without using Syncdb at all if u are comfortable with SQL. That said, when the admi site tries to read and wri