I'm happy to announce the release of LFS 0.6 beta 1.
LFS is an online shop based on Django and jQuery.
If you want to read more information please refer to:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "
Hi Javier,
> Od: "Javier Guerra Giraldez"
>>PP wrote...
>> I tried the tutorial, and I like it, but it is too much of new things
>> for me.
>but all these new things are needed to solve your problem.
>for us (or anybody) to help you, we'd need first a common language, or
>else we would waste
Good evening,
I am strongly considering building my project using DJango.
My project will provide a web-interface and a mobile app.
I was thinking to build the mobile app from XML sheets, i.e.:
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
Then I could easily parse the XML file using Q
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 7:05 AM, Marc wrote:
> OK I found a clue regarding that issue:
> print(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) at the console prompt produces
> 'UTF-8' whereas in the failing script ' ANSI_X3.4-1968'. I now
> understand why the conversion fails (in that case Python returns a
> byte st
On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Gelonida N wrote:
> Just out of curiousity,
> Let's assume I add a middleware in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and the
> middleware class is empty. (just a pass statement)
> Will it consume any CPU time while handling a request?
> To rephrase my question.
You mentioned that you installed BitNami DjangoStack. For using it you
should first go to the Windows Start Menu and click in the 'Use
DjangoStack" link. Then you can execute python and 'import django'
should work. You also have Python 2.7 installed so if you don't load
the BitNami environment
I am new to django and to web programming. I am trying to build a
database application for entering/querying/viewing data from a mysql
database. The data entry module needs to have datagrids where users
can enter multiple rows of data belonging to a particular set.
Would be grateful for pointers t
Do want to initialize a choice field? You can do this with forms
class SomeForm(forms.Form):
interest = forms.ChoiceField( choices=(),
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SomeForm, self).__i
You could probably use some help with the API.
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:21 AM, Alec Taylor wrote:
> Good evening,
> I am strongly considering building my project using DJango.
> My project will provide a web-interface and a mobile
I'll have ot agree with the Andre. I had a pretty large django project
That I wanted to "Make Mobile".
I used
minidetector to determine mobile browsers
tastypie to feed data
sencha touch to build a UI based on the data from tasty pie.
I would look at Sencha. They seem to have a nice clean grid control. It
uses a RESTful interface for importing / exporting data from local data
models via an AJAX proxy. You use JSON to ship data back and forth. I'd
think you could use something like django-piston to expose your models to
You may have a problem with your Python install and multiple django
versions installed for the same environment.
In a shell/cmd try: $ python -c "import django; print django.get_version()"
and double check that you're not using a legacy version. Post back with
your findings should you have any do
1st time I have hit this and I am confused the subject error is returned as
in the send_mail line
all the fields in the model are either CharField or TextField
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'x...@.co.uk' valid email address
CONTACT_EMAIL_TO = 'x...@.co.uk' valid
1st time I have hit this and I am confused the subject error is returned as
in the send_mail line
all the fields in the model are either CharField or TextField
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'x...@.co.uk' valid email address
CONTACT_EMAIL_TO = 'x...@.co.uk' valid
Please paste your full traceback every time you are asking for help with
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 3:10 PM, MikeKJ wrote:
> 1st time I have hit this and I am confused the subject error is returned as
> in the send_mail line
> all the fields in the model are either CharFie
I'm not so sure, Tom. It took me a few minutes to deduce an answer
from the page of code you linked. And I'm extremely clever! ;)
At any rate, in the case of a middleware class consisting of just a
pass statement, at startup load_middleware will find and validate the
existence of the entry in MIDD
string indices must be integers, not str
Request Method: POST
Request URL:http://newrutherford.paston2.webfactional.com/question/
Django Version: 1.3.1
Exception Type: TypeError
Exception Value:
string indices must be integers, not str
Exception Lo
Hi Russ,
Thanks for a quick response.
I don't think Django needs to make the decision of whether or not to
do a join. That can be done by the underlying database as long as
Django generates a query that the database can understand and optimize
properly. In this case, it would imply that Django
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 9:37 AM, MikeKJ wrote:
> Traceback
> string indices must be integers, not str
> Request Method: POST
> Request URL:http://newrutherford.paston2.webfactional.com/question/
> Django Version: 1.3.1
> Exception Type: TypeError
> Exception Valu
Yep, you found it a missing comma.cheers
Ian Clelland-2 wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 9:37 AM, MikeKJ wrote:
>> Traceback
>> string indices must be integers, not str
>> Request Method: POST
>> Request URL:http://newrutherford.paston2.webfactional.com/ques
Looking at https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/
When I run `django-admin.py startproject mysite` I get a flat layout
rather than the nested layout the tutorial says I should see.
There's a note that says,
'The default project layout recently changed. If you're seeing a
I am attempting to run "python manage.py syncdb" from my apps
directory (directory where model.py exists for the app). The
settings.py database settings all appear to be ok. I have created
MySQL database with the same name as in settings.py and I have
verified its creation on the MySQL server. I
"I am getting an error"
This is not a proper way to ask question. Please post
your trace-back somewhere and send the link to the group or at least
specify what error is it, so that, we could help you.
Life is short, Live it hard.
On 21 November 2011 23:31, BillB1951
The tutorial you where following was dev version and the version you have
installed is 1.3.1
This would be helpful I guess.
Life is short, Live it hard.
On 21 November 2011 23:28, Jesse Aldridge wrote:
> Lookin
Yes, please offer more details. One thing I noticed off the bat, though,
was that you said you are running "python manage.py syncdb" from the
directory where your models.py is. The manage.py file is at the root of
your project, not in the apps folder(s) where models.py is.
On Mon, Nov 21,
To clarify the I entered the command "python manage.py syncdb" from
the the terminal prompt (current directory) which is consistent with
my apps directory. Manage.py is in the project root and executes
because its in my search path.
I am currently at my day job so I am not able to send the trace-
>From the demo, it looks pretty neat.
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Kai wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm happy to announce the release of LFS 0.6 beta 1.
> LFS is an online shop based on Django and jQuery.
> If you want to read more information please refer to:
> http://www.getlfs.com/**released-0
Ah, yes, thanks. Somehow I didn't notice the "dev" in the url. FYI,
the dev version of the tutorial is the first link that comes up when
you google "django tutorial".
On Nov 21, 12:21 pm, Anoop Thomas Mathew wrote:
> Hi,
> The tutorial you where following was dev version and the version you hav
I'm trying to do a simple google-suggest like thing with django and ajax. I
wrote a view for creating the response and try to use it via an
Here's my view:
def category_suggest(request):
> if request.method == "GET":
> return_categories = ''
> received_str =
Disclaimer: I don't know if this is at all related, but I had an issue with
an AJAX object I created outside a function. Can you try this and let me
know if it works?
Change this:
var searchReq = getXmlHttpRequestObject();
to this:
searchReq = getXmlHttpRequestObject();
and move it into searchSug
Hi Jim
import sys
if 'runserver' in sys.argv:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
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I found this in stackoverflow some time ago. Not sure who to thank but
it works for me ...
import socket
if socket.gethostname() == '':
DEBUG = True
DEBUG = False
On 22/11/2011 8:03am, Jim wrote:
Inside of my settings.py I'd like to know whether I am running
> I would look at Sencha. They seem to have a nice clean grid
> control. It uses
> a RESTful interface for importing / exporting data from local data
> models via
> an AJAX proxy. You use JSON to ship data back and forth. I'd
> think you could
> use something like django-piston to expose your
> I would look at Sencha.
Does not seem open-source. Is it?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
Uh-oh, some of you are saying, not this one again!..
I've read all of the posts on this error that I could find, but I'm
still not finding anything useful. Can somebody please explain what
this error is all about? It happens only on the POST requests to one
of my pages. It isn't a page which has a
You have multiple licensing options. One of those licenses is the GPL. How
that translates to "open source" is the source of an eternal flamewar that
we'll quietly skip. If your organization permits GPL then you're fine.
-- Jeff
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Vikas Rawal <
I've written a custom field (I'm using Django nonrel) for storing
users in a SetField. The SetField doesn't seem to handle serialising
the set of User objects properly, so what I've done is implement the
pre_save method, which returns a set of strings which are the ids in
The documentatio
> import socket
> if socket.gethostname() == '':
> DEBUG = True
> else:
> DEBUG = False
Thanks Mike, however I happening to be running it two different ways
on a single machine so the issue is not of determining the machine but
instead of determining on that machine the way that Django i
On Nov 21, 5:29 pm, Simon Bächler wrote:
> if 'runserver' in sys.argv:
Thank you, Simon.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
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> Can't this be done in django itself? Without resorting to java, ajax
> and other fancy stuff?
Yes, it does. Did you try the tutorials? the admin is probably what you are
looking for but should only be used by staff.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 1:39 AM, dmitry b wrote:
> Hi Russ,
> Thanks for a quick response.
> I don't think Django needs to make the decision of whether or not to
> do a join. That can be done by the underlying database as long as
> Django generates a query that the database can understand and
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Rich Jones wrote:
> Uh-oh, some of you are saying, not this one again!..
> I've read all of the posts on this error that I could find, but I'm
> still not finding anything useful. Can somebody please explain what
> this error is all about? It happens only on the
I'm newbie using django, and I neeto to display a image from
the model, I've read about serving static conten but it's not clear to
me how to do it.
This is my model:
class Author(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
headshot = models.ImageField(upload_to='img/')
So i p
[This is the first time I am using Google Groups and/or mailing lists,
so please bear with me if I do something wrong initially.]
Is Django web framework apt for a large social networking or photo
sharing site? (Think one that has to easily and seamlessly scale to
the size of Facebook or F
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com.
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What is the URL you are trying to reach? From what you've provided here,
the author id would be 1-2 digits and would need to match a valid Author
record in the database. Any chance that either of those are incorrect
for your request? (also make sure your request URL ends with a forward
On 1
I've opened a hundred docs/postings and can't find the correct syntax
for this simple task.
In my model I have a method and a property to return the result of the
class MyModel(models.Model)
def get_my_property(self):
return '1234'
my_property = property(get_my_property)
This is corrected question. The first time it was submitted on
2011.11.22 nd.
I am not able to save string with special characters, such as θæŋ
after re.search(string).
#saving to the model Textfield does not work. Instead of θæŋkfəli, i
am getting shown "\xce\xb8\xc3\xa6\xc5\x8bkf\xc9\x99li" in A
Hello All,
I am currently building a website using the Django built-in
development server (python manage.py runserver). I have been using
the main djangoproject tutorial for this, and it has worked very
well. I have added a lot of internal CSS to the HTML templates that
make up my project's view
> What follows are my current settings. In settings.py, I have:
> STATIC_URL = '/static/'
> INSTALLED_APPS = ('django.contrib.staticfiles',)
In order to get their static files served, apps need to be listed in the
As you don't mention it, you probably need to add mya
50 matches
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