This is corrected question. The first time it was submitted on 2011.11.22 nd.
I am not able to save string with special characters, such as θæŋ after #saving to the model Textfield does not work. Instead of θæŋkfəli, i am getting shown "\xce\xb8\xc3\xa6\xc5\x8bkf\xc9\x99li" in Admin page. Is it error in Should i use special parameters during model field saving or in Admin entry displaying? [code] lines='title="Listen to audio" /></a><span class="pr">/<span class="unicode">ˈ</span>θæŋkfəli/</span> <span class="fl">adverb' #the string which i wan to save exactly as it is, Django saves it correctly liness=smart_str(lines, encoding='utf-8', strings_only=False, errors='replace') # saves correctly, i mean in Admin page in Textfield i can read "θæŋ" characters linesu=smart_unicode(lines, encoding='utf-8', strings_only=False, errors='replace') # saves correctly[/code] ## ***AFTER TRYING TO SEARCH part of unicode string linesu for θæŋkfəli Django does not save it in needed special characters. Instead of θæŋkfəli, i am getting "\xce\xb8\xc3\xa6\xc5\x8bkf \xc9\x99li" or "\u03b8\xe6\u014bkf\u0259li", Below there are shown 3 trials to get correct text and also described error in searching liness= bytes string*** [code] stryc=re.compile('<span\s*class=\"pr\">\s*/\s*<span \s*class="unicode\">(?P. <Pronun>.*)<span\s*class=\"fl\">', re.DOTALL) #\s+/\s+<span class=\"unicode\">\s+[\\a-zA-Z0-9\s] +/\s+</span> ', linesu)[/code] 1) [code]Pronun=stryWordcs.groups('Pronun') a=Pronunciation(field=Pronun) # Pronun= "θæŋkfəli" [/code] #saving to the model Textfield does not work. Instead of θæŋkfəli, i am getting "\u03b8\xe6\u014bkf\u0259li" 2) [code]Pronun=stryWordcs.groups('Pronun') Pronun=smart_str(Pronun, encoding='utf-8', strings_only=False, errors='replace') a=Pronunciation(field=Pronun)[/code] #saving to the model Textfield does not work. Instead of θæŋkfəli, i am getting \xce\xb8\xc3\xa6\xc5\x8bkf\xc9\x99li" 3) [code]Pronun=stryWordcs.groups('Pronun') Pronun=Pronun.encode() a=Pronunciation(field=Pronun) [/code] #saving to the model Textfield does not work. Instead of θæŋkfəli, i am getting \xce\xb8\xc3\xa6\xc5\x8bkf\xc9\x99li" ## *** # 4) if i try to search in lines or liness i am not able to find θæŋkfəli due coding error about special character ˈ (small stick on top =\xcb\x88 = \u02c8) . Thus i make search on unicode string. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at