2010-07-05 Thread
Much more well explained than my half-assed attempt. I'd read Graham's article before and totally forgotten about it! On 5 July, 07:46, Graham Dumpleton wrote: > Also read: > > > > where I explain a bit about startup steps. >

Re: break/continue for templates

2010-07-05 Thread
The link to your snippet doesn't work for me. It sounds like a neat idea. However, I've never come across a situation where I've needed to do that in 2.5 years of developing Django templates, and, whilst I agree that we don't want to get into a holy war about whether stuff should be done in templa

Dynamic data into a form

2010-07-05 Thread Plaoto
Hi all, I've got 2 Multiplechoicefields into my form both bounded to a queryset. The data in both fields are relational. This means that when I click on the 1st field and I select for example 'Netherlands' in the second field only the footballclubs of 'Netherlands' should show,... I should like t

Re: GROUP BY and ORDER BY using the ORM

2010-07-05 Thread MikeHowarth
You're right I sniped the date_time field when pasting in the model after leaving out some extranous detail. Doh! Ordering by date_time mean't I had duplicates despite grouping by site. Like you say printing out the query may actually help me understand what is going on under the hood. After post

Re: Postgis : Distance lookup using ST_Distance_sphere

2010-07-05 Thread orgoz
Hello, Am I the only one having this problem ? Nobody can help me ? If this does not work, is there a workaround ? Thank you On 2 juil, 11:38, orgoz wrote: > Hi, > > This is my first message here, and I am sorry for my poor english... > > I am trying to excecute some distance lookup but I have

Re: GROUP BY and ORDER BY using the ORM

2010-07-05 Thread
I'd only use extra as a total last resort as it often results in poor portability between DB backends. That said if you're only ever going to stick to one you might not care. Django introduced F objects in 1.1. The documentation is not great and my experiments with it haven't been a massive succes

Re: django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object

2010-07-05 Thread bruno desthuilliers
On 4 juil, 23:26, vanderkerkoff wrote: > Evening all > > I've just moved a really old django project of ours over to a new > machine, newer python, and newer mysql. > > I'm using a mentally old version of django, revision 5783. > > The move has gone tickety boo, we're using nginx instead of ligh

Several translations for the same string

2010-07-05 Thread
Hello, I'm writing an application which has to be translated in English and Italian. The problem is that italian adjectives change form according to the gender of the word they are referred to. E. g. "is active" can be translated as 'è attivo' or 'è attiva'. My question is: is it possible to speci

Re: Architecture? (newbie)

2010-07-05 Thread bruno desthuilliers
On 3 juil, 10:19, BobAalsma wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to find a (good) book or other documentation on how to > group/organise Django files; I've found some posts on this forum, I've > found some remarks through Google, but not a "complete" guideline for > this subject. > > I have a background

Re: break/continue for templates

2010-07-05 Thread George Sakkis
On Jul 5, 10:17 am, "" wrote: > The link to your snippet doesn't work for me. Sorry, it was accidentally double posted and the original was deleted. Here it is now: > It sounds like a neat idea. However, I've never come across

Re: break/continue for templates

2010-07-05 Thread Torsten Bronger
Hallöchen! George Sakkis writes: > [...] > > To be honest, I never *had to* do it (in the strict sense) either > but apparently others did ([1-4]). As for the "just put it in the > view" argument, remember that until last month this was the > response for people wanting "if" to be a bit smarter :

Re: GROUP BY and ORDER BY using the ORM

2010-07-05 Thread MikeHowarth
Thanks Euan, some great info there. I'll have a dig through the docs for F objects, I wasn't even aware of them so thanks for point me in that direction! On 5 July, 10:35, "" wrote: > I'd only use extra as a total last resort as it often results in poor > portability b

Re: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode

2010-07-05 Thread Yateen
Thanks Bill. Do you mean even Postgres also should have thrown errors? My worry is different here. The characters that I am getting are valid contents of a HTTP URL, and my parser is able to parse them and put in database. However, the Django interface is not able to read it. If I am required to a

Re: Problem with L10N of DecimalField

2010-07-05 Thread saboter
Hello, i have the same problem, the decimal field input is not localized by default in admin. (Works in changelist.) So it shows and accepts only dot as decimal separator. It looks that admin doesnt set localize parameter in Field class init. (Its False by default.) I didnt found a ticket exactl

Re: UnicodeDecodeError (ordinal not in range) when deleting an inline item - 1.2.1

2010-07-05 Thread anentropic
Awesome, I had exactly the same problem and by chance we're on Rackspace too. I added the two lines to that file exactly as shown in the Django docs, restarted httpd, and now Sorl can handle thumbnails with unicode chars in them. cheers On Jun 27, 4:44 pm, Federico Capoano wrote: > Thanks for y

Parsing xml containing image - rawImage gif

2010-07-05 Thread Bjørn Høj Jakobsen
I have the following xml. how do I pass the image to a file."; xmlns:xsd=""; xmlns:xsi="http://" xmlns:enc="http://" xmlns:ns0="http:// exception.core.j

Blog Widget in Django

2010-07-05 Thread didier rano
Hi, I've planned to build a blog widget for my Django website ( ). Does exists a Django module/application to help me to manage it ? I think about something like And how to manage Django and django-socialauth authentication with it ? Thanks Didier Ra

Re: Parsing xml containing image - rawImage gif

2010-07-05 Thread Andy McKay
On 2010-07-05, at 8:09 AM, Bjørn Høj Jakobsen wrote: > I have the following xml. how do I pass the image to a file. This isn't really relevant to Django. There are libraries in Python for parsing XML, try using those: There are also SOAP libraries:

Re: Problem with L10N of DecimalField

2010-07-05 Thread saboter
I have mixed models with admin in my example. Sorry. It should be like this: ### [...] class JobForm(ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(JobForm,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.fields['price'].localize = True ... [...] ### ### class

Re: Several translations for the same string

2010-07-05 Thread Nuno Maltez
Have you tried giving the message different IDs and, in the English po file, translating them to the same string while in the italian language file translating to the same string? Silly example: ###it/myapp.po #: .\myapp\ msgid "is active (m)" msgstr "è attivo" #: .\myapp\


2010-07-05 Thread Andi
On Jul 2, 10:44 pm, Bill Freeman wrote: > What might be of help is adding the IP address to /etc/hosts, if you are > on linux. I have the same problem regarding (Firefox 3.6.6 on Ubuntu). Everything works but Firefox using my default profile: host and nslookup succeed in reso

How interate over just a slice of form fields in template? (I tried {% for e in form|slice:":5" %} )

2010-07-05 Thread Chris Seberino
How interate over just a slice of form fields in template? I tried {% for e in form|slice:":5" %} but it appears the slice part is just ignored. cs -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-us.

Re: Blog Widget in Django

2010-07-05 Thread Juan de Dios Manjón Pérez
didier rano escribió: Does exists a Django module/application to help me to manage it ? And how to manage Django and django-socialauth authentication with it ? I am running examples at and it implements a social network project out-of-the-box.

Re: django changes some chracters in on my website

2010-07-05 Thread Sævar Öfjörð
If you are storing un-escaped HTML in your database, you must mark it as safe when you use it in your templates. You can use the safe filter for that: {{ some_variable|safe }} More information: - Sævar On Jul 3, 7:31 pm, davidgp wrot

Re: How interate over just a slice of form fields in template? (I tried {% for e in form|slice:":5" %} )

2010-07-05 Thread Santiago Romero
The slice filter only works on lists and apparently form is not a list, probably a dictionary (that's why you can use form.last_name, for exmaple). May be you find useful the hidden_fields() and visible_fields() functions described here:

etending admin interface

2010-07-05 Thread petrolevo
I want my special admin views extending django admin features as described in page (old book) at this photo. How can i do this with django 1.2. Thanks for replies and sorry f

Re: django changes some chracters in on my website

2010-07-05 Thread davidgp
thanks! it works! my website works now: On Jul 5, 1:09 pm, Sævar Öfjörð wrote: > If you are storing un-escaped HTML in your database, you must mark it > as safe when you use it in your templates. > You can use the safe filter for that: > > {{ some_variable|safe }}

Re: break/continue for templates

2010-07-05 Thread George Sakkis
On Jul 5, 2:25 pm, Torsten Bronger wrote: > Hall chen! > > George Sakkis writes: > > [...] > > > To be honest, I never *had to* do it (in the strict sense) either > > but apparently others did ([1-4]). As for the "just put it in the > > view" argument, remember that until last month this was the >

Re: Problem with L10N of DecimalField

2010-07-05 Thread Simon Westphahl
Hi, I also tried your workaround and it fixes the input issue, but if you edit your model again, the value in the input field is not properly localized (uses a dot as decimal separator). Ticket 13546 (ttp:// seems relevant to our problem. I only wonder why the

problem with ImageField: Errno 45 Operation not supported

2010-07-05 Thread pod_person
I'm new to Django and I've been struggling with getting ImageField to upload images. I have a very simple model that I want to use to store images: class WriteupImage(models.Model): writeup=models.ForeignKey(Writeup) image = models.ImageField(upload_to="writeup/photos/") I have a form wi

Re: Blog Widget in Django

2010-07-05 Thread Daniel Lathrop
There is also django-basic-apps. --- Daniel Lathrop 206.718.0349 (cell) 2010/7/5 Juan de Dios Manjón Pérez > didier rano escribió: > >> Does exists a Django module/application to help me to manage it ? >> And how to mana

Using related models as list-filters in admin

2010-07-05 Thread step
I'm using Photologue 3 (/w Image Kit) and am trying to use a related model as a list-filter in modeladmin. Basically Gallery has a m2m relation to Photo, in the Photo modeladmin I want to be able to sort the images by their related galleries I'm totally stuck. Example from class G

Re: Dynamic data into a form

2010-07-05 Thread JHeasly
Hi Plaoto, The blog post below is about the Admin, but I think the principles may apply to your situation: Runtime ChoiceField filtering in Django’s admin HTH, John On Jul 5, 1:43 am, Plaoto wrote: > Hi all, > >

Cant find django

2010-07-05 Thread Bradley Hintze
I have decided to give django a try despite a previous experience which went bad. I am on Mac OSX 10.6. I used the bitnami-djangostack-1.1.1-2-osx-x86-installer and went to follow the tutorial. I ran the python interactive interpreter and tried to import django wit no luck. I tried to run 'django-a

Re: Cant find django

2010-07-05 Thread Shawn Milochik
The easiest solution I've found is to just install it with pip. Download the tarball for the version you want then run pip install filename. Of course you'll need to prefix that with sudo if you're installing it system-wide, but I recommend virtualenv. I use a Mac for development full-time an

object has no attribute '_state'

2010-07-05 Thread jcage
Hi everyone. I'm quite new to python and django. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this topic : My contains the classes QuestionSet and Question, which inherits the former. In the shell, I define a Question object as follows q1 = Question(script = "How are you?", commen

Re: Cant find django

2010-07-05 Thread Bradley Hintze
I am uninstalling BitNami Django. Where can I get a tarball? (which one should I get? How should I unpack it? How do i install? what is pip? how do I use virtualenv?) All I see is third party packages, I'm guessing that's not what I want?? On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:45 PM, Shawn Milochik wrote: >

Re: Cant find django

2010-07-05 Thread Bradley Hintze
I found that answers most my questions. I'm sure there will be more to come soon. Thanks, Bradley On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Bradley Hintze wrote: > I am uninstalling BitNami Django. > > Where can I get a tarball? (which one should I get? How should I

Re: break/continue for templates

2010-07-05 Thread Torsten Bronger
Hallöchen! George Sakkis writes: > On Jul 5, 2:25 pm, Torsten Bronger > wrote: > >> [...] >> >> People will want to do *everything* in the template.  The lowest >> rated snippet on djangosnippets currently is an {% exec %} >> tag.  :-) > > But then again there is a {% switch %} tag [1] that has

Re: Sample Django AppEngine App

2010-07-05 Thread Mak
Gath, Yes, I'm reading up on Django, but I thought if I can learn Django by hands-on a project that I would eventually be working, then that would be a good start. Thanks for the link, it seems to be exactly what I was looking for. Mak On Jul 2, 11:00 pm, Gath wrote: > Won't it be nice to start

Re: Filter based on result of model method

2010-07-05 Thread Wiiboy
Anyone? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this gr

Re: Filter based on result of model method

2010-07-05 Thread Mark Linsey
Perhaps someone with much more Django experience will correct me, but I am 99% sure that this is impossible. As I understand it, parameters passed to filter() are translated into SQL statements. An arbitrary python method that you write for your object can do any number of things, which might not

WSGI documentation

2010-07-05 Thread Henrik Genssen
can we please add a hint to the docs here: for: WSGIPassAuthorization on or one will never get HTTP_AUTHORIZATION in request.META regards Henrik Henrik Genssen Tel. 0451/6195650 Fax. 0451/6195655 miadi Gmb