On Wed, 2006-10-18 at 23:49 -0700, Steve Wedig wrote:
> I thought I'd post my solution in case anyone faces a similar situation.
> Problem: I am using an intermediate model (R) to represent a
> relationship between models Location and Thread. Given an instance of
> Location, say x, I want the p
Does anybody know of a filter/tag that will return a table list with
rows of an alternate color.
I have a hazy recollection that I've seen this somewhere - but I've
relooked through the documentation and can't seem to find it.
You rec
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 01:56 -0700, MerMer wrote:
> Does anybody know of a filter/tag that will return a table list with
> rows of an alternate color.
> I have a hazy recollection that I've seen this somewhere - but I've
> relooked through the documentation and can't seem to find it.
What you may
On 10/19/06, MerMer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anybody know of a filter/tag that will return a table list with
> rows of an alternate color.
> I have a hazy recollection that I've seen this somewhere - but I've
> relooked through the documentation and can't seem to find it.
> MerMer
I have a templatetag that returns a lists of objects. The problem is I
want to include another information for every object: I want to include
the number of related objects for every object of a ManyToMany
relationship. The model ArtistaTag has a ManyToMany relationship with
Artistas. So I us
Hi folks,
Over the past few months I've been building a personal wiki system in
Django (er... a bit longer than that, it started out pre-MR). It's
slightly different to the Diamanda wiki (http://www.rk.edu.pl/), in
that it's more of an integrated system.
I've released it under the BSD licence, c
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 09:18 +, zenx wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a templatetag that returns a lists of objects. The problem is I
> want to include another information for every object: I want to include
> the number of related objects for every object of a ManyToMany
> relationship. The model Artist
> Hi folks,
> Over the past few months I've been building a personal wiki system in
> Django (er... a bit longer than that, it started out pre-MR). It's
> slightly different to the Diamanda wiki (http://www.rk.edu.pl/), in
> that it's more of
I would certainly look at jquery.com ! it's amazing
Op di, 17-10-2006 te 11:53 -0700, schreef iain duncan:
> I have not dug into either Dojo or Mochikit yet and am wondering if one
> is more suited to Django dev than the other for adding AJAX type bells
> and whistles. Pros and Cons of either?
thanks! just tried that way and everythings works.
Thank you, Malcolm!
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To uns
I've tried to set up a signals.py file in the same directory as my app
At the top of the signals.py I have the following import statement:
from myapp.products.models import Product, Review
The two model classes (Product and Review) both sit in the models.py in
the products directo
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 04:32 -0700, MerMer wrote:
> I've tried to set up a signals.py file in the same directory as my app
> ("products").
> At the top of the signals.py I have the following import statement:
> from myapp.products.models import Product, Review
> The two model classes (Prod
On 10/18/06, adamjspooner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > SOAP is what I was after. If I used SOAPpy could I still import the
> > > django model stuff in the SOAP service script?
> >
> > Take a look at this ticket: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/552
> >
> > It works quite well if you want
Hi there, sorry if this is a repeated question I tried searching and
didn't find any direct answers to my question so any help is
appreciated. Using Django is it possible to have a menu option
populated from a database for example:
I have a menu with the option "Teams" when clicked on it would s
Malcom, many thanks.
I have to admit as a newbie to Python and Django and I dont' fully
understand how "import" works. I just presumed that you put a
reference to any module at the top.
At the top of the product.models.py file I have the following:-
"from mysite.promotions.signals import updat
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 05:21 -0700, DuncanM wrote:
> Hi there, sorry if this is a repeated question I tried searching and
> didn't find any direct answers to my question so any help is
> appreciated. Using Django is it possible to have a menu option
> populated from a database for example:
> I
On 19-Oct-06, at 5:51 PM, DuncanM wrote:
> "Under 11's", "Adults" etc. These team names would be stored in a
> table say called Teams or something similar, is it possible, and easy
> to accomplish so that any changes to the database also reflect in the
> menu.
write a custom template tag.
It looks nice :) does it have diffs ? I see only old versions
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Apologies but
"from mysite.promotions.signals import update_review_average" should
read "from mysite.products.signals import update_review_average"
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django us
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 05:27 -0700, MerMer wrote:
> Malcom, many thanks.
> I have to admit as a newbie to Python and Django and I dont' fully
> understand how "import" works. I just presumed that you put a
> reference to any module at the top.
You can. But you aren't referring to a module, you
Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> However, as suggested in the ticket, you can work around the problem
> by hand writing the schema yourself (or, in your case, inheriting some
> schema from elsewhere), then writing a Django model that replicates
> everything in your schema _except_ the mutliple primary
I've looked through the hosting recommendations on the django site and
can't find any uk based django providers, could anyone suggest any?
I'm also looking for reliable cheap django hosting (based anywhere) if
anyone has some suggestions.
Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos wrote:
> That's it, thanks!
> G
> On 10/19/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Here is a link to the Django Powered Sites:
> >
> >
> > http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/DjangoPoweredSites#Variousapplications
> >
> > Look for WorkStyle. Th
On 10/19/06, flynnguy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, but don't I still need to specify a primary key in django?
Yes you do, but you can nominate any field in your model as the
primary key - you don't have to use 'id'. If you add a
primary_key=True argument to the definition of any field, it
Anybody looking for part-time or full time income from the range of Rs
1,000/- to Rs 50,000/-, please mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Interested people can also call me at 9886218818, Bangalore.
No Educational Qualifications are need in specific. Students are also
allowed in the part-time oppo
> The quick fix here is to replace that line with
> from mysite.promotions import signals
The quick fix here didn't work. I would then get
"update_review_average is undefined."
However, many thanks for the explanation, I'll go through it and if I
have further questions come back.
I am trying to update a Promotion field through a signal sent when a
Review field is updated. Review has a many-to-one relationship with
I must be making some rookie mistake, but I can't work out why its not
working. The code fails to return anything for the line p_qs=
Cycle is interesting (haven't used it), but here's how I do it: Works
well, and it appears to me it may have some advantages over cycle.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To pos
Hello everyone,
There is now a new Django forum at WebFaction.
Even though it is specific to the WebFaction setup, most of the content
can still be useful to the community.
The forum is available here:
WebFaction - Hosting for an agile web
cycle around css class name.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
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I would like to announce a django based online game called Chesspark.
Chesspark is an online chess community. You can chat, play games,
meet new friends, do puzzles, and many other things. The whole
system is built upon Jabber and uses Django for its website.
Django is also used extensively in
All of a sudden I am getting the following errors (see below), when I
try and select "Promotions" from the admin area.
I've no idea what this means or how to fix it... can anybody provide
any suggestions? It's turning into a bad day for me and Django. As
a newbie to Django and Python and and
Add this to core/servers/basehttp.py
import SocketServer, BaseHTTPServer
class HTTPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn,
right before the WSGI server definintion (line 500 or so)
class WSGIServer(HTTPServer):
"""BaseHTTPServer that implements the Pyth
Hi DuncanM,
I'm happy using http://rimuhosting.com/ with a UK based VPS setup.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
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I'm a newbie to the Django/Python environment and have been working
through the tutorials on the project site using the lite server - works
fine. I now want to run the same projects on an Apache server using
mod_python on a Windows PC.
I've followed the installation instructions and have mod_pyth
Hi Duncan,
I have been happy with the US based webfaction.com
On Oct 19, 8:07 am, "DuncanM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've looked through the hosting recommendations on the django site and
> can't find any uk based django providers, could anyone suggest any?
> I'm also looking for r
I've managed to sort it... I had inadvertantly set one of the classes
def __str__(self):
return self.id
which obviously caused the conflict. Apologies for wasting anybody's
You received this message because you are
Could you explain what this is doing?
It looks like you're defining a new HTTPServer class which overrides
the one being used as a parent class to WSGIServer.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I set up comments on my blog and want them to be emailed to me so I
know when I get traffic. Is there something in the comments framework
to do this easily?
I'm looking at the code and PublicFreeCommentManipulators.save()
doesn't have a call to mail_managers(). But I wasn't sure if there
were a
On 10/19/06, kwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi DuncanM,
> I'm happy using http://rimuhosting.com/ with a UK based VPS setup.
+1 for rimu. I have 2 VPS's with them, their support is outstanding,
and the have an Ubuntu VPS image.
You rec
On Oct 19, 2006, at 7:35 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Cycle is interesting (haven't used it), but here's how I do it: Works
> well, and it appears to me it may have some advantages over cycle.
Note that cycle is not restricted to just two rows, you can have as
many alternating colors
On 10/19/06, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I set up comments on my blog and want them to be emailed to me so I
> know when I get traffic. Is there something in the comments framework
> to do this easily?
A while back I wrote up how to do that, and a few other useful hacks
to the commen
James Bennett wrote:
> A while back I wrote up how to do that, and a few other useful hacks
> to the comment system:
> http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/07/16/django-tips-hacking-freecomment
I'll benefit from reading your other tips as well. Akismet is on my
list to figure out as well. Very n
It's actually the same class as before only that it now also inherits
from ThreadingMixIn as well. This overrides one method of the original
class and makes it process each request in a separate thread. See the
docstrings in the SocketServer.py module of your python installation.
It is not a th
This is much less ugly, IMO:
Obviously your version can be changed from 2 to 4 and highlight ever
4th line, but I think that cycle does the job for 99% of people.
> Cycle is interesting (haven't used it), but here's how I do
Just yesterday I switched from webfaction to rimuhosting. Webfaction is really good and really easy to get django started. The control panel is good at installing applications for you if/when you don't fell like going through the install. The reason I switched to rimuhosting is because I also wante
MerMer wrote:
> I must be making some rookie mistake, but I can't work out why its not
> working. The code fails to return anything for the line p_qs=
> Promotion.objects.filter(id=promotion_id) and therefore the index on
> the next line is out of bounds.
> def update_review_average(sender,ins
They're in Texas, not the UK, but here's another vote for
webfaction.com. The limits on long-running processes Chris sites below
are quite fair for webhosts I've looked at, and you can set up
Rails/Mongrel in addition to Django, TurboGears, subversion + Trac over
https, really anything quite easi
I have created several tables in CSV format with globalization data
(G11n). There are tables for countries, areas, languages, countries &
languages, time zones, phones. And they are licensed under a Creative
Commons license.
I created a new di
On 10/19/06, MerMer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The quick fix here is to replace that line with
> >
> > from mysite.promotions import signals
> >
> The quick fix here didn't work. I would then get
> "update_review_average is undefined."
Right, however `signals.update_review_aver
nice. thanks for the help. I'm still getting another error, though.
notice: for anyone doing this and using the search definitions example
of AbstractSearching from Georg's page remember to change the line
from django.models.core import sites
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
to w
Many thanks - exactly what's required. In hindsight its so obvious - I
don't know why I was making such heavy weather of it!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" grou
This is a great contribution! I have been working on the
globalization problem for awhile and may also contribute what I have as
well. I know there are allot of people out there that need, or will
need this functionality. With the global nature of the Django
communtiy, I'm supprised that
I have a strange problem running Django on a GrokThis.net shared
hosting account:
Apache/2.0.59 (Unix)
PostgreSQL 8.1.3
I want to get the maximum and the minimum values of various numbers. Is
the following method the best way to do it?
for tag in q:
num = tag.artista_set.count()
if num_ant:
if num < num_ant:
min_art = num
Is there any interest in a Django field type that will accept and
validate a set of RGB color values? It could be represented in the
Django admin using a Javascript color picker.
Has this been done before? My searches were all for naught.
I followed the B-List article to write better template tags:
So, I've made a blog_posts.py file :
from django.template import Library, Node
from django.db
Hello Django users,
I'm a newby in using django and in need of some help with querying the
Is there a way to combine objects.filter with objects.latest ?
I need that for the following model. In this model there is a
oppurtunity to have multiple lab_id. And also a oppurtunity to have
this is the error I was talking about in the last post I made:
Request Method: GET
Request URL:http://myip/conception/search/
Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value:'NoneType' object has no attribute 'objects'
Exception Location: \stuff\search\hel
On Oct 19, 4:09 pm, "ashwoods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the admin code generates the forms dynamically based on the model. is
> this funcionality "standardized" somehow to use in apps?
If you mean the creation of the HTML for the forms, the answer is no.
Django will, however, create object
I'm trying to add some security features in my application that would
provide the following functionality:
1)Isolate each instance of an object from other users. For example, if
users A, B, & C create schedules, they should only be able to act on
there own schedules by default.
2)Grant Spe
Dear Django Team ;
is there a way that i can make inserting a picture as a drag and drop
ex:If i want to insert a picture in a certain field i have to just drag
and drop it easilly to the place i want and it goes with its path
or at least is there a way that i can see all the pictures th
I have a shared hosting account at GrokThis.net and have a problem with
the module order of the Python search path.
I'd like to use django's svn trunk instead of the
"Django-0.95-py2.4.egg" provided in site-packages.
The problem is that the "django egg" gets preference over the "django
OK, I'm having a silly problem:
In one view I set a property in the user's session.
Then, in the template returned by the same view, a custom template tag
queries the database Session objects and displays a message depending
on the property set before.
However, this doesn't work the first time.
I'm developing an application that will house various statistics for
country by country comparisons. Whats the best way to represent this
data using django's models?
For example, each country is likely to have the same variables, eg pop,
avg age, birth rate, etc. but these variables might ch
Hi, I'm a newbie of django user,
I follow the django document to create custom permissions:
class USCitizen(models.Model):
# ...
class Meta:
permissions = (
("can_drive", "Can drive"),
("can_vote", "Can vote in elections"),
("can_drink", "Can dr
Note: I have tried to post this two other time, but the thread wasn't
added to the group. I apologize if this shows up multiple times on the
list. I just want to make sure that it's being sent out.
the admin code generates the forms dynamically based on the model. is
this funcionality "standardized" somehow to use in apps?
thanks, ashley
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
Thanks Nick!
It has been a work very hard from 2 to 3 months without stopping. But
when it is full integrated in Django I'll feel better and I'll know
that it has been worth the effort.
If you can cantribute in something then join to the group
yes, after remi posted here a while back i took the plunge with
webfaction. I have a couple of sites up and running now and i haven't
had any problems or had to talk to anyone...really excellent stuff
+1 webfaction
Ian Lawrence
Centre for Bioinformatics
hi everybody in this group
i just want from everyone to visit these websites if he -she want to be
happy in the temporal world and in the eternal abode :)
discover Islam yourselves if u want
there is hardly any place on earth today
where Islam is totally unknown.More and more people have become
On Oct 19, 2006, at 5:03 AM, zenx wrote:
> I want to get the maximum and the minimum values of various
> numbers. Is
> the following method the best way to do it?
Python already has min and max functions available. Just feed as many
values in a tuple and it will return the min or max value
> Is there a way to combine objects.filter with objects.latest ?
objects.filter returns a QuerySet:
You received this message because you are subscribed to t
I've been using webfaction for a couple of months, and haven't had
any issues.
their machines stay up, service is prompt and helpful, and the
machines themselves appear lightly loaded too.
what else can u ask for?
On 20/10/2006, at 6:41 AM, ian wrote:
> yes, after remi posted here a
I checked, and it's in /usr/local/pgsql/lib where it belongs.
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"Django users" group.
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Tool69 wrote:
> The problem is that it's returning the first 10 blog entries, not the
> 10 lasts.
Make sure your blog.Post class has an inner Meta class with an ordering
property. See:
Hi Nick.
can you tell me how this is different that the stuff Chris Long
worked on in his branch?
It seems very similar.
On 20/10/2006, at 6:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Note: I have tried to post this two other time, but the thread wasn't
> added to the group. I apologi
It works if I put postgresql in /usr (instead of the default
/usr/local/pgsql). Someone might want to include some documentation
about this.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To p
just tried this but doesn't work:
q = ArtistaTag.objects.all()
for tag in q:
num = tag.artista_set.count()
max_art = max(nums)
min_art = min(nums)
i get a TypeError unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'long' :(
Thanks this was what i was searching for,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
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Hi Ian,
This is very similar to what Chris has done. The issue is that his
code hasn't been merged with Trunk, which puts me in an awkward
position in terms of adopting it for something that is outside the
scope of a test application. I started working on a solution to this
problem a few month
On Oct 19, 2006, at 3:21 PM, zenx wrote:
> hi,
> just tried this but doesn't work:
> q = ArtistaTag.objects.all()
> nums=['']
> for tag in q:
> num = tag.artista_set.count()
> nums.append(num)
> max_art = max(nums)
> min_art = min(nums)
> i get a TypeError unsuppo
zenx wrote:
> hi,
> just tried this but doesn't work:
> q = ArtistaTag.objects.all()
> nums=['']
> for tag in q:
> num = tag.artista_set.count()
> nums.append(num)
> max_art = max(nums)
> min_art = min(nums)
> i get a TypeError unsupported operand type(s) for -: 's
On 20/10/2006, at 9:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> This is very similar to what Chris has done. The issue is that his
> code hasn't been merged with Trunk, which puts me in an awkward
> position in terms of adopting it for something that is outside the
> scope of a test applica
I'd totaly be interested in that. If someone wanted to write the
appropriet code it would also be useful to be able to filter by related
colors somehow.
On Oct 15, 1:03 pm, "inquis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any interest in a Django field type that will accept and
> validate a set of
This sort of thing is asked for time and time again, is there any idea
when Chris' code will be ready?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to djang
On 10/19/06, zenx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to get the maximum and the minimum values of various numbers. Is
> the following method the best way to do it?
The most efficient way would be to use SQL; this way, the min and max
would fall out as the result of a single query.
Hi Will,
Are you using the 0.95 release or the latest development version? If
you are using 0.95 then it has a bug that was fixed in the development
version only a few hours after the 0.95 release was made (0.95 was
branched from changeset 3489 and the bug was fixed it changeset 3490).
Using the
I know almost nothing about setuptools, but you may be able to do:
python setup.py develop
from your svn directory to tell setuptools to use the trunk. Otherwise,
you need to manipulate your python search path either in the shell or
in code.
On Wed, 2006-10-18 at 02:29 +, binberati wrote:
> OperationalError at /
> FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "user_name"
> --
> Surprisingly, I can succesfully connect to the db using either:
> - psql - PostgreSQL int
On Wed, 2006-10-18 at 11:32 +, orestis wrote:
> OK, I'm having a silly problem:
> In one view I set a property in the user's session.
> Then, in the template returned by the same view, a custom template tag
> queries the database Session objects and displays a message depending
> on the pro
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 19:23 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> All,
> I'm trying to add some security features in my application that would
> provide the following functionality:
> 1)Isolate each instance of an object from other users. For example, if
> users A, B, & C create schedules, they s
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 09:45 -0700, Rob Hudson wrote:
> I set up comments on my blog and want them to be emailed to me so I
> know when I get traffic. Is there something in the comments framework
> to do this easily?
> I'm looking at the code and PublicFreeCommentManipulators.save()
> doesn't h
I am using the django trunk (updated roughly twice a week). When I do a
test server run(i usually use apache) it says pre-.96 so I think its
the dev version. In case this might be more helpful here is the last
traceback entry.
# \stuff\search\helpers.py in get_id_list
31. for ro
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 15:12 -0700, carlwenrich wrote:
> It works if I put postgresql in /usr (instead of the default
> /usr/local/pgsql). Someone might want to include some documentation
> about this.
This is a standard system administration issue, not a Django issue and
there is a limit to how l
On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 16:40 -0700, Noah wrote:
> This sort of thing is asked for time and time again, is there any idea
> when Chris' code will be ready?
It's already "ready" and able to be used. Chris keeps his branch in sync
with trunk regularly and is extremely responsive to fixing bugs. It wi
> here is what I hear you saying.
> you'd rather write your own code to do the same/similar thing to what
> chris
> has already done (and also what has a high chance of getting merged
> in the
> coming months).
What I'm trying to say, is that I was working to implement something
that wouldn't i
Malcolm ,
Thanks for you for your contributions, your presence on this project
really makes a positive difference.
> It's already "ready" and able to be used. Chris keeps his branch in sync
> with trunk regularly and is extremely responsive to fixing bugs. It will
> be merged when we have had a
Ian brought up the same point, and I tried to address it on the
"Third Attempt" version of this thread. I was having difficulty
posting threads to Google Groups, and ended up with multiple posts.
Again I apologize for that.
Hi All,
RajeshD gave me a great pointer to the unique_together directive. So
I tried it in my model:
class Scripture( models.Model ):
book = models.CharField (maxlength = 2, choices = constants.BIBLE_BOOKS)
chapter = models.IntegerField ()
from_verse = models.IntegerField ()
1 - 100 of 104 matches
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