Just yesterday I switched from webfaction to rimuhosting. Webfaction is really good and really easy to get django started. The control panel is good at installing applications for you if/when you don't fell like going through the install. The reason I switched to rimuhosting is because I also wanted to start working on a rails application with a mongrel cluster while keeping my django install. Rimuhosting gives you VPS with root access to your own linux distro(you can pick between 5) while webfaction puts limits on the number of "long" services you can have.

If this is your first time with a django server I would advise going with webfaction for ease of use and the screencast they have for django.


On 10/19/06, sjzabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Duncan,
I have been happy with the US based webfaction.com


On Oct 19, 8:07 am, "DuncanM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I've looked through the hosting recommendations on the django site and
> can't find any uk based django providers, could anyone suggest any?
> I'm also looking for reliable cheap django hosting (based anywhere) if
> anyone has some suggestions.
> Thanks,
> DuncanM


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