On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Ed Criscuolo
> I just tried to use a new RFX2200 daughterboard in a USRP1 with
> the latest stable release GnuRadio 3.3.0, and it didn't recognize it.
> Usrp_probe reported a Name of "Unknown (0x002C)".
> What's the deal here? Do I need to go to the latest
On 12/9/10 4:07 PM, Jason Abele wrote:
Looks like the rfx2200 code for usrp1 is incomplete. I have attached
a patch that should apply rfx2200 support to any gnuradio tree>=
Thanks Jason! You're a lifesaver! I've got a pending delivery
in the next week or so that depends on this. I'll
I just tried to use a new RFX2200 daughterboard in a USRP1 with
the latest stable release GnuRadio 3.3.0, and it didn't recognize it.
Usrp_probe reported a Name of "Unknown (0x002C)".
What's the deal here? Do I need to go to the latest development
version to get it to recognize this card? If so,