On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Ed Criscuolo
<edward.l.criscu...@nasa.gov> wrote:
> I just tried to use a new RFX2200 daughterboard in a USRP1 with
> the latest stable release GnuRadio 3.3.0, and it didn't recognize it.
> Usrp_probe reported a Name of "Unknown (0x002C)".
> What's the deal here? Do I need to go to the latest development
> version to get it to recognize this card?  If so, that's a
> problem, as we really want to stick with the release version
> for configuration management reasons.
> If I can't use 3.3.0 as-is, what are my options?  Is there a patch
> for 3.3.0 to use this board?

Looks like the rfx2200 code for usrp1 is incomplete.  I have attached
a patch that should apply rfx2200 support to any gnuradio tree >=

Alternately, I have a git branch (rfx2200) here:

Finally, if you want the hackish, no software update option, just use

to program the rfx2200 as an rfx2400_mimo_b, but tune it to 2G-2.4G
and it will work

I'll work on getting the rfx2200 update applied to maint/master/next
at gnuradio.org


Attachment: 0001-Correct-rfx2000-support.patch
Description: Binary data

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