I added the ~/.gnuradio/config.conf file (previously not existing), with
following lines
The only difference is I can see is a new [RFNoC] option under [UHD] menu,
but there are no b
Hi Vishwesh,
you **must** make sure that the GNU Radio that is used to build
gr-ettus, to build your OOT and to run GRC are the same.
Otherwise, a lot of conflicts will arise, which will be specific to your
PC, and we can't do anything about that; so please make sure you've only
got one copy of G
Sorry for my late response. Luckily you can create/modify the configuration
file to tell grc where the blocks are. Please take a look at [1] where the
process is explained, PyBOMBS sets up environmental variables, which are
the method 3, but does it automatically.
Please let us know if
Sorry but I don't know what you mean by "reconfigure your grc to look for
the path where your blocks are, or reconfigure your block installation path
to install at the location where gnuradio is looking for them. Or use the
grc that you installed with that recipe"... as in the steps to do that
Hello Vishwesh,
that recipe installs gnuradio in your path too. I believe that if you run
grc from from that prefix, your blocks will be picked up. The gnuradio from
the prefix has the env_var GRC_BLOCKS_DIR setup so that it is included
within the PyBOMBS prefix.
On the other hand, when you open
I understand but sourcing the setup_env.sh file isn't working for me
unfortunately at this time. Previously on a different machine this was what
seemed to have solved the issue.
I did use PyBOMBS for installation, this is the exact sequence of commands:
sudo pip install PyBOMBS
pybombs recipes
Hello Vishwesh,
I believe that in this case it is only a matter of where the blocks are
installed, and where grc is looking for them. When you install OOT modules
(gr-ettus is itself an OOT module for RFNoC) it also has an installation
path, where GRC is going to be looking for the blocks that are
I'm unable to view RFNoC blocks in gnuradio-companion (in the block list on
the right side). Sometimes I can view them, under (unspecified) → uhd →
rfnoc but sometimes I can't for some reason. I have sourced
rfnoc/setup_env.sh which I believe had solved the problem previously. Does
anyone know