
I added the ~/.gnuradio/config.conf file (previously not existing), with
following lines

The only difference is I can see is a new [RFNoC] option under [UHD] menu,
but there are no blocks there.
This new option came up on adding the
"/home/vrege/rfnoc/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks/" path to local_blocks_path

I also tried method 1 and method 3:


cp rfnoc/share/uhd/rfnoc/blocks/* .grc_gnuradio/

But unfortunately no luck with these either.


On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 8:27 AM, Nicolas Cuervo <nicolas.cue...@ettus.com>

> Vishwesh,
> Sorry for my late response. Luckily you can create/modify the
> configuration file to tell grc where the blocks are. Please take a look at
> [1] where the process is explained, PyBOMBS sets up environmental
> variables, which are the method 3, but does it automatically.
> Please let us know if this works for you.
> Cheers,
> -N
> [1] http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/
> GNURadioCompanion#Installing-the-XML-Block-Definition
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 11:42 AM, Vishwesh Rege <vrege2...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry but I don't know what you mean by "reconfigure your grc to look for
>> the path where your blocks are, or reconfigure your block installation path
>> to install at the location where gnuradio is looking for them. Or use the
>> grc that you installed with that recipe"... as in the steps to do that?
>> I installed gnuradio separately because gnuradio-companion wasn't running
>> (command not found error) when I tried to execute it from the command line.
>> Thanks,
>> Vishwesh
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 2:04 AM, Nicolas Cuervo <nicolas.cue...@ettus.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hello Vishwesh,
>>> that recipe installs gnuradio in your path too. I believe that if you
>>> run grc from from that prefix, your blocks will be picked up. The gnuradio
>>> from the prefix has the env_var GRC_BLOCKS_DIR setup so that it is included
>>> within the PyBOMBS prefix.
>>> On the other hand, when you open the GRC that you installed via apt-get,
>>> at the top of your output, I would suspect that you get something like:
>>>    Block paths:
>>>        /usr/local/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks
>>> (or something alike), which is a system location and the stuff that you
>>> install and configure via PyBOMBS are not supposed to be installed there,
>>> but only in the prefix. If that is so, you'd have to reconfigure your grc
>>> to look for the path where your blocks are, or reconfigure your block
>>> installation path to install at the location where gnuradio is looking for
>>> them. Or use the grc that you installed with that recipe, which should just
>>> work.
>>> Is there a reason why you separately installed gnuradio from the package
>>> manager? As I said, you could use all the resources from the rfnoc.lwr
>>> recipe that you are using (which are UHD, GNURadio, gr-ettus and the fpga
>>> repo)
>>> Cheers,
>>> - N
>>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Vishwesh Rege <vrege2...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I understand but sourcing the setup_env.sh file isn't working for me
>>>> unfortunately at this time. Previously on a different machine this was what
>>>> seemed to have solved the issue.
>>>> I did use PyBOMBS for installation, this is the exact sequence of
>>>> commands:
>>>> sudo pip install PyBOMBS
>>>> pybombs recipes add gr-recipes git+https://github.com/gnuradi
>>>> o/gr-recipes.git
>>>> pybombs recipes add ettus git+https://github.com/EttusRe
>>>> search/ettus-pybombs.git
>>>> pybombs prefix init ~/rfnoc -R rfnoc
>>>> source ~/rfnoc/setup_env.sh
>>>> and gnuradio using apt-get install...
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Vishwesh
>>>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 1:26 AM, Nicolas Cuervo <
>>>> nicolas.cue...@ettus.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Vishwesh,
>>>>> I believe that in this case it is only a matter of where the blocks
>>>>> are installed, and where grc is looking for them. When you install OOT
>>>>> modules (gr-ettus is itself an OOT module for RFNoC) it also has an
>>>>> installation path, where GRC is going to be looking for the blocks that 
>>>>> are
>>>>> available, and the ones that are found are going to be listed there. I
>>>>> believe, from what you wrote in your email, that you are using PyBOMBS, 
>>>>> and
>>>>> the PyBOMBS environment is really helpful in cases lake this one. Before
>>>>> setting up the environment it would be expected that the blocks are not
>>>>> found, as the enviromental variables that describe their location haven't
>>>>> been set. By sourcing the env, all the things that where installed with
>>>>> PyBOMBS are described with the environmental variables, and the the RFNoC
>>>>> blocks can be found.
>>>>> That is, you have to source your setup_env.sh every time that you want
>>>>> to use something from that given prefix. The reason why this is not done
>>>>> automatically (which is also the reason why it is not recommended to do
>>>>> so), is because you can set up multiple prefixes, each with a completely
>>>>> different configuration, which you can pull just by sourcing the
>>>>> setup_env.sh file.
>>>>> I hope this answers your question. Please let us know if further
>>>>> clarification is required.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> -N
>>>>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 8:16 AM, Vishwesh Rege <vrege2...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'm unable to view RFNoC blocks in gnuradio-companion (in the block
>>>>>> list on the right side). Sometimes I can view them, under (unspecified) →
>>>>>> uhd → rfnoc but sometimes I can't for some reason. I have sourced
>>>>>> rfnoc/setup_env.sh which I believe had solved the problem previously. 
>>>>>> Does
>>>>>> anyone know the solution?
>>>>>> Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
>>>>>> Vishwesh
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>>>> --
>>>> Vishwesh Rege
>>>> +1 (858) 729-4157 <(858)%20729-4157> | vr...@ucsd.edu |
>>>> https://sites.google.com/site/vishweshrege
>> --
>> Vishwesh Rege
>> +1 (858) 729-4157 <(858)%20729-4157> | vr...@ucsd.edu |
>> https://sites.google.com/site/vishweshrege

Vishwesh Rege
+1 (858) 729-4157 | vr...@ucsd.edu |
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