The payload field contains the sequence numbers of packets consumed by the
USRP's DUC. As a note, you may need to reorder the bytes (uhd::ntohx). I'm
handling the messages in C++, so I'm not too sure about the swig. My source
reads the messages and calculates the number of samples consumed by
Thanks Jordan, this is super helpful.
I made the uhd/gr-uhd changes that josh suggested and using the following
code snippet. I now can see EVENT_CODE_BURST_ACK (event code == 0)
messages coming back from UHD at approximately 30msec intervals.
self.async_msgq = gr.msg_queue(0)
Hi Phelps,
I've been dealing with latency issues of my own, and this seems to be the best
solution so far (big thanks to Josh!):
The nice thing about this method is that it allows you to manage buffering at a
system level
I created a block which in the work(), sits in select on a udp socket with
a timeout of 10msec. In the event it times out rather than getting a read
signal, a pattern of noutput_items is written. In the event it receives
data from the udp socket, the udp dgram is copied to the output items