Thanks Jordan, this is super helpful. I made the uhd/gr-uhd changes that josh suggested and using the following code snippet. I now can see EVENT_CODE_BURST_ACK (event code == 0) messages coming back from UHD at approximately 30msec intervals.
self.async_msgq = gr.msg_queue(0) self.uhd_amsg_source_0 = uhd.amsg_source("addr=", self.async_msgq) self.async_rcv = gru.msgq_runner(self.async_msgq, self.async_callback) def async_callback(self, msg): md = self.uhd_amsg_source_0.msg_to_async_metadata_t(msg) print "Channel: %i Time: %f Event: %i" % (, md.time_spec.get_real_secs(), md.event_code) In josh's example he sets the user_payload field with presumably a buffer occupancy value. I'm getting lost in the swiggyness here and can't figure out how to print a value of type <Swig Object of type 'uint_fast16_t *' at 0x9894188> any suggestions there? I'm guessing what you are doing is writing a block which handles messages and in the event the occupancy drops below a certain amount, you write more source data out. On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Jordan Otomo <> wrote: > Hi Phelps, > > I've been dealing with latency issues of my own, and this seems to be the > best solution so far (big thanks to Josh!): > > > > The nice thing about this method is that it allows you to manage buffering > at a system level as opposed to per-block. I've been able to limit my > latency to about 50 ms, but you can probably do better depending on how > much processing you're doing. Hope this works for you! > > Jordan > > > On Apr 22, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Phelps Williams wrote: > > I created a block which in the work(), sits in select on a udp socket with > a timeout of 10msec. In the event it times out rather than getting a read > signal, a pattern of noutput_items is written. In the event it receives > data from the udp socket, the udp dgram is copied to the output items > vector. This flowgraph ends with a UHD USRP sink. > > I am consistently observing latency through my flow graph of around 2 - > 2.5sec. The total latency doesn't appear to be dependent on the sample > rate (I've tested 1Msps and 2Msps). When intentionally underruning the > flow graph by setting set_max_noutput_items to less than 10msec of samples, > the latency through the graph is between 80msec and 200msec. > Intentionally underrunning UHD isn't an option for my application as an > intermittent modulated signal from the USRP causes issues. > > I am attempting to use the global (via gr.top_block.start()) and block > specific max_noutput_items settings to limit the total amount of latency in > my flow graph but this doesn't appear to be the primary source of latency. > > My suspicion is that UHD or the USRP has a transmit buffer which is the > source of my problem. I tried messing with the send_buff_size and > recv_buff_size specified here: > but these > didn't seem to make any impact. > > I played with setting set_max_noutput_items on the source block to the > exact value expected during the 10msec select timeout in my custom source > block. This works for a while but occasionally underruns. Also as udp > traffic moves through the block, the total amount of latency slowly > increases. It also seems wrong to throttle the flowgraph at both the > source and the sink. Much like it is problematic to use a throttle with a > UHD source or sink block. set_max_noutput_items doesn't seem like the > right solution for this problem. > > Decreasing GR_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE in gr_flat_flowgraph makes a significant > improvement but it isn't a viable option for my application because it is a > universal setting for all gnuradio based radios running on my system. Some > of which require the default buffer size to operate efficiently. > > There has been a little discussion of this topic on the mailing list in > the past but I haven't found examples that include UHD / USRP with a > flowgraph that isn't intentionally underrunning (ie with a typical UDP > source block). > > I have messed with the maximum socket buffer sizes allowed by linux. The > uhd recommended config and much smaller variations don't appear to make an > impact to this latency. > $ sudo sysctl net.core.rmem_max > net.core.rmem_max = 50000000 > $ sudo sysctl net.core.wmem_max > net.core.wmem_max = 1048576 > > For reference I am running: > UHD 003.005.002 > Gnuradio > > *tl;dr* > My expectation is that there is a buffer UHD is attempting to maintain, > when this buffer gets low, it triggers upstream work operations in the > flowgraph to refill this buffer. Is this not the case? How can I > manipulate the size of this buffer? Is there any way to confirm the size > of this buffer? > > Thanks! > > -Phelps > _______________________________________________ > Discuss-gnuradio mailing list > > > > >
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