Hi All
I am a beginner to the GNU Radio world ...so i apologize ahead if i am taking
much of your precious time.
I am trying to transfer data between two PCs running Ubuntu9.04 gnuradio 3.2.2
using a wired channel via sound cards.Looking in the mail list archive i found
a similar topic but wi
Hi All
I haven't receive my USRP yet so i am trying to make some simple, USRP
independenent applications.
I want to implment FSK modulator by transfering a signal between two laptops
using the sound card ,the problem is i get syntax error when using the block
gr.not_bb() when trying to i
Hi all
I'm quite new to the GNU Radio world ,so please pardon me if i am asking silly
I successfully installed Gnuradio 3.1.3 on Ubuntu Hurdy 8.05 platform and
managed to run the "Hello world " example along with several USRP independent
examples.I am planning to make a simpl