Hi All

I am a beginner to the GNU Radio world ...so i apologize ahead if i am taking 
much of your precious time.

I am trying to transfer data between two PCs running Ubuntu9.04 gnuradio 3.2.2 
using a wired channel via sound cards.Looking in the mail list archive i found 
a similar topic but with no replies. 

My target is to implement  an OFDM Transceiver over wired channel using 
gnuradio (ADSL modem).At this time i managed to send signals through the sound 
card using NBFM Transmitter but i can't acquire any Rx signal at the 
destenation PC  Line in.

I need to know how to deal with sound cards to be able to exchange data between 
the source and destination.

Thanks in advance

Ahmed H Fayez
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