Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Channel Model block - Epsilon effect on band edges

2015-06-18 Thread Murphy, John
, Murphy, John wrote: > On further thought, not all resamplers need filters. In fact this may > be about the ideal case where a resampler does not need a filter. > If you are resampling a signal that does extend fully to the band > edge, and your resample ratio is close enough to un

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Channel Model block - Epsilon effect on band edges

2015-06-18 Thread Murphy, John
On further thought, not all resamplers need filters. In fact this may be about the ideal case where a resampler does not need a filter. If you are resampling a signal that does extend fully to the band edge, and your resample ratio is close enough to unity to avoid aliasing at the target new rate,

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Channel Model block - Epsilon effect on band edges

2015-06-17 Thread Murphy, John
Murphy On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Tom Rondeau wrote: > On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Murphy, John > wrote: >> >> Any signal must be correct just because it is different? >> I am talking about pretty severe amplitude effects (several 10'

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Channel Model block - Epsilon effect on band edges

2015-06-17 Thread Murphy, John
; Then should you expect phase and frequency effects? > > > > > > > > On 2015-06-17 11:59, Murphy, John wrote: > > Questions about the Channel Model block from gr::channels::channel_model > > Noiose Voltage and Frequency Offset work as expected. > I've be

[Discuss-gnuradio] Channel Model block - Epsilon effect on band edges

2015-06-17 Thread Murphy, John
Questions about the Channel Model block from gr::channels::channel_model Noiose Voltage and Frequency Offset work as expected. I've been using a Seed of 0 and no multipath so Taps of 1+0i. Have not seen any issue there although one does have to be careful to not use Taps of just 1 for whatever rea

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] undefined symbol: _ZNK7QwtPlot5printEP8QPainterRK5QRectRK18QwtPlotPrintFilter

2015-06-15 Thread Murphy, John
wrote: > On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 12:35 PM, Murphy, John > wrote: >> >> Not sure which prereq lib it was anymore - it was a couple days ago >> and I thought I had gone past the problem. I could guess it was >> something libqwt5 maybe? And it was a case of a failure to ov

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] undefined symbol: _ZNK7QwtPlot5printEP8QPainterRK5QRectRK18QwtPlotPrintFilter

2015-06-12 Thread Murphy, John
Not sure which prereq lib it was anymore - it was a couple days ago and I thought I had gone past the problem. I could guess it was something libqwt5 maybe? And it was a case of a failure to overwrite the deb archive of which there a ton of examples on the web, almost always resolved using the forc

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-13 Thread Murphy, John
hat would be nice to know, so if you have more blocks in your graph how would go about figuring out what to change this to for that, etc? Must be something far better than trial and error to apply here. John Murphy On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Murphy, John wrote: >

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-11 Thread Murphy, John
phy On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Murphy, John wrote: > Marcus et al, > > Had to drop this to do some work on another project yesterday, but > still want to pursue this just a little further if you don't mind, > because the numbers you are giving all look

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-09 Thread Murphy, John
Marcus et al, Had to drop this to do some work on another project yesterday, but still want to pursue this just a little further if you don't mind, because the numbers you are giving all look to me like it should be able to be made to work. You found my SDD sequential sustained write speed of 69

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-07 Thread Murphy, John
So /dev/null works, I do not know what that really says about this though. Is there a difference between using dev/null and just running any non-disk-write flowgraph? Because I know I can run a flowgraph at 16 MS/s decimated to 8 MS/s, with never a single O even for hours of operation. With 16 GByt

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-07 Thread Murphy, John
The sequential rates I gave are the published rates for the SSD. Maybe (probably?) specsmanship, sure. But since it does mostly keep up, isn't this a case of just needing the correct buffer set-up to allow it to ride through the worst of the hiccups? I am going to have to find and figure out how t

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-07 Thread Murphy, John
For the record and completeness I tried again with just the complex int16 USRP Source and File Sink, setting "Unbuffered = off", and it still bahaved the same. It may matter but it is not enough to make a noticeable difference in this case. - John On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 2:27 PM, wrote: > Leave

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-07 Thread Murphy, John
Hi Marcus, I am using num_recv_frames=512 but I have no idea why 512 or what the ideal value should be for a system that has a lion's share of 16 GB of RAM to burn. In terms of the disk hardware sequential writes are up to 520 MBytes/sec. While there may still be some moments where things fall beh

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-07 Thread Murphy, John
On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Murphy, John wrote: > Transition bandwidth is sloppy, double the (sample rate minus > two-sided passband width), or in this case something on the order of > 1/4 the input sample rate. Okay, actually I do have a tighter width, because with the decimatio

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-07 Thread Murphy, John
On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 1:01 PM, wrote: > If you want high file-write performance, leave it in buffered mode. > Also, a 175-tap filter, running at 16Msps is going to chew up a lot of CPU. > How about a simple low-pass filter, decim=2? Make the transition bandwidth > fairly sloppy. > Or alterna

[Discuss-gnuradio] UHD USRP Source for B2x0 overflows File Sink

2015-05-07 Thread Murphy, John
How would I best set up a UHD Source block for USRP B2x0 devices to output to a flowgraph that uses a File Sink block to write to disk without overflows (and how would I best set up the File Sink block)? This is the attached system hardware, dedicated to GR... Gigabyte GB-BXi7-4770R Brix Pro PC Cr

[Discuss-gnuradio] QT GUI Text Panel for my custom C++ block

2015-04-30 Thread Murphy, John
So... I just want to say a public "thanks" to Volker Schroer for his work on the gr-display module. It is not only functional, but the part of it that handles the QT displays is separated enough, and simple enough, to make it seem like a usable exemplar of how to handle basic QT GUI programming in

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-display-master install (was Re: Writing text to a QT GUI Window)

2015-04-20 Thread Murphy, John
? is the top-evel PREFIX into which GR is installed. In your case, this would be /usr/local, so you'd cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Murphy, John wrote: > On mine that was /usr/local/bin. ___

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-display-master install (was Re: Writing text to a QT GUI Window)

2015-04-20 Thread Murphy, John
uler to connect to this has to be a multiple of the existing output rate of my block (guessing I can vectorize the chars coming out and use a Vector to Stream to input them into the Text Sink?). On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Murphy, John wrote: > What is meant by ""? > > On m

[Discuss-gnuradio] gr-display-master install (was Re: Writing text to a QT GUI Window)

2015-04-20 Thread Murphy, John
In the gr-display-master README file under "2. Installation" when it states... $cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= ../ What is meant by ""? gnuradio gets installed across many directories, to which does this refer? Sorry for the noob question, I never had to use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX before just usin

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Copying OOT blocks to a different system

2015-03-31 Thread Murphy, John
Thanks Marcus, that worked. And it is much simpler. - John From: Marcus Müller you shouldn't use gr_modtool to create a new module on your destination system -- just take your OOT's folder, and copy it over to the destination system, deleting/omitting your build folder. Then rebuild and install

[Discuss-gnuradio] Copying OOT blocks to a different system

2015-03-31 Thread Murphy, John
Hello again GNU Radio'ers, We are trying to copy an OOT module with custom C++ blocks from one system to another. We've done this successfully before where the systems were nearly exact copies, but now we are trying to do this between systems that are different, in this particular case the source

[Discuss-gnuradio] QT GUI Update Rates for Vector vs Number Sink

2015-03-30 Thread Murphy, John
My GRC flowgraph has a block that outputs a float and a vector of floats, at a rate of approx 1.49 updates per second. These go to a QT GUI Vector Sink and a QT GUI Number Sink. The number sink has a graph type of "None" so it is just showing the number. When I calculate and enter the actual updat

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Changing GUI Sink block params on the fly from a custom C++ block?

2015-03-19 Thread Murphy, John
Thanks, got it. John Murphy On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Tom Rondeau wrote: > On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Murphy, John wrote: >> >> Hello GNU Radio'ers, >> >> I have a GRC flowgraph with a custom C++ block that feeds a stream o

[Discuss-gnuradio] Changing GUI Sink block params on the fly from a custom C++ block?

2015-03-19 Thread Murphy, John
Hello GNU Radio'ers, I have a GRC flowgraph with a custom C++ block that feeds a stream of vectors of floats to the QT GUI Vector Sink. Which particular internal vector of floats gets streamed out of the custom C++ block is set on the fly from a QT GUI Chooser. I am using the autoscale on the QT G

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] QT widget to adjust integer values on the fly

2015-03-18 Thread Murphy, John
Ah! Thanks, Tom, that works. > In the meantime, you can cast it yourself when you use it. Say your Range > block variable is "var", when you pass it to a block, say "int(var)" to cast > it to an integer. > Just remember that all of the edit boxes for parameters in GRC are Python, > so you can put

[Discuss-gnuradio] QT widget to adjust integer values on the fly

2015-03-18 Thread Murphy, John
I have a GRC flowgraph that includes a custom C++ block which dumps custom vectors out a port, so I use the QT GUI Vector Sink to display these. The block also requires integer params which I need to adjust while the flowgraph is running. I have a problem, because as near as I can tell... a) QT GU

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Set QT GUI 'extras' from GRC?

2014-08-14 Thread Murphy, John
Well, that is great news, looking forward to it along with a lot of other things I have seen on 3.7.4 descriptions. Fedora 20 repo has 3.7.3, even Ettus has a 3.7.3 from April 29 as their most recent. Only places I find with 3.7.4 rpm's are builds for rawhide or others which are Fedora 22. John M