I'm using GNU Radio in a test framework to test a physical Sub-GHz
transceiver. The setup is GNU Radio with a flow graph in
Python that uses an osmosdr sink to push samples to a BladeRF in order
to simulate FSK packets. Once the flow graph is set up, I just call
self.start() and self.wa
Hello Matt
Matt Ettus wrote:
> Mike,
> Doe your USRP have a serial number below 500? I know you've been a
> longtime user, so yours may be that old. If so, the WBX won't work
> for you since USRPs under #500 do not send a clock to the
> daughterboard, and the WBX needs one.
I seem to h
Hello Ravi
> Sampling rate is 2.048Msps. When I analyze every DAB frame captured, I see
> that in total the whole frame has shortage of 9 to 10 samples. There could
> be a very high possibility due to ADC clock drift when we capture the data
> from DAB generator and digitize it.
Sounds reasona
Hello Ravi
Ravi Trivedi wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to implement synchronization of DAB receiver in matlab. I
> have been facing some problems when I test the matlab receiver code for
> real time streams.
> First issue is sampling rate estimation problem. I see that real time
> fra